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papz 01-11-2014 08:25 AM

It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
1 Attachment(s)
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If you're looking for a link to the illegal pirated stream, we don't support it.
Go to Google or BING and search for "first row sports" for your answer.
Also, please stop asking.
If you find your spot, please BOOKMARK it and quit crying.

Gameday rules require we shut down all site registrations and account approvals hours before the game. That means even if you registered ahead of time and have not been approved before Gameday Rules are enacted then your membership will not be approved until after Gameday Rules.

When we decide to. Peace.

Srgt. Hulka 01-11-2014 08:30 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
Srgt. Hulka reporting for duty.
I'll be in and out for a good part of the day. But I all be here at game time with a fully charged phone and a battery backup.

Go Saints!! :bng:

papz 01-11-2014 08:39 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
Bout to go to Sams and pick up a ton of beer myself. I can't seem to find live crawfish anywhere.

spkb25 01-11-2014 08:45 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
47 with 30mph winds... low scoring?

ssvnewman 01-11-2014 09:02 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
"Feed Ingram"

Srgt. Hulka 01-11-2014 09:07 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks

Originally Posted by ssvnewman (Post 571574)
"Feed Ingram"

Got to have holes for him to run through first. If the O-line creates those holes, then it will be a long day for Seattle.

saintsfan1976 01-11-2014 09:07 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
I'm ready!!

Beer run soon

exile 01-11-2014 09:31 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
46 degrees and 31 mph winds with rain. I think even the Seahawks would agree to move to game to tomorrow in New Orleans.

kcsaints 01-11-2014 09:35 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
I am so ready for this game....I can't concentrate on anything else.
Going for a beer run and Popeye's a little later.
It's tough being a Saints fan in Kansas - hoping for a few WhoDats when I'm out and about.

:bng: :bng: :bng:

TheOak 01-11-2014 09:35 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
Lasagna beat the Eagles, and it will beat the Seahawks today.

TheOak 01-11-2014 09:35 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks

exile 01-11-2014 10:26 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
I'm ready for the game! I just hope our defense can be more physical.

Defense Needs To Be More Physical, Reports Man Slumped On Couch For Past 5 Hours | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 10:28 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
My boss is going to let me work half a day so I will be able to watch the game!!

28-23 Saints!

WhoDat!656 01-11-2014 10:29 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 571593)

Their trophy case looks just like Philadelphia's!

saintfan 01-11-2014 10:38 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
I will be all up in here eating Popeyes come game time.

SmashMouth 01-11-2014 10:44 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
G A M E O N !

W H O D A T !
T W O D A T !

exile 01-11-2014 11:05 AM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks
ESPN dopes just picked Seattle across the board. Get the crow ready. Love it.

captainshawn 01-11-2014 12:12 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
Not getting picked by those idiots isn't really a bad thing...


iceshack149 01-11-2014 12:42 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks

Originally Posted by exile (Post 571637)
ESPN dopes just picked Seattle across the board. Get the crow ready. Love it.

NFLN did this morning too. Melissa Starks, Sharp, Billick, Shaun O'hara.

I haven't seen anyone pick the Saints. I'll bet Marshall Faulk will.

NE SaintsFan 01-11-2014 12:48 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
Whole family is ready for the game. Wish i had a remote like in Click. But I guess it gives me time to pick out the right beer for the game. Last week was yeungling. This week???

exile 01-11-2014 12:49 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
So I'm watching Fox8 just now and they have a reporter in Seattle trying to interview a few Saints fans. Then these loser Seaweed fans start getting in front of the camera and yelling and screaming. Son they had to cut the feed. My respect for that city just went -100%.

NE SaintsFan 01-11-2014 12:51 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks

Originally Posted by exile (Post 571637)
ESPN dopes just picked Seattle across the board. Get the crow ready. Love it.

Those fools never admit when they are wrong. They just move on to the next stupid pick.

Rugby Saint II 01-11-2014 12:54 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
I realized when I was pumping gas today that I was at pump nine........that's got to be a good sign. :smile:

CoreyO 01-11-2014 12:57 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
We got this, and i know this doesn't have to do with seahawks but i just saw the videos of the wildcard weekend from last week and the bengals football players chanting who dat gone beat them bengals...

WHODATINCA 01-11-2014 01:00 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
Breakfast this morning: blackened seahawk, cheese grits and a biscuit. Yum.

WHODATINCA 01-11-2014 01:08 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
Merril Hoge picked us. Later today he will be called a brilliant original thinker.

jnormand 01-11-2014 01:23 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
I'm still trying to get the night off so I can celebrate the win.

kcsaints 01-11-2014 01:38 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
1 Attachment(s)
Who's hungry? :bandg:

Exxcalibur 01-11-2014 01:51 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - Saints vs. Seahawks

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 571675)
NFLN did this morning too. Melissa Starks, Sharp, Billick, Shaun O'hara.

I haven't seen anyone pick the Saints. I'll bet Marshall Faulk will.

I can't see us going in as favorites anywhere.

I am happy with the outside/underdog tag, or whatever you wanna call it, this time, and I think the scars of our last visit will serve us well. ~ call it battle hardened, perhaps.

We know we have a big job, and that's good for our head game. This game is all in the mindset.

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 01:53 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

kcsaints 01-11-2014 02:04 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
1 Attachment(s)
Twitter is on FIRE! I'm having fun reading the #WhoDat posts.
Seeing some pictures of Jimmy Graham on the field and gettin' into it with some Seachickens already!

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:08 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

exile 01-11-2014 02:09 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

Originally Posted by kcsaints (Post 571717)
Twitter is on FIRE! I'm having fun reading the #WhoDat posts.

Seeing some pictures of Jimmy Graham on the field and gettin' into it with some Seachickens already!

It's a lot like playing in Oakland.

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:15 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:16 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:21 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:23 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:29 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

|Mitch| 01-11-2014 02:35 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks

lsusaint912 01-11-2014 02:36 PM

Re: It's Game Day! - OFFICIAL GAMEDAY THREAD Saints vs. Seahawks
Jimmy is fired up.. Leave to the seahawks to run that mouth

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