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SloMotion 12-04-2013 05:25 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 556113)
Ouch! Hit him with some knowledge...

Yeah, it's the only way to combat the whole passive/aggressive/emo thing they got going on ... totally takes 'em off their game, :lol:.

hagan714 12-04-2013 07:48 AM

Re: How's this…?
wtf did you get a police report? if so make a stink to the paper, to the seahawks and national media. that surprises me i thought seattle had a better rep than that.

man that sucks i hope she is ok

onanygivenSu 12-04-2013 08:08 AM

Re: How's this…?
How's this?... I retract my apology.

It was a mistake.

Continue spewing your venom about Seattle fans.


hagan714 12-04-2013 08:25 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556238)
How's this?... I retract my apology.

It was a mistake.

Continue spewing your venom about Seattle fans.


No need to we all know their is always a-holes every where you go. the main shock is it happened in settle of all places. yall have a great rep and i have never had a bit of trouble there myself. For the love god we are not comparing you to chicago or cleveland by any means. i think the anger is at the event itself.

kcsaints 12-04-2013 09:38 AM

Re: How's this…?
Sorry to see this alaska, I sincerely hope your wife is doing ok. I understand you're being really upset, I would be as well. Give the Mrs. my best!

TheOak 12-04-2013 09:40 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556238)
How's this?... I retract my apology.

It was a mistake.

Continue spewing your venom about Seattle fans.


Well Sir,

You issued and then retracted an apology for something you were not involved with. It was quite generous of you to feel such emotional grandeur that somehow your apology tour that ended with "alleged" I may add, would comfort Mr. or Mrs. Alaska in their time of post traumatic stress.

Your apology unlike toilet paper served no purpose.

onanygivenSu 12-04-2013 11:27 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 556274)
Well Sir,

You issued and then retracted an apology for something you were not involved with. It was quite generous of you to feel such emotional grandeur that somehow your apology tour that ended with "alleged" I may add, would comfort Mr. or Mrs. Alaska in their time of post traumatic stress.

Your apology unlike toilet paper served no purpose.

Check your PMs.

The Dude 12-04-2013 11:41 AM

Re: How's this…?
I'm pissed for you bro. I would have cunt punted her and then kicked her old man in the balls.

TheOak 12-04-2013 12:05 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556305)
Check your PMs.

I replied and I am going to put an excerpt here for all to read as there are some points that everyone should take into consideration.

"This is my view, there are bad apples in every bunch. We have them, you have them, everyone has fans that are very capable of malicious intent. There is no need for you to be apologetic for something you played no part in just like I am not going to apologize for something some ***hole Saints fan has done. This was an isolated incident and some of the Saints fans should recognize the fans that could have done this are not representative of Seattle's entire fan base and from what I can see both sides have taken it upon them selves to take this personally.

For all anyone knows the person or people that did this could be Seahawk fans that flew to Seattle from New Orleans for the game.

Alaska has the right to take this personally because it was his wife but he did not come in here and spit roast the entire Seahawks fanbase. What Alaska did say was this "The offending couple were arrested after returning to their seats. Or at least they were whisked away by the cops. ". There seems to be an assumption that after the whisking they were booked, they could have just been ejected.. no one knows either way.

exile 12-04-2013 12:19 PM

Re: How's this…?
Started serious but now this thread is getting fun.

AlaskaSaints 12-04-2013 12:21 PM

Re: How's this…?
My wife returned from liberal hell last night. Her first appointment this morning is with her attorney.

That shat aint free, you see… :wink:

At current we are in Police Report limbo. But that will change soon, as the attorney is a female fiery redhead. We all know where that goes.

Although NOT an indictment of the entire fan base of the Seahawks, in my last THREE trips to games in Seattle, I have, each time, witnessed opposing fan abuse to the likes that I have NEVER seen in NOLA. EVER.

I maintain MY opinion that Seahawks fans, having no history of a brush with greatness (Super Bowl Victory) are easy to get worked into a lather with a couple wins.

Keep watching. Seattle will be the next instance of "fan beaten to death outside the stadium".

Thanks for the concern of most of you on this board.


TheOak 12-04-2013 12:27 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by exile (Post 556314)
Started serious but now this thread is getting fun.

oh deer!

Halo 12-04-2013 01:03 PM

Re: How's this…?
Thanks you onanygivenSu for caring enough to comment here, and to the many other Seahawk fans from and elsewhere who have registered at even since this thread was posted.

AlaskaSaints is one of our mature and reputable posters who travels to games with his wife and friends. The incident was unfortunate because it’s simply unfair to him and his wife. The banter from both sides in its wake could also become unfair to Saints and Seahawk fans alike. The best news mentioned was the people involved were detained and/or something is happening, and we all pray for justice.

Simply put, painting broad strokes over Seahawks fans is just as insulting as when broad strokes are painted over Saints fans. We just don't know enough about their fans to make too many assumptions. Their fans behavior here, on this board, has been good and respectful for the most part. Of the TONS of fans from their boards who joined here, we had one or two bad eggs, one of which we’re sure was a mutual rivals' fan trolling (oh the irony).

We’re here to support AlaskaSaints and his wife who was hurt at the game. Please remember this when commenting.

FeelTheBrees 12-04-2013 01:36 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556080)
EDIT: I retract my apology in a follow-up post. I don't represent either the Seahawks, all Seahawk fans or Seattle-area residents. I represent just me and as more light is shed on the alleged incident, the more it doesn't pass the sniff test.

You retract your apology? Are you in third grade? I sure hope so.

Doesn't pass the sniff test? What light has been shed upon the incident? Are you a detective that is investigating the incident? Do you have personal knowledge about what happened? If not, then HOW THE HECK do you know anything about it to say it doesn't "pass the sniff test"?

You are pissed there have been comments made about the Seattle fan base in general, but then you make an ass out of yourself by "taking your apology back" and acting like a child and suggesting that the incident didn't happen or wasn't accurately reported. Take a look in the mirror and realize that you are part of the problem.

FeelTheBrees 12-04-2013 01:41 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 556339)
Thanks you onanygivenSu for caring enough to comment here

He has since retracted his apology and suggested that the incident is a hoax or inaccurate. Again, that was HIM...not me. I am just reporting so you're not giving credit to someone who doesn't deserve it.

mikesaintfan 12-04-2013 01:42 PM

Re: How's this…?
RG will probably award them a draft pick because you are saints fans...hopefully you get your justice through the legal system and dont have to break the law yourself

jdblack 12-04-2013 01:51 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 555996)
I am sorry about your wife, Alaska, that sucks.

But, sadly, I really can't say that I'm surprised, based on what I already knew and had heard about the Seattle fanbase. It doesn't take much of a leap to realize that the whole "12th Man" hype thing they do, actually creates a mob mindset that breeds hooliganism, and kind of encourages violence and thuggery, under the cloak of being anonymous but still part of a group. I think it's pretty telling that it sounds like no one from the Seahawks fan nation stepped in to the situation to intervene, or say anything about what was going on. They were all probably too busy screaming.

Sorry that happened to your wife here Alaska. I'd fully back them being banned from future games.

I hope it doesn't cause you to view each Seahawk fan you meet as scum, initially. If that was the outcome of every altercation, then every single fan base would feel that way about all other 31 fan bases. :( Every stadium has punks. It shouldn't be needed, but I never buy cheap seats if I'm bringing my wife, even to my own stadium.

Halo 12-04-2013 02:01 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by FeelTheBrees (Post 556355)
He has since retracted his apology and suggested that the incident is a hoax or inaccurate. Again, that was HIM...not me. I am just reporting so you're not giving credit to someone who doesn't deserve it.

It's not worth it, it's only bulletin boards banter from people who were not there. The good news is the authorities have the couple's name, Alaska has an attorney and everything will work out on its own.

99% of the time people get away with stuff at games "anonymously" but not this time. I hope everything works out for the best.

Saintsince88 12-04-2013 02:06 PM

Re: How's this…?
I was at the game n talking crap the whole game!! I wish one of em would've got smart with me! See they know know who to play with for sure! I wish I would've saw that happen! It wouldn't have went down a smoothly I promise u that!

AlaskaSaints 12-04-2013 02:27 PM

Re: How's this…?

That's a FACK JACK


Saintsince88 12-04-2013 02:28 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 556376)

That's a FACK JACK


Word just cause you win a regular season game don't give you the right to do what you want or no game for that matter!

Burnplant 12-04-2013 02:36 PM

Re: How's this…?
Seattle SPD has a very active, very response twitter account.

I told them about your situation, they read your thread, and said that they can help if you are not getting the Police Report as you say.

@SeattlePD is where you can contact them.

Here is the conversation I had with them about your story (notice they responded within minutes.

Edit - sorry, I botched the link to twitter conversation:

Good luck, and we'll all be following how this turns out.

Halo 12-04-2013 02:37 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 556376)

That's a FACK JACK


Alaska, we support you!
Ignore the naysayers and the BS.
It sounds like you're already taking the actions necessary to get satisfaction.
I've seen pen and paper, and gavel to wood shut some pretty bold loose lips.

Halo 12-04-2013 02:50 PM

Re: How's this…?
Thanks Burnplant

AlaskaSaints 12-04-2013 03:08 PM

Re: How's this…?
I don't Twitter.
Letting Mr. Niles play his hand.


Pusha 12-04-2013 03:34 PM

Re: How's this…?
First and foremost, I want to offer you and those affected my condolences. Like a poster above said, you can contact Seattle PD many ways, like via twitter, phone, etc.

We're trying to get to the bottom of this as much as you are and the owner of the biggest Seahawk forum went to his contacts and told us this:

"For what it's worth, I texted one of the SPD Sergeants that work the home games and asked about this and he said nothing like this was reported to the PD, and they didn't have any reports from C-Link security about anything like this. He's one of the cops that lead up these types of incident calls at the stadium, so he finds it hard to believe that it took place at the stadium.

Not saying it absolutely didn't happen as claimed, but it may have had to happen outside of stadium grounds if it did."

Now, not saying you're lieing as it's one word against another right now. We want to help keep those people out of the stadium so this won't happen again, but like you, we're still trying to find the police report(which is public). Like I said earlier, we're all just trying to get to the bottom of this and I don't think anyone is trying to play sides. If it's indeed true, I hope they get what they deserve.

AlaskaSaints 12-04-2013 04:47 PM

Re: How's this…?
2 Attachment(s)
My wife was accompanied by an active law-enforcement officer friend, at the game. So your theory that this did not happen will not hold much water.

Early third quarter.

Photos are from AT the game and after the game, back at her room. You tell me:

Good luck with the "they made this all up" theory.

Pusha 12-04-2013 05:14 PM

Re: How's this…?
Would like to say again, not trying to say you're a liar or neither am I trying to fight for the reputation of Seattle. Not trying to play sides, but only help the situation out.

If she was escorted by an official law enforcement officer that's a friend, I would assume it would be easy to contact them and get this thing sorted out with a police report?

hagan714 12-04-2013 05:16 PM

Re: How's this…?
good fans ban together no matter where they are from. good to see it action.

Burnplant 12-04-2013 05:50 PM

Re: How's this…?
I've now got an account to view police reports. The original link they sent me was broken, but they fixed it, so if you tried to go to that, try again now.

The SPD person I communicated with said that a report such as an assault can take 3 days to be available, as it's a bit more complicated, or can be.

If there was police contact as AlaskaSaint stated, there will be a report - AlaskaSaint, there is a report, correct?

Halo 12-04-2013 06:26 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by Burnplant (Post 556453)
I've now got an account to view police reports. The original link they sent me was broken, but they fixed it, so if you tried to go to that, try again now.

The SPD person I communicated with said that a report such as an assault can take 3 days to be available, as it's a bit more complicated, or can be.

If there was police contact as AlaskaSaint stated, there will be a report - AlaskaSaint, there is a report, correct?

Seattle PD told me the issue is with so many agencies involved. You have the stadium PD/security, then Seattle PD, and exactly which agency has this can take a lot of looking.

Alaska mentioned talking to the C-Link security director who has not answered him. That person may have a report he has not submitted to the Seattle PD yet.

Alaska messaged me his attorney is in touch with the Seattle PD and they (attorney) are handling it. I'm sure this has zero priority over homicides etc. I think that's about all that can be done for now.

AlaskaSaints 12-04-2013 06:53 PM

Re: How's this…?
The media blitz that visiting Saints fans will also include undercover SPD officers in order to catch belligerent fans is ringing pretty hollow right now.

Twice today, after speaking with an officer at Staff Pro and Century Link Security, and being told that the Director is IN, my calls to his direct line and subsequent message providing details of the assault ring on deaf ears.

Yesterday, in person, my wife was told at Century Link that it may take 72 hours for a report to be generated. By whom? I don't know. She was there. I was not. (thankfully)

The real black eye will be in the handling of this assault complaint when this shakes out.

Now, this being said...

NO MATTER what I, as the messenger, said nor how I responded to the fact that my wife was assaulted as a visitor at a game has anything to do with the FACT that my wife was assaulted. That cannot be changed or denied.

Had I been at the game, and not gone to jail as a result of an attack on my wife, there would be a police report filed. I can assure you that. Sometimes wives just don't do as they are prompted.

What I want: A misdemeanor assault charge on the offenders.

What am I getting: Non-response from Director of Security. It has been nearly 72 hours since the offense.

A mishandling of this incident will be a dereliction on the part of Century Link.


Burnplant 12-04-2013 06:56 PM

Re: How's this…?
I thought I posted to the other thread (why 2 threads?), but I don't see it.

Daryl Niles is the Head of Security for the Sounders FC.

Chris Arnold is Head of Security for Century Link.

Why is Alaska contacting Niles?

According to Alaska, the perps were identified and hauled off by Police. He then reiterates police involvement by stating that even with their attorney involved, they are in "Police report limbo". This makes it clear that his girlfriend identified the security as Police, because she had to have gone and got them otherwise how were they to know she had been punched in the bathroom?

Instead of starting another thread, maybe he could fill in the blanks. He is willing to post pictures of his girlfriend on the internet, but not complete the story?

Also - it doesn't make sense that Alaska's girlfriend went straight to her attorney after getting home from "liberal hell". What is an Alaska attorney going to do about a WA state issue?

I'm going to keep on this via contacting Chris Arnold myself tomorrow.

According to the story, it has to be either the Police or Security who "hauled" the perps away. One of them will have something, if something happened.

This seems like it could end up reflecting worse on Saints fans at Black and Gold rather than Seahawks fans.

I suppose you have the option of not posting this post, but I'd expect a bit more honesty than that given the accusations that have been leveled at Seattle fans and Public officials.

Burnplant 12-04-2013 06:59 PM

Re: How's this…?
Cool, I'm out of message hold.

Alaska - can you answer some of questions/fill in the blanks?

Burnplant 12-04-2013 07:30 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 556463)

Alaska messaged me his attorney is in touch with the Seattle PD and they (attorney) are handling it. I'm sure this has zero priority over homicides etc. I think that's about all that can be done for now.

You mean other than going over to and kicking things up?

Halo 12-04-2013 07:39 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by Burnplant (Post 556488)
You mean other than going over to and kicking things up?

you mean your member who posted it over there for your boards review.

I'm tired of being nice. She was hit. I've asked nicely to let it shake out but guess you guys will bash our member.

Sent from my RM-860_nam_usa_100 using Tapatalk

Burnplant 12-04-2013 07:44 PM

Re: How's this…?
No, he is over there right now posting more in that same thread.

I was being nice, but he's over there starting crap and refusing to have a decent discussion here.

His facts don't ad up, at all. He's refusing help, sending out conflicting information, and acting the internet victim and bully.

I'll log off your site. If you need to believe this fabrication go ahead and good luck with that. What a joke.

Pusha 12-04-2013 07:51 PM

Re: How's this…?
I understand that tensions are high and he's "your guy", but it's looking a little bit phony. A lot of good points were made...

Seahawks.NET - The Voice of the 12th Man! • View topic - Saints fan assaulted last night at the game

Halo 12-04-2013 07:56 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by Pusha (Post 556501)
I understand that tensions are high and he's "your guy", but it's looking a little bit phony. A lot of good points were made...

Seahawks.NET - The Voice of the 12th Man! • View topic - Saints fan assaulted last night at the game

And I spent hours today stopping a riot. And I also see you guys have comments about what's being posted over here. All the while your members racking the guy non-stop, I'm surprised he kept his cool that long.

If you have a problem with him, contact your moderators to do something about it. Like I said, I babysat this all afternoon and I'm not wasting more time on it.

The guy was on OUR forum talking to us about this. Remember, it was YOUR members who posted this over there. He has a right to be ticked off about it and vent. But all the double retracted apologies and stuff, we don't have time for all that drama. Get over it.

AlaskaSaints 12-04-2013 08:11 PM

Re: How's this…?
What is PHONY? I don't get it?


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