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I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad....
Re: I'm so mad....
Honestly, this game was like playing madden when the game decides that it doesn't like you and your receivers drop every single pass and for what ever reason your o-line stands around like full retards.
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I half expected the outcome - just not the pitiful effort.
On to the Carolina game. You're talking I will be PO'ed if we drop the next one. Just lock up the NFC South (#2 seed will come with it). We'll take these guys next time - assuming they survive SF or Carolina in the playoffs |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
madd? humiliated is more like it
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
a few things
3 three and outs sealed or doom, I knew it once we didn't get the ball @ half... I hate that.... -Corey White.... is gashing us.... missed an interception, gave up a touch on a crossing route where he got picked off.... #callnnamdi -Jenkins still can't cover, and Roman back full for the first time in a while was a liability... - where was sproles the whole first half - Rob's calls against Russell were atrocious....In that Empty coverage call I would have rathered Vaccaro back there than Jenkins - Ed Hoculi's crew is by far the worst.... We stop them first drive of the second half..... He calls hands to the face then holding forcing a punt... No other calls against us for the rest of the game... Because it was over.... Then he's huddling the officials on every play and changing the calls.... Holding a ref called in the third... huddle... no flag on the play. but a flag was thrown... silly bull - less substitutions on the road, you can barely hear and everybody must hear the same thing.... I take my chances on the road with the best four recievers we have and sproles or pierre in the backfield. - No shotgun until it was over....... |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
No rage needed could've been worse we hurt ourselves more than they hurt us.. that pick 6 gave them momentum and they never gave it back. Lets hope Carolina wasn't looking at the game to see us fall on our face.
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Son of Choupique!!!!!!!!
:brood: |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
^this will be me for the next 3 days
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
we looked stupid, and every dumb ass SEA fan just got months of forum fodder. Worst game ever for fans and boys. Saints were embarressed on national TV, pretty simple. Now I have to go threw 30 forums and do damage control.
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I could have lived without the cat abuse image. Around here, I think we are partial to cats ( except Panthers or Lions (sorry Slo)).
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Hey, there's my next signature: "Who Dats: Humble in our wins... Intelligent and classy in our losses." Dear God, how do you think you are going to do "damage control" on other forums? Here's a hint: Find something more productive to do. |
Re: I'm so mad....
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
However you spell it embarrassing is the best way to describe the game.
Embarrassment From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Embarrassment is an emotional state of intense discomfort with oneself, experienced upon having a socially unacceptable act or condition witnessed by or revealed to others. Usually some amount of loss of honor or dignity is involved, but how much and the type depends on the embarrassing situation. It is similar to shame, except that shame may be experienced for an act known only to oneself. Also, embarrassment usually carries the connotation of being caused by an act that is merely socially unacceptable, rather than morally wrong. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Im more than willing to indulge into this simpleton part of your brain............. ..dude. Otherwise why not keep the mouth shut. Thats pretty much your smartest move at this point. Hope you dont. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Well, my wife got punched in the face going to pee.
Seething hate for Seahawks fans is not an accurate feeling for what I have right now. Alaska |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Damage control on OTHER forums? There's a brilliant move. I will quote one of the WWL Radio announcers tonight: We don't want to look like an ignorant red neck who only has 4 teeth, and 3 of them, are in his pocket. LOL. Yeah, Pherein, you can't spell, but I am the simpleton. Why hate on me for asking you to raise your game? Why don't you do something productive -- if you are going over to their boards -- tell them what azzclowns they are for punching a woman in the face? |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Yep. At the game.
I told you these M'F'rs were classless. Alaska |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I just don't get that kind of stuff. When does sports get serious enough to punch somebody over? Or like that shooting among Bama fans the other day. What the hell is wrong with people.
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
While I don't want to get into a political debate -- I think violence in movies, video games and TV play a big role. Also, where are the good sportsmanship role models? We certainly seem to have lost some decency in America since the 50s.
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I couldn't agree with you more on this I tell this to my wife all the time. I blame the 60's and all those drugs the hippies were doing now they run the country. Go figure .Don't worry I blame my fellow Gen-Xer's too for making these violent video games |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Blast away, DF. I won't respond ( otherwise, we will get dinged for turning this into a political rant ). |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I am 43; when I was a kid I watched Mid South wrestling, played cops and robbers with cap guns, watched A Clockwork Orange, saw the Coyote blown up... dropped an anvil on... hit by a train.. all as he chased the Roadrunner. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, all very violent films of the 1970s. So you will have to excuse me if I do not buy into the whole video games and movies spiel. What has changed about American culture since the 1960's hippie movement is the "express your self" theory. The act out or show what is going on inside culture that there are rights associated with the unabated expression of inner rage or angst. Some people have zero filter and should never be allowed to act upon their impulses. We have transitioned from a "there are some things you to not say or do in public", to "let it all hang out!"... "be heard!". Feelings are volatile enough in people with no chemical imbalance, much less the large percentage running around with bad chemistry. What used to be very bad form that was frowned upon is not rewarded with "you tell em"! Children are the absolute worst victims of this. I for one would have never yelled and pitched a fit at my parents when i was a kid, much less in public. Now we have 14 year olds whipping their grandmothers arse. Society is going to sh1t and it is not being driven by a movie or a game. its being driven by the parents. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
This is as much rage as I can post about the game last night.
I would rather watch the Saints lose 34-7 to the Seahawks than watch basketball. We have 4 regular season games left and I am going to watch and cherish each and everyone that I can regardless of the outcome. BTW. When you vent here, Falcons fans past this back to their boards and call you sh1tty fans... Sound Familiar? |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
As for the parents, I see this first hand as an assistant soph level (6-8 year olds) football coach. Some of these parents are the worst. BEHAVIOR IS LEARNED. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Amen bro.
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Bad game all around!! WE HAVE TO GET RID OF JENKINS! HAS ALWAYS BEEN A LIABILITY IN THE PASSING GAME. How is he our lone defender on an all out blitz which he cleary can not man up with anybody in the NFL? No effort given, No excitement, No scents of urgency at all on offense. We have continued throughout the year of getting to the line way late and having to call a timeout or delay of game. This is both on the Coach Payton and Drew Brees because they have control of that offense and ensuring they get up to the line and hike the ball before the clock runs out!!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
The "express yourself" / "let it all hang out!" / "be heard!" theory as to why there is such a huge increase in violence and violent crime in America is JUST HORSE-SH*T. All those examples of movies you noted -- not ONE of them ( except perhaps the Godfather ) painted the villain as a hero. And, in exactly none of them, was violence portrayed as NORMAL to everyday life. But, today, in movies and TV, and video games -- beating the snot out of someone, crushing someone, murdering someone, holding people hostage, robbing banks, dealing drugs -- guess who the HEROs are? That's right, the protagonists ( for those without an online dictionary that means the "good guys"). People who go to work everyday, raise a family, stay out of trouble, get an education and just live simple lives of loving their family, their God and country and have compassion for their neighbors -- well -- that's just boring. In movies, dealing drugs or even making porn for a living have all been scenarios played by the protagonists of the films. Also, if you look at who our role models from the music industry, sports and even religion -- well -- unfortunately, the highlight reels are thin. I mean look at Brett Farve, the way he went out, texting pictures of his junk. <eyeroll> Somehow, the hip-hop, gangsta rap, drug dealing, sexting ho and b*tches, daddy mama, gun toting culture has supplanted the value system, in which, my parents were raised. And, while I don't want to go back to the 50s, I'm sure the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. In the face of this relentless media messaging and celebrity messaging -- dear God -- how in the world does spanking teach children values like love of family, self-respect, making an honest living, kindness, the value of peace and tolerance? If spanking worked, I'd say I'm all for it. However, B.F. Skinner who invented operant conditioning and who wrote the seminal work on behavior modification, The Behavior of Organisms: An Experimental Analysis, concluded that punishment doesn't work. But, I digress. My point is this, in our culture today, violence ( and, vigilantism ) are celebrated. In fact, not only is it celebrated, it is taken as a RIGHT as an American. But, that attitude, is simply WRONG, as the perps who punched Alaska's wife in the face are no doubt learning, right about now, after they were dragged from their stadium seats. (Actually, B.F. Skinner does say the if you use negative reinforcement it must be contiguous -- meaning touching or in close proximity to the behavior you are trying to negatively reinforce AND it must be negatively reinforced with a high degree of consistency, meaning, almost every time ( which is the problem because negatively reinforcing 100% of the time is almost impossible -- unlike the way we are negatively reinforced by putting our hand on a hot stove ). So, who knows, perhaps, these azzhats will learn from their mistakes. Maybe, if they were spanked more as children. Someone here said behavior is learned -- so hitting others might be something they learned from their parents. But, whatever the case, the messaging that children are getting today is wildly more violent than when I grew up and is exponentially more violent than in my parents generation. That violent messaging combined with little or no role models from people in the media and you have a recipe for what we are looking at today and it is scary for everyone. Hey, everybody there's your psychology lesson for today. :-) I don't notice anyone wanting to kill each other here, and I believe everyone actually DOES express themselves freely and wouldn't have it any other way. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
2. The villains are not "portrayed" as the Hero's... That is just how you connect with them. You may want to look in the mirror and ask your self why. 3. You say "every day normal life".. For whom exactly? "Normal" is subjective and everyday normal life for a kid growing up in Cherry Hill or West park Heights Baltimore which are known to be crack infested war zones is hugely dissimilar to the childhood of someone growing up in Marthas Vineyard Ma. 4. How many children do you have? 5. Who said anything about hitting children.. What is wrong with you? PS Skinners research is abundant with "could", "may", "possibly"... There is no definitive conclusion. He also noted that Positive Punishment must be weighed against any negative effects. Personally I prefer Pavlov over Skinner. However in the case of associating an already committed act with a consequence Lawrence Diller speculated that the occasional swat to the backside could make the difference to where a child is on Ritalin or not. What you are missing in my quoted post is the misunderstood, and often abused freedom of speech and the freedom of expression. Both are bound by the "to anyone who is willing to receive them". Freedom of speech and expression is also trumped by defamation and slander. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
I'm not taking a side in this argument, but I am enjoying watching ya'll go at it. But I think if you're gonna talk about vigilantes or bad people being heros, in America, like it's some recent new thing that just happened, ya'll need to talk about John Dillinger...or Mike Fink, Jessie James, or Annie Christmas. Or even Andrew Jackson, Injun fighter. Plenty of popular hero worship of morally bad people in American history to choose from, not just the last 20 years. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
The fact is we are surrounded by violence 24 hours a day. The schools can't discipline thugs and the kids come to school dirty and unprepared to be educated.
When we lost control of the schools we lost control of the kids. Oh, and no child left behind is BS! Look at China. Their kids are on a path to success. Yes, I know there are gangs over there, but it is not the norm like it is here. |
Re: I'm so mad.... Post your rage!
Dude I finally am n a ok state of mind Monday night got the best of me I will not talk bout that game ever again.... How bout Carolina now please hurry
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