11-19-2004, 12:18 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
Posts: 1,739
There'll be no stability with Blanco
I don\'t live in the state, so I\'m a little outta the loop here, but I was wondering if the Saints staying/leaving ever came up during the campaign? I asked my girl, and some of her friends & family who live down there, and they all said they didn\'t know. All I remember is seeing the campaign signs all over the place last season and wondering where that Jindal guy was from (he\'s from ... India?).
Looks like somebody needs to get back to the drawing board. If not, hey, a bunch of idiot Birmingham politicians keep clamoring for a dome stadium here in town (news flash, we ain\'t got anything to put in one if we had it) ... maybe the Saints will come here!