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AlaskaSaints 12-03-2013 01:16 AM

How's this…?
1 Attachment(s)
For my wife going to the restroom?
Male Seahawks fan elbows her in the ribs and his wife punches her in the eye.
Names to follow.

I want BLOOD.

I am not joking.

I will get BLOOD.


Halo 12-03-2013 01:18 AM

Re: How's this…?

DISPLACEDFAN 12-03-2013 01:19 AM

Re: How's this…?
I'd be pissed too

AlaskaSaints 12-03-2013 01:21 AM

Re: How's this…?
Pissed is NOT what I'm feeling.

I will get mine.


WHODATINCA 12-03-2013 02:11 AM

Re: How's this…?
Wow. And, she was there with a sick friend.

I hope you find a way, Alaska.

Jack Vegas 12-03-2013 02:27 AM

Re: How's this…?
Not surprised. From what I have read/heard this is pretty much the norm. Just keep in mind those kinds of people will get what they deserve eventually.

Halo 12-03-2013 02:39 AM

Re: How's this…?
I'm just going to say that I'm hearing about this kind of thing more and more at NFL stadiums from visiting fans. I don't hear of stuff this bad usually. Some fans claim they were harassed in the Dome, but not physically without reason like this. I also feel the dome is a safer venue because the "red coats" and security are very intense in the upper decks of the Dome. One mention of a problem like this and 10 security agents, cops and ushers will race to find out WTF is going on.

I think the Seahawk fans have been corrupted by the thug 49er fans from the bay area. Playing the 49ers twice a year must be brutal, and the stench alone would harden and turn a fan base mean and brutal. Regardless, I'll say it again - the upper decks of most NFL stadiums are laced with drunkin *****s, some itching for a fight. This isn't every stadium or town, or every drunken fan.

This situation is unfortunate, but again I believe it's part of the degradation of our game and the sport.

WhoDat!656 12-03-2013 04:02 AM

Re: How's this…?
So much for the police wearing opposing team jersey's.

Apparently Seattle police are too stupid to put a woman in a Saints jersey and see how many gutless coward men do something like that.

onebyone 12-03-2013 04:26 AM

Re: How's this…?
I am sorry that happened. That's so low, and I kind of would've expected more from the Seahawks fans. The ones I personally met have all been nice. I guess there are *******s all over.

I thought they were supposed to clear up all this violence in stadiums by having people carry clear bags.

SloMotion 12-03-2013 06:04 AM

Re: How's this…?
Unbelievable ... you would think people would understand that visiting team fans are there spending money on the local economy and treat them accordingly ... pretty classless.


Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 555664)
Pissed is NOT what I'm feeling.

I will get mine.


I'd volunteer to be your "out-of-town" shooter (in jest only, we don't promote that here on B&G), but I'm sure you're pretty capable, ;) ... hope she was able to I.D. them and turn them into the proper authorities.

Srgt. Hulka 12-03-2013 06:24 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by SloMotion (Post 555723)
Unbelievable ... you would think people would understand that visiting team fans are there spending money on the local economy and treat them accordingly ... pretty classless.

I'd volunteer to be your "out-of-town" shooter (in jest only, we don't promote that here on B&G), but I'm sure you're pretty capable, ;) ... hope she was able to I.D. them and turn them into the proper authorities.

From what I know about Alaska, he doesn't need help in the "shooting" department. He is fully capable.

Alaska, I'm truly sorry to hear about your wife. I hope one day you come across those slime bags again. If you do, call if you need bail. We'll be right there for you.

xan 12-03-2013 06:32 AM

Re: How's this…?
Did your wife report the incident?

neugey 12-03-2013 07:50 AM

Re: How's this…?
Take care of your wife Alaska. I guess that Seattle is definitely on the ****-list of places you can't take your family to, along with Chicago, San Fran and Philly.

Danno 12-03-2013 08:12 AM

Re: How's this…?
That sucks Alaska, I know you wanna rip someones head off but stay cool. Not all of their fans are that way and no need to take it out on some innocent guy.

Now if you can find one of these low-life jerks and your sure he represents the kind of fan that would do this, pound away my friend, pound away.

Budsdrinker 12-03-2013 08:41 AM

Re: How's this…?
Call if you need any help my brother!

SmashMouth 12-03-2013 08:59 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 555732)
Did your wife report the incident?

Sorry to hear about that too...

And this is a valid question from Danno. I hope she reported it.

Mardigras9 12-03-2013 09:04 AM

Re: How's this…?
Sorry that happened.
But don't let the actions of a few condemn the whole fan base. This type of thing (although usually not physically) happens at every stadium I have been to unfortunately.

exile 12-03-2013 09:08 AM

Re: How's this…?
Send the names when you get them and let's start a Twitter blowup.

AlaskaSaints 12-03-2013 12:42 PM

Re: How's this…?
The offending couple were arrested after returning to their seats. Or at least they were whisked away by the cops.

I have my wife looking for names today. I want names.

Thanks for the kind comments.


Srgt. Hulka 12-03-2013 01:07 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 555858)
The offending couple were arrested after returning to their seats. Or at least they were whisked away by the cops.

I have my wife looking for names today. I want names.

Thanks for the kind comments.


Good to hear Alaska. I'm glad they caught the *****s. Among other things, I hope they are season ticket holders, and they are banned from the Stadium forever. I hope they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And, I hope you get to meet up with them again one day.

saintsfan403 12-03-2013 03:02 PM

Re: How's this…?
That's just disgraceful...that is some pure soccer hoodlum BS.
Hope she is alright and at the very least, I hope they were charged with assault.
Sorry to hear that this happened.

Papa Voodoo 12-03-2013 03:15 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by xan (Post 555732)
Did your wife report the incident?

Hopefully. It's most likely on security footage and the people can be tracked back to their seats and identified. Sorry to hear it man, if that stuff happens to me in St. Louis I will go bonkers.

WHODATINCA 12-03-2013 03:30 PM

Re: How's this…?
Seattle stadium fans


Rugby Saint II 12-03-2013 03:35 PM

Re: How's this…?
Revenge is best served with a dish of "I never saw it coming until the last moment"!

WHODATINCA 12-03-2013 04:02 PM

Re: How's this…?
Wow, that is awesome that they were arrested!!! Yay!! Alaska, leave them to the authorities. Those sh*tholes definitely aren't worth it.

SaintsBro 12-03-2013 04:09 PM

Re: How's this…?
I am sorry about your wife, Alaska, that sucks.

But, sadly, I really can't say that I'm surprised, based on what I already knew and had heard about the Seattle fanbase. It doesn't take much of a leap to realize that the whole "12th Man" hype thing they do, actually creates a mob mindset that breeds hooliganism, and kind of encourages violence and thuggery, under the cloak of being anonymous but still part of a group. I think it's pretty telling that it sounds like no one from the Seahawks fan nation stepped in to the situation to intervene, or say anything about what was going on. They were all probably too busy screaming.

AlaskaSaints 12-03-2013 07:13 PM

Re: How's this…?
Thanks, fellas.


papz 12-03-2013 07:26 PM

Re: How's this…?
I hope you guys can press charges against those d-bags.

onanygivenSu 12-03-2013 07:47 PM

Re: How's this…?
Alaska - On behalf of the Seattle Seahawks, all Seahawks fans and Seattle-area residents, I sincerely apologize for the abhorrent actions of the couple that assaulted your wife. I'm truly sorry that happened. There are no excuses for that kind of behavior.

But I'd like to add that the following perception is simply wrong and does nothing but builds a rift between football fans and their cities that has no basis or fact... it is simply not true.

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 555996)

... the whole "12th Man" hype thing they do, actually creates a mob mindset that breeds hooliganism, and kind of encourages violence and thuggery, under the cloak of being anonymous but still part of a group.

EDIT: I retract my apology in a follow-up post. I don't represent either the Seahawks, all Seahawk fans or Seattle-area residents. I represent just me and as more light is shed on the alleged incident, the more it doesn't pass the sniff test.

Schmohams 12-03-2013 08:25 PM

Re: How's this…?
I thought Seattle was supposed to be a happy place when they legalized weed, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your wife and I hope karma bites them back.

exile 12-03-2013 08:30 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by Schmohams (Post 556096)
I thought Seattle was supposed to be a happy place when they legalized weed, I'm sorry to hear what happened to your wife and I hope karma bites them back.

Oakland, San Fran, Seattle and Denver. All weed cities and all horrible places to go see a game as an opposing fan. Hmmmm....

SaintsBro 12-03-2013 08:31 PM

Re: How's this…?
If it's not true, then by all means, disprove it. Explain to us, how mobs and the dynamics and psychology of large groups of people work, explain crowd behavior and group conflict, especially when there's an antagonizing majority who enjoy relative anonymity, behaving badly towards a small outnumbered and very visible minority. Give us an explanation that explains why this person punched that woman,and NO ONE in the vaunted "12TH MAN" did anything to stop it -- I'm all ears.

There is loads and loads of psychological and behavioral evidence and studies to back me up on this.... scholarly research of soccer hooliganism, group violence, group identity, sect violence, mob behavior, peer pressure, alcohol's effects on social violence,even studies of little kids on the playground, etc. etc. Nothing against you personally, random Seattle fan....but this sad incident is just classic textbook mob behavior, classic social violence type stuff, that happens when people feel anonymous and enabled. But be proud of yourselves -- you guys set the Guinness record!

|Mitch| 12-03-2013 09:03 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by SaintsBro (Post 556098)
If it's not true, then by all means, disprove it. Explain to us, how mobs and the dynamics and psychology of large groups of people work, explain crowd behavior and group conflict, especially when there's an antagonizing majority who enjoy relative anonymity, behaving badly towards a small outnumbered and very visible minority. Give us an explanation that explains why this person punched that woman,and NO ONE in the vaunted "12TH MAN" did anything to stop it -- I'm all ears.

There is loads and loads of psychological and behavioral evidence and studies to back me up on this.... scholarly research of soccer hooliganism, group violence, group identity, sect violence, mob behavior, peer pressure, alcohol's effects on social violence,even studies of little kids on the playground, etc. etc. Nothing against you personally, random Seattle fan....but this sad incident is just classic textbook mob behavior, classic social violence type stuff, that happens when people feel anonymous and enabled. But be proud of yourselves -- you guys set the Guinness record!

Ouch! Hit him with some knowledge...

RailBoss 12-03-2013 09:28 PM

Re: How's this…?
I'm sorry to hear about that but not surprised, they have those fans in Seattle wound up so tight some lose sight of reality.
The same thing happened to my wife and I in Philadelphia a few seasons ago. We were lucky to get out of there alive - Serious - first time in a long time that I feared for my life. I love the Saints but
preferred to die another day.
I hope they bring those Hawk fans back down to Earth.

st thomas 12-03-2013 09:31 PM

Re: How's this…?
damn alaska, this is blowing a fuse here dude, i can feel the knot in ur stomach with what happened. look don't go get crazzie on us man, get some revenge the rite way man we're with u man damn that hurts.

iceshack149 12-03-2013 09:42 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556080)
Alaska - On behalf of the Seattle Seahawks, all Seahawks fans and Seattle-area residents, I sincerely apologize for the abhorrent actions of the couple that assaulted your wife. I'm truly sorry that happened. There are no excuses for that kind of behavior.

But I'd like to add that the following perception is simply wrong and does nothing but builds a rift between football fans and their cities that has no basis or fact... it is simply not true.

I agree with SaintsBro. It's absolutely true. Been there...

WillSaints81 12-03-2013 10:31 PM

Re: How's this…?
Wow sorry

B_Dub_Saint 12-03-2013 10:53 PM

Re: How's this…?
Im so sorry Alaska, this is really discouraging for fans that want to travel to away games. I hope your wife is ok and don't worry, I feel revenge will be sweet.

QBREES9 12-03-2013 10:56 PM

Re: How's this…?
Nice F'N people. If you want i'll make a few calls to a few friends in jersey.

I hope your wife is feeling better.

SloMotion 12-04-2013 05:18 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by AlaskaSaints (Post 555858)
The offending couple were arrested after returning to their seats. Or at least they were whisked away by the cops.

I have my wife looking for names today. I want names.

Thanks for the kind comments.


If there was a police report, you're entitled to a copy of said report. It was an assault & battery, your wife should have been given the option to press charges, IMO.

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