01-04-2014, 12:46 PM
100th Post
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 262
Roger goodell may be at saints game?
This was posted on another message board not sure if its true if it is i hope hes not there to make sure the game officals get the crucial game calls right.Now i think i know what is correct if so the mighty brees will have to be on fire to melt the ice an the officals ice also.I wish i did not feel this way but after the new england game an other games with not only bad calls but bad non calls its hard enough to win on the road if eagles out play saints on the field then i wish them luck in the next round i can live with that but it will be hard to have a repeat of the bad calls in the new england game. after all the hold on junior on the last play of that game could be put on a training film for all rookie officals on when to throw the flag.With that game we are at home with a first round bye.Just to me something was fishy with the calls an non calls in that gam  e.