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SloMotion 12-04-2013 05:25 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 556113)
Ouch! Hit him with some knowledge...

Yeah, it's the only way to combat the whole passive/aggressive/emo thing they got going on ... totally takes 'em off their game, :lol:.

hagan714 12-04-2013 07:48 AM

Re: How's this…?
wtf did you get a police report? if so make a stink to the paper, to the seahawks and national media. that surprises me i thought seattle had a better rep than that.

man that sucks i hope she is ok

onanygivenSu 12-04-2013 08:08 AM

Re: How's this…?
How's this?... I retract my apology.

It was a mistake.

Continue spewing your venom about Seattle fans.


hagan714 12-04-2013 08:25 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556238)
How's this?... I retract my apology.

It was a mistake.

Continue spewing your venom about Seattle fans.


No need to we all know their is always a-holes every where you go. the main shock is it happened in settle of all places. yall have a great rep and i have never had a bit of trouble there myself. For the love god we are not comparing you to chicago or cleveland by any means. i think the anger is at the event itself.

kcsaints 12-04-2013 09:38 AM

Re: How's this…?
Sorry to see this alaska, I sincerely hope your wife is doing ok. I understand you're being really upset, I would be as well. Give the Mrs. my best!

TheOak 12-04-2013 09:40 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556238)
How's this?... I retract my apology.

It was a mistake.

Continue spewing your venom about Seattle fans.


Well Sir,

You issued and then retracted an apology for something you were not involved with. It was quite generous of you to feel such emotional grandeur that somehow your apology tour that ended with "alleged" I may add, would comfort Mr. or Mrs. Alaska in their time of post traumatic stress.

Your apology unlike toilet paper served no purpose.

onanygivenSu 12-04-2013 11:27 AM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 556274)
Well Sir,

You issued and then retracted an apology for something you were not involved with. It was quite generous of you to feel such emotional grandeur that somehow your apology tour that ended with "alleged" I may add, would comfort Mr. or Mrs. Alaska in their time of post traumatic stress.

Your apology unlike toilet paper served no purpose.

Check your PMs.

The Dude 12-04-2013 11:41 AM

Re: How's this…?
I'm pissed for you bro. I would have cunt punted her and then kicked her old man in the balls.

TheOak 12-04-2013 12:05 PM

Re: How's this…?

Originally Posted by onanygivenSu (Post 556305)
Check your PMs.

I replied and I am going to put an excerpt here for all to read as there are some points that everyone should take into consideration.

"This is my view, there are bad apples in every bunch. We have them, you have them, everyone has fans that are very capable of malicious intent. There is no need for you to be apologetic for something you played no part in just like I am not going to apologize for something some ***hole Saints fan has done. This was an isolated incident and some of the Saints fans should recognize the fans that could have done this are not representative of Seattle's entire fan base and from what I can see both sides have taken it upon them selves to take this personally.

For all anyone knows the person or people that did this could be Seahawk fans that flew to Seattle from New Orleans for the game.

Alaska has the right to take this personally because it was his wife but he did not come in here and spit roast the entire Seahawks fanbase. What Alaska did say was this "The offending couple were arrested after returning to their seats. Or at least they were whisked away by the cops. ". There seems to be an assumption that after the whisking they were booked, they could have just been ejected.. no one knows either way.

exile 12-04-2013 12:19 PM

Re: How's this…?
Started serious but now this thread is getting fun.

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