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AlaskaSaints 12-03-2013 02:06 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Yep. At the game.

I told you these M'F'rs were classless.


Halo 12-03-2013 02:11 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 555684)
Yep. At the game.

I told you these M'F'rs were classless.


Did you get a name, a phone photo of the perps, did they get arrested or anything? I'd love for you to tell me they got pinched.

Crusader 12-03-2013 02:51 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I just don't get that kind of stuff. When does sports get serious enough to punch somebody over? Or like that shooting among Bama fans the other day. What the hell is wrong with people.

WHODATINCA 12-03-2013 02:57 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
While I don't want to get into a political debate -- I think violence in movies, video games and TV play a big role. Also, where are the good sportsmanship role models? We certainly seem to have lost some decency in America since the 50s.

Crusader 12-03-2013 03:05 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 555698)
While I don't want to get into a political debate -- I think violence in movies, video games and TV play a big role. Also, where are the good sportsmanship role models? We certainly seem to have lost some decency in America since the 50s.

Thats not only in America my friend.

DISPLACEDFAN 12-03-2013 03:07 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 555698)
While I don't want to get into a political debate -- I think violence in movies, video games and TV play a big role. Also, where are the good sportsmanship role models? We certainly seem to have lost some decency in America since the 50s.

I couldn't agree with you more on this I tell this to my wife all the time. I blame the 60's and all those drugs the hippies were doing now they run the country. Go figure .Don't worry I blame my fellow Gen-Xer's too for making these violent video games

WHODATINCA 12-03-2013 03:22 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!

Originally Posted by DISPLACEDFAN (Post 555702)
I couldn't agree with you more on this I tell this to my wife all the time. I blame the 60's and all those drugs the hippies were doing now they run the country. Go figure .Don't worry I blame my fellow Gen-Xer's too for making these violent video games

Um, from what I can tell, the hippies were into "peace, love and understanding", into stopping the Vietnam war, into working for civil rights and were too stoned to be violent. And, if you think that hippies are running the country, you need to check your TV station. Obama, and even Clinton, are not even close to "hippies" or are even anything approaching being liberals. They are at best center-right, given the gigantic right-wing shift this country has taken. Most people don't realize that Ronald Reagan, today, would be considered a centrist and Dwight Eisenhower ( a Republican ) would be definitely be considered a flaming liberal.

Blast away, DF. I won't respond ( otherwise, we will get dinged for turning this into a political rant ).

TheOak 12-03-2013 09:52 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 555698)
While I don't want to get into a political debate -- I think violence in movies, video games and TV play a big role. Also, where are the good sportsmanship role models? We certainly seem to have lost some decency in America since the 50s.

I am 43; when I was a kid I watched Mid South wrestling, played cops and robbers with cap guns, watched A Clockwork Orange, saw the Coyote blown up... dropped an anvil on... hit by a train.. all as he chased the Roadrunner.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, all very violent films of the 1970s.

So you will have to excuse me if I do not buy into the whole video games and movies spiel.

What has changed about American culture since the 1960's hippie movement is the "express your self" theory. The act out or show what is going on inside culture that there are rights associated with the unabated expression of inner rage or angst. Some people have zero filter and should never be allowed to act upon their impulses.

We have transitioned from a "there are some things you to not say or do in public", to "let it all hang out!"... "be heard!". Feelings are volatile enough in people with no chemical imbalance, much less the large percentage running around with bad chemistry. What used to be very bad form that was frowned upon is not rewarded with "you tell em"!

Children are the absolute worst victims of this. I for one would have never yelled and pitched a fit at my parents when i was a kid, much less in public. Now we have 14 year olds whipping their grandmothers arse.

Society is going to sh1t and it is not being driven by a movie or a game. its being driven by the parents.

TheOak 12-03-2013 09:55 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
This is as much rage as I can post about the game last night.

I would rather watch the Saints lose 34-7 to the Seahawks than watch basketball. We have 4 regular season games left and I am going to watch and cherish each and everyone that I can regardless of the outcome.

BTW. When you vent here, Falcons fans past this back to their boards and call you sh1tty fans... Sound Familiar?

K Major 12-03-2013 10:12 AM

Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 555800)
Children are the absolute worst victims of this. I for one would have never yelled and pitched a fit at my parents when i was a kid, much less in public. Now we have 14 year olds whipping their grandmothers arse.

Society is going to sh1t and it is not being driven by a movie or a game. its being driven by the parents.

+1 boy you are telling me... I remember those days very well.

As for the parents, I see this first hand as an assistant soph level (6-8 year olds) football coach. Some of these parents are the worst.


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