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B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 07:32 PM

If I ever met Deion Sanders
It would take everything to hold back and not punch him in the face. I'm in no way violent or start trouble but this guy is just unbearable. I just want to watch what T.V. has to offer in sports coverage and this ass bag is the ultimate douche of the world. Saying we have no chance and just the cockiness in his tone.

I know hate is a strong word, but dammit I hate this guy. Why not? He hates us. He's just pissed that we beat all three teams he played on this year. Go to hell Deion.

B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 07:35 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
O yea, also Tom Johnson on ESPN this morning was talking so much junk yesterday saying there was no way in hell we were beating the Eagles.

This morning when it was his time to talk and eat crow he didn't say a word. Not one. Just acted like the question went in one ear and out the other.

What else can I watch in sports coverage?????

blackangold 01-05-2014 07:37 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

let them play down our win. The last thing we need is for people to start hyping us up. The hawks right now think they have one in the bag, lets keep them thinking that way.

Kryptonite 01-05-2014 07:42 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 569419)
It would take everything to hold back and not punch him in the face. I'm in no way violent or start trouble but this guy is just unbearable. I just want to watch what T.V. has to offer in sports coverage and this ass bag is the ultimate douche of the world. Saying we have no chance and just the cockiness in his tone.

I know hate is a strong word, but dammit I hate this guy. Why not? He hates us. He's just pissed that we beat all three teams he played on this year. Go to hell Deion.

...and hate is not a strong word. Just a strong feeling...a feeling that I share with you. Him, Irving, Keyshawn, and that mutha grabber they still call coach, Ditka. I would love to be alone in a phone booth with either one of them. And when they were in thier prime. Ditka also. Never knew the big scare for him anyway. I hate them all.

B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 07:42 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I'm all about them playing down the win B&G but when ultimate disrespect come's out of these tools mouths its just sickening.

You know what, I would rather them just say "I hate the Saints and everything they do and will never give them credit no matter how well they do."

At least they would just come out and say it and not act biatch made. Just freaking say it and be done with it. I would respect that more so I know they will hate no matter what. No smoke and mirrors, just be honest and homerish.

rezburna 01-05-2014 07:43 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
If I wasn't a Saints fan I'd somewhat agree. Its playoff football though, anything can happen, but Seattle destroyed us. Initial reaction tells you no way we can win. I feel quite the contrary. Shoutout to fhe legend that is prime.

B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 07:46 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 569433)
Shoutout to fhe legend that is prime.

Your not givin this dude props right??

lsusaint912 01-05-2014 07:50 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I understand there r certain people who bash us all the time no matter how good we r,but with saying that i love marshal faulk.. He goes up with and he goes down with us.. He use to sell popcorn in the stadium.. So hes always got r back/most of the time

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rezburna 01-05-2014 07:51 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 569435)
Your not givin this dude props right??

Prime is my favorite athlete ever. Hes the reason I played football, and corner for that matter. So.he'd get my props regardless.

But I respect what he said, and Tom Johnson too. They come from the sucky Saints days. A lot of people still look at us that way. I prefer it.

rezburna 01-05-2014 07:53 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
You can't take this stuff personal. Most of the people in this world show bias.

lumm0x 01-05-2014 07:56 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I too despise Deion. I turn the volume off anytime that hypocrite speaks. I'll watch any other option of game day shows to avoid his idiocy.

B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 08:00 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 569443)
Prime is my favorite athlete ever. Hes the reason I played football, and corner for that matter. So.he'd get my props regardless.

But I respect what he said, and Tom Johnson too. They come from the sucky Saints days. A lot of people still look at us that way. I prefer it.

I played football too Rez but this ain't the old days. This isn't your and my dad's Saints. We are a serious Superbowl contender every year. Drew, Jimmy, Sproles, the whole damn team has been breaking records since 06 when Payton got here.

Look, as much as I dislike every team Deion played on, I cant take away from his talents on the field. That doesn't make him a great sports analyst. This same goes for TJ.

These guys know football in and out more than you and I combined, but their hatred has blinded them into believing we have ZERO chance of winning. If you respect that then that's just crazy talk man.

NonieT 01-05-2014 08:03 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I don't know why everyone is so surprised. You should have expected this. Seattle manhandled us the first time we played them and our road record this season was 3-5. Of course they are gonna' say we will lose.

rezburna 01-05-2014 08:06 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 569456)
I played football too Rez but this ain't the old days. This isn't your and my dad's Saints. We are a serious Superbowl contender every year. Drew, Jimmy, Sproles, the whole damn team has been breaking records since 06 when Payton got here.

Look, as much as I dislike the every team Deion played on, I cant take away from his talents on the field. That doesn't make him a great sports analyst. This same goes for TJ.

These guys know football in and out more than you and I combined, but their hatred has blinded them into believing we have ZERO chance of winning. If you respect that then that's just crazy talk man.

Its just their opinion on a game. I respect it. I'm pretty sure over half of the NFL fans agree with them. Anybody can beat anybody. We know that. He knows that. But what does he lose by saying what he said? I'd love for him to be on our side, but hey, history and stats say we should lose. Logic says we should lose. But lucky for us, **** ain't always logical.

SaintLeonard 01-05-2014 08:07 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
To be fair to Deion and the rest of those retired Hall of Famers over on NFL network, (I refuse to call them analysts.. I'll just keep it nice and say retired HoFers) to the AVERAGE fan/non-Saints fan, it probably does look like Seattle will blow us out again. Average fans/non-Saints fans don't know our team as well as we do, so all they have to go off of is regular season results.

Do I think we go up to Seattle and lay down again? Hell no, but I'm just saying, to everybody except Saints fans, that is probably how it looks. Not that I don't mind it. The element of surprise is a good weapon to have. :bng:

B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 08:10 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by NonieT (Post 569460)
I don't know why everyone is so surprised. You should have expected this. Seattle manhandled us the first time we played them and our road record this season was 3-5. Of course they are gonna' say we will lose.

I can understand them saying that we will lose. Yall are not getting my point. Its the way they take they question and totally disregard this football team like we are some 1A high school team. We are in the freaking divisional playoff's. We won our road game in the cold with a hostile crowd.

Saying it will be tough and not likely is one thing, totally acting like we just do not exist is another.

lsusaint912 01-05-2014 08:16 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
B dub saint... I love ur passion for the saints my uncle has been a saints fan since 1967.. And when u start ranting and raving im reminded of my uncle.. One thing thats promised is my uncle texting me 1 atleast a week about the saints WHO DAT

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B_Dub_Saint 01-05-2014 08:24 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by lsusaint912 (Post 569474)
B dub saint... I love ur passion for the saints my uncle has been a saints fan since 1967.. And when u start ranting and raving im reminded of my uncle.. One thing thats promised is my uncle texting me 1 atleast a week about the saints WHO DAT

Sent from my SGH-S959G using Tapatalk 2

Thank's LSU, that means a lot because this team is part of my lifestyle. It's not just some team I cheer for when they win and bail when they lose. The ignorance and lack of football knowledge with so called expert's should not be accepted by any die hard fan of any team.

Go up there and do your damn job. Learn material about all 32 teams, do research, actually WORK before spouting off at the mouth. You know what, F these guys. I am pissed and I really hope we pound it down their face until they cant talk anymore sh!t.

dueceloose 01-05-2014 08:41 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Does it matter what they say? Long as we go out and handle ours who cares? Not like most of you guys don't already know that they bashin us same sheet they did last week.. prepare the crow.

boonedocksaint 01-05-2014 08:48 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
i love deion, mostly cause he played for atlanta.

...the atlanta BRAVES, ya'll. chill out

Schmohams 01-05-2014 08:49 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Once an oblivious Falcon, always an oblivious Falcon.

lsusaint912 01-05-2014 08:55 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by B_Dub_Saint (Post 569477)
Thank's LSU, that means a lot because this team is part of my lifestyle. It's not just some team I cheer for when they win and bail when they lose. The ignorance and lack of football knowledge with so called expert's should not be accepted by any die hard fan of any team.

Go up there and do your damn job. Learn material about all 32 teams, do research, actually WORK before spouting off at the mouth. You know what, F these guys. I am pissed and I really hope we pound it down their face until they cant talk anymore sh!t.

Exactly my man

Sent from my SGH-S959G using Tapatalk 2

WHODATINCA 01-05-2014 08:56 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Standard message: Who gives a rat's ass what he says?

subguy 01-05-2014 09:13 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 569498)
Standard message: Who gives a rat's ass what he says?


halloween 65 01-05-2014 09:36 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I never cared for neon Dion as a player or a person.

jeanpierre 01-05-2014 09:44 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Ignore Them. Change the Channel. Do Not Buy Their Sponsor's Product and Convey That Fact To Their Sponsors with as much creativity and resources that you can spare so as not to cause detriment to you or your loved ones...Turn their machine against them...

Mr.Riaton 01-05-2014 09:47 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Ive seen Dion say things like that about alot of teams-not just the Saints. I can relly care less about the BS that comes from those idiots. Aint nobody got time for that.

WHODATINCA 01-05-2014 10:04 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I'll tell you how to shut Deion up: WIN. Problem solved.

lsusaint912 01-05-2014 10:10 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 569525)
Ignore Them. Change the Channel. Do Not Buy Their Sponsor's Product and Convey That Fact To Their Sponsors with as much creativity and resources that you can spare so as not to cause detriment to you or your loved ones...Turn their machine against them...

Never works tried it lol

Sent from my SGH-S959G using Tapatalk 2

lsusaint912 01-05-2014 10:11 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 569536)
I'll tell you how to shut Deion up: WIN. Problem solved.

Thats how u shut deion up... What he said

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saintfan 01-05-2014 10:20 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I always kinda liked Deion. I know. I know.

But he's just enough tongue-in-cheek, or at least that's how I perceive him. I prefer him to most of the other NFL Network talking heads. He makes me laugh, and I surely don't take him seriously.

Schmohams 01-05-2014 10:27 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Anyone remember when Deion said "If make eye contact with the punter it's a touchdown" and like as week later the Colts punter smashed him.

lsusaint912 01-05-2014 10:30 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by Schmohams (Post 569552)
Anyone remember when Deion said "If make eye contact with the punter it's a touchdown" and like as week later the Colts punter smashed him.

Lol of course i do.. He was a playmaker but he lost games cause he couldint tackle

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Louisianimal 01-06-2014 12:27 AM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
I prefer the underdog status

RaginCajun83 01-06-2014 09:03 AM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
3 times this season I've decided not to watch any pregame garbage before the game and I didn't miss it one bit. If anything it made my day better besides these idiots all spew the same BS it's just dressed up with bells and whistles. What I don't get is how do you have 4 hours of pregame and only talk about 2-3 teams?

SaintFanInATLHELL 01-06-2014 01:19 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by WHODATINCA (Post 569536)
I'll tell you how to shut Deion up: WIN. Problem solved.

Unfortunately not the case. What irritates me about Deion is that even when the Saints win, he credits the other team for losing. Listening to the postgame, you would have thought that the Eagles won the game. References to Foles, McCoy, and Jackson for example.

It's the equivalent to having the post game on field interview with the losing QB without interviewing any players from the winning team..


SaintFanInATLHELL 01-06-2014 01:22 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by RaginCajun83 (Post 569656)
3 times this season I've decided not to watch any pregame garbage before the game and I didn't miss it one bit. If anything it made my day better besides these idiots all spew the same BS it's just dressed up with bells and whistles. What I don't get is how do you have 4 hours of pregame and only talk about 2-3 teams?

The DVR has become my best friend. I let the pregame record for a couple of hours, then skip to the segments I'm interested in. I can get through it in about 45 minutes out of a 4 hour pregame telecast.


Rugby Saint II 01-06-2014 01:30 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
Deion was a good player. But he's stupid and it shows when he opens his mouth. :brood:

rezburna 01-06-2014 01:34 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders

Originally Posted by lsusaint912 (Post 569553)
Lol of course i do.. He was a playmaker but he lost games cause he couldint tackle

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Deion was the finishing piece for a SF and Dallas championship. He definitely wasn't somebody who was losing games for people.

Danno 01-06-2014 01:42 PM

Re: If I ever met Deion Sanders
List of Morons I'd fire if I was in charge...

7. Deion Sanders

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