02-02-2014, 12:25 PM
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Re: Morten Anderson not included in Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by jeanpierre
bobdog, Morten Andersen is the All-Time Scorer for the NFL...
...the NFL's All-Time Leading Scorer...
And he wasn't just any kicker, he was hitting scores from 50+ yards regularly...
Paired with that incredible defense, he brought the Saints out of purgatory to respectability...
If we'd had a Sean Payton caliber coach then, I have no doubt we'd seen 65+ yard scores as well...
Ask NFL alum "of all eras, if you can pick one kicker to kick a fifty yard field goal attempt to win a game for your team, who would it be?"
Morten Andersen is a Hall of Famer, even if he screwed the fan base by going to Atlanta when trying to stick it to Benson & Co. for stupidly letting him geaux...
No arguments from me my brutha, I totally agree, just stating what I've noticed from the HOF process. I believe he should have been a first ballot no-brainer, but it doesn't surprise me that he's not…with the history of the Hall.