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WhoDat!656 02-19-2014 07:54 PM

Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
This morning, Jeff Duncan wrote about the classic pedigree of the Saints' uniforms, but noted the one-time addition of a black helmet worn in preseason games in the 1969 season, would bolster an already significant NFL wardrobe.

Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying |

In 1969, then-owner John Mecom trotted out black helmets for the Saints' preseason games. Players loved the new look. There was only one problem. Mecom forgot or failed to register the new uniforms with the NFL. The league's entire merchandise line reflected the Saints' gold helmets. Thus, NFL officials League officials forced the Saints to ditch the new look and the black helmets became a popular footnote in team lore.

My guess is if black helmets worn with all-black jerseys and pants would be wildly popular with fans, as well as players. Merchandise sales - Music to Benson's ears - would soar.

Sean Payton has talked about finding ways to maximize the Saints' home-field advantage. Can you imagine the buzz in the Mercedes-Benz Superdome if the Saints took the field in all-black uniforms for a big Monday or Sunday night game?

New Orleans Saints uniforms are classic but it wouldn't hurt to go back in black for a change |

exile 02-19-2014 08:01 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
Replicate the Failclowns. No thanks.

rezburna 02-19-2014 08:27 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
Finally! The all black I mentioned. Black everything, gold trim.

Tobias-Reiper 02-19-2014 08:51 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by exile (Post 578669)
Replicate the Failclowns. No thanks.

The Saints wore black helmets 2 decades before the Falcons.

The Dude 02-19-2014 09:24 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
I have been screaming for them for years. I think they are totally badass. Didn't they use them in preseason back in the 70's?

jeanpierre 02-19-2014 09:41 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
I always liked Gold - maybe it's the Olympic thing signifying the champ, first place...

B005TED 02-19-2014 10:21 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

44Champs 02-19-2014 10:21 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
I'd like to see the Saints add a carbon fiber look to their helmets - sinilar to the seahawks. It would be bada$$ in either gold or black

FinSaint 02-19-2014 11:03 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
Why mess with a good thing, is all I can say.

Rell&Gold 02-19-2014 11:26 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 578672)
Finally! The all black I mentioned. Black everything, gold trim.

Me & you both the wait is over

claus808 02-19-2014 11:27 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
A matte black helmet would be sick. Everyone knows it would be. Bring it in!

Jack Vegas 02-20-2014 02:34 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
This will never happen because the league says you can't have two different helmets, and there's no way they're getting rid of the gold now.

TheOak 02-20-2014 07:30 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
Top left corner, everything else reminds me of college or crap.

TheOak 02-20-2014 07:34 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by Jack Vegas (Post 578692)
This will never happen because the league says you can't have two different helmets, and there's no way they're getting rid of the gold now.

Source? Pictures tell another story.

Saints have 2 already

FinSaint 02-20-2014 08:33 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 578706)

I think Jack Vegas was maybe referencing this:

Buccaneers throwback helmets deemed unsafe to wear - ESPN

I'm not sure, but maybe all of those pics were taken prior to this past season - if, in fact, a rule was put in place which allows a team to only use one helmet during the season.

So, if I understand the issue correctly; the Saints would have to repaint their helmets from gold to black and vice versa if they wanted to have two different color helmets. The inner helmet can't be changed, but the paint on it can...

TheOak 02-20-2014 08:55 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by FinSaint (Post 578711)
I think Jack Vegas was maybe referencing this:

Buccaneers throwback helmets deemed unsafe to wear - ESPN

I'm not sure, but maybe all of those pics were taken prior to this past season - if, in fact, a rule was put in place which allows a team to only use one helmet during the season.

So, if I understand the issue correctly; the Saints would have to repaint their helmets from gold to black and vice versa if they wanted to have two different color helmets. The inner helmet can't be changed, but the paint on it can...

Two separate items. One is old school unsafe helmets, the other is different colors.

The helmet that Drew wears can be duplicated in the same color or different color and doesn't effect safety or fit.

The leagues concern is fit and safety, even though the memo sent put is horribly unclear. Especially when I've seen players crack a helmet and then just grab someone else's off the sidelines. Didn't Lynch do that this season?

Budsdrinker 02-20-2014 09:16 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 578714)
Two separate items. One is old school unsafe helmets, the other is different colors.

The helmet that Drew wears can be duplicated in the same color or different color and doesn't effect safety or fit.

The leagues concern is fit and safety, even though the memo sent put is horribly unclear. Especially when I've seen players crack a helmet and then just grab someone else's off the sidelines. Didn't Lynch do that this season?

Nope, according to the stupid rule only one helmet. You can change the color or decals but only one helmet per player. Dumbest rule I ever heard but they are enforcing it.

TheOak 02-20-2014 09:26 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by Budsdrinker (Post 578716)
Nope, according to the stupid rule only one helmet. You can change the color or decals but only one helmet per player. Dumbest rule I ever heard but they are enforcing it.

Ha... See, I can't apply any logic to that crap.

If that is the case, when Marshawn Lynch broke his helmet he should have been out the rest of the game.

See this says "throwback helmets".

"“Our Head, Neck, and Spine Committee, chaired by Drs. Hunt Batjer and Richard Ellenbogen, and the Player Safety Advisory Panel, chaired by John Madden and Ronnie Lott, have recommended that players no longer wear different helmets as part of a ‘Throwback’ or ‘Third’ uniform,” the memo from the league office said. “Our office supports this change and has reviewed it with the chairman of our Health and Safety ownership committee, Dr. John York, who concurs with this recommendation.”"

$100 bucks says the rule is because the league doesn't want to pay to trade mark the alternate uniforms and helmets.

exile 02-20-2014 10:27 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 578706)
Source? Pictures tell another story.

Saints have 2 already

I think he was talking about 2 permanent helmets. I guess we could wear black as an alternate one game. But I still don't like it much.

stickman 02-20-2014 10:36 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
I like that the Saints, with some slight tweaking, have kept the helmet relatively unchanged through the history of the franchise.

I hate it when franchises make uniform changes just for the sake of selling more replica goods.

Rugby Saint II 02-20-2014 11:02 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by stickman (Post 578723)
I like that the Saints, with some slight tweaking, have kept the helmet relatively unchanged through the history of the franchise.

I hate it when franchises make uniform changes just for the sake of selling more replica goods.

Quote of the day!:airguitar:

TheOak 02-20-2014 11:18 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
Think about what teams have made changes in the last few years and what was going on when they made those changes.

Owners think that logos and helmets put butts in seats.

rezburna 02-20-2014 11:44 AM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 578705)
Top left corner, everything else reminds me of college or crap.

I say go all black even the fleur di lis, just with gold trim around it. I have a vision of the Miami Heat all black uniforms, just with gold everywhere there is white.

Tobias-Reiper 02-20-2014 12:21 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 578738)
I say go all black even the fleur di lis, just with gold trim around it. I have a vision of the Miami Heat all black uniforms, just with gold everywhere there is white.

Jack Vegas 02-20-2014 12:39 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 578714)
Two separate items. One is old school unsafe helmets, the other is different colors.

The helmet that Drew wears can be duplicated in the same color or different color and doesn't effect safety or fit.

The leagues concern is fit and safety, even though the memo sent put is horribly unclear. Especially when I've seen players crack a helmet and then just grab someone else's off the sidelines. Didn't Lynch do that this season?

From the article linked above:

Who came up with this new guideline?

The NFL's Head, Neck and Spine Committee and the Player Safety Advisory Panel, both of which are independent, unpaid panels that advise the league on safety issues. They felt that it's safer for a player to stick with the same helmet for the entire season because new helmets take time to be broken in properly.

Is this new guideline a recommendation or a hard rule?

It is not an advisory, and it is not optional. It is a rule. Teams must follow it.

What if a player's helmet is damaged or if he's released by one team and signs with a new team? Won't he need a new helmet?

Of course. The idea isn't to force a player to wear the same helmet all season long. The idea is to minimize the switching out of helmets.

We could still do the 60's throwbacks with the larger fleur de lis, all it would take is just switching the decals.


Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 578719)
$100 bucks says the rule is because the league doesn't want to pay to trade mark the alternate uniforms and helmets.

For all its grandstanding and money grubbing, I do believe the league is truly trying to make the game safer. That's not saying the owners really care about the players, they just don't want to get sued into bankruptcy and have the game die off because parents don't want their kids playing anymore.

TheOak 02-20-2014 12:43 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by Jack Vegas (Post 578743)
From the article linked above:

Who came up with this new guideline?

The NFL's Head, Neck and Spine Committee and the Player Safety Advisory Panel, both of which are independent, unpaid panels that advise the league on safety issues. They felt that it's safer for a player to stick with the same helmet for the entire season because new helmets take time to be broken in properly.

Is this new guideline a recommendation or a hard rule?

It is not an advisory, and it is not optional. It is a rule. Teams must follow it.

What if a player's helmet is damaged or if he's released by one team and signs with a new team? Won't he need a new helmet?

Of course. The idea isn't to force a player to wear the same helmet all season long. The idea is to minimize the switching out of helmets.

We could still do the 60's throwbacks with the larger fleur de lis, all it would take is just switching the decals.

So it's like your old man grabbing your collar, looking into your eyes and saying "I SUGGEST you don't screw up".... Only a suggestion lol

B005TED 02-20-2014 12:45 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 578740)


exile 02-20-2014 01:02 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by B005TED (Post 578745)

Is ugly. Sorry. But it's true.

Jack Vegas 02-20-2014 01:08 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying
^ Agreed. Our helmets are perfect right now. Our look is classic. Let the other teams go with the fads that will look dated and stupid in 5 years (if they already don't look stupid that is).

B005TED 02-20-2014 01:09 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by exile (Post 578748)
Is ugly. Sorry. But it's true.

Danno 02-20-2014 01:22 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?

rezburna 02-20-2014 02:38 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 578740)

There it goes.

Utah_Saint 02-20-2014 02:51 PM

Re: Black helmets for the New Orleans Saints: What you're saying

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 578740)

I didn't like the sound of an all black helmet with a black fluer di lis but now that I see it, I like it.

Mardigras9 02-20-2014 02:56 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
The classic old school vs new school fight. Never will the two side agree.

halloween 65 02-20-2014 03:33 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
I still like the old.

Saintaintso 02-20-2014 04:37 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
I'd like the flat black helmets with notre dame real gold fluer de Lis on the side ...

B005TED 02-20-2014 05:22 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
I like them both but rather the all black.

CheramieIII 02-20-2014 06:30 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
I think the uniforms need to go retro but not the color of the helmets tradition is tradition

NOLA54 02-20-2014 06:39 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
How about keep the gold helmet but make the fluer de Lis gold outlined with black & white.

exile 02-20-2014 06:44 PM

Re: Saints uniforms are Classics, but what about black helmets?
How about we change to blue colors. Nah, let's just leave it alone. We got great unis already.

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