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Benson Announces New Plans With State (IMPORTANT!)

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Most telling - just look at this board. Most of the fans here are from Texas, MS, Bama, or much further away - Chicago, Jersey, even Canada. Not a whole lot of natives on the board. Even the members from ...

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Old 11-18-2004, 11:27 AM   #11
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Benson Announces New Plans With State (IMPORTANT!)

Most telling - just look at this board. Most of the fans here are from Texas, MS, Bama, or much further away - Chicago, Jersey, even Canada. Not a whole lot of natives on the board. Even the members from LA seem tobe from Shreveport, not the City. That\'s a shame.
I am from New Iberia (15 minutes south of Lafayette). They have plenty of people around here that read the board. Just because they dont post doesn\'t mean they dont read.
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Old 11-18-2004, 12:33 PM   #12
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Benson Announces New Plans With State (IMPORTANT!)

I\'m from New Orleans,grew up in the Broadmoor area and now live about 45 minutes north of Atlanta.Since i\'ve been here i\'ve had my income double from the best years I ever had in the city. It\'s a shame,the city looks dirty,stores that thrived have closed down, the streets...ah, the streets, the same pot holes from two decades ago+ are still there. To grow up there not be able to live there because of the lack of work kills me! Corruption runs rampant in gov\'t,and crime is still a major issue. I\'m not even sure where I would want to live trere now. The SAINTS are really the only thing people here identify me with besides MARDI GRAS. I attended Jesuit for 3 yrs. and McMain magnet the last two and while Marc Morial and Mitch Landreau excelled,they are the exceptions to the rule down there. I hope the SAINTS stay in the city and I hope for once the people involved in the decision making put the needs of the city first and don\'t make us look like fools when they make the decision for the new stadium.
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Old 11-18-2004, 03:47 PM   #13
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Benson Announces New Plans With State (IMPORTANT!)

Whodi - A Salle boy? Nevermind that long lost brother stuff! Figures! LOL.

There\'s only two ways to make money in NO - doctor or lawyer. There is no such thing as a New Orleans Businessman.
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Old 11-18-2004, 07:25 PM   #14
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Benson Announces New Plans With State (IMPORTANT!)

Wrong! Strip Joints make a good coin no matter what. LOL

When people ask my Dad why I\'m such a big Saints fan, he smiles and says,\" Because we brainwash\'em early down here.\"
Funny!!! Strip Joints!! :soleil:

Hey, I\'m a Salle, all the way!!! You\'d be shocked, there are tons of De La Salle grads who work in the Media, esp. sports media.

Just goes to show, they teach Salle\'s to BS with the best of them.

As far as WhoDat and the lack of locals on here, we have TONS of lurkers. You\'d be shocked how many people write me by email to complain about subjects posted or hit the \"report post\" button to write to me... why, I think a lot of people are busy and don\'t have the time to be involved with a Bullitin Board. I know it eats a lot of my time, but I am generally self managed.

Lots of lurkers...

[Edited on 11/19/2004 by Halo]

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Old 11-19-2004, 03:07 AM   #15
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Benson Announces New Plans With State (IMPORTANT!)

This is a great thread guys! Unfortunately, what is going on in New Orleans isn\'t exclusive to the city. I\'m from DeRidder, for those that don\'t know that\'s about 45 miles north of Lake Charles. I\'ve been a Saints fan my whole life. It would kill me for the Saints to leave NO. But I\'ve got to tell ya, I\'ve been in the Air Force 14 years, and I\'ve lived in states that have programs that actually help their citizenry, and Louisiana as a STATE just cannot seem to get it\'s crap together. For instance, in North Dakota, limited gambling is allowed in bars with a ceiling on the max bet of I think it was $25. Blackjack, pull tickets, things of that nature. The thing is, the ones that run these table and get the money are charity organizations. Traditional businesses and private citizens cannot run a gambling table, that\'s illegal. So they have gambling but instead of the profits going to these giant corporations, the people of the state get the money paid back to them through the services of these charities. That\'s just an example. Ourp oliticians brought in the boats and that was supposed to create all of this new revenue, which was supposed to go towards economic development projects and education and what happened? When I graduated, there were guys that graduated with me that could just barely read, and from what I hear from my family, not a whole lot has changed. The problem is that we\'ve been let down by our politicians for so long that we expect it now, and some people don\'t really get upset about it because that is what they\'re used to!!
I love my home state. I know how great the people in this state are. I challenge anyone to find a people that smile and enjoy life more than the people from this state. But I will never move back. I retire from the Air Force in 5 1/2 years, and the fact is there isn\'t opportunity in Louisiana. Too many of our bigger cities have dead neighborhoods that are overrun by drugs and crime and economic neglect. I\'m tired of driving through towns and there\'s a whole section of town that noone lives in, but the buildings are still standing when they should\'ve been torn down 15 or 20 years ago. DeRidder is a great example. We\'ve got buildings that in my memory (I\'m 32), I cannot ever remember any business being there. So those buildings sit there rotting and it reflects on the city. Outsiders get the impression that\'s how our town is and our citizens are. Then they make the decision not to bring their business into the town. Louisiana\'s education system hasn\'t put out a solid base of educated people, and I mean technically educated, in my lifetime. Our politicians don\'t work together to make the state better. They look out for themselves and worry about reelection and that is it.
Tough decisions have to be made. Tough people with a high level of integrity need to be in positions to affect change for this state. I look at my home state and I am very sad, because this state has the greatest people there are. I believe that our people just need someone to show them the way, and there will be no turning back. This state could flourish and be a model of hope for the rest of the country. But until our state government gets fixed, it\'s never gonna happen.

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotch, and your arms be too short to scratch.
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