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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; http://msn.foxsports.com/story/3197574 The same cannot be said for financial talks in New Orleans with Saints owner Tom Benson and Louisiana state officials. More and more the Saints are looking like the franchise, with or without Benson that will end up in ...

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Old 11-28-2004, 12:23 AM   #1
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?


The same cannot be said for financial talks in New Orleans with Saints owner Tom Benson and Louisiana state officials. More and more the Saints are looking like the franchise, with or without Benson that will end up in the Los Angeles area for the 2008 season.

There have been no recent discussions between Oracle founder Larry Ellison and the NFL about buying a NFL team, although it is believed he would be interested in buying the Saints if they end up in Los Angeles.

No way, you actually think the Saints are going to move?
How come the Colts get a new stadium before we do?
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Old 11-28-2004, 01:05 AM   #2
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

Thats been the subject of many heated debates here...

More and more ... the Saints look like the team to be moved..especially now with the hope of an expansion franchise going there instead..which was unamimously voted out...

The Colts will likely not be moved...the owner, like Benson, may be trying to use to lure of L.A. as a bargaining tool to get a new stadium deal..unfortunately..the State isn\'t buying into Benson\'s plans..and they\'re calling his bluff..

It basically comes down to...if the State is willing to bend..and Benson is going to have to bend as well..probably more so than he is willing..seeing as how selling his franchise now, could net him more profit than any time that may arise..

It\'s a sad fact...and many people are having a real hard time coming to terms with it

[Edited on 28/11/2004 by shadowdrinker_x]

[Edited on 28/11/2004 by shadowdrinker_x]
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Old 11-28-2004, 06:38 AM   #3
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

I found this on Pro Football Talk (I\'m posting only the part of the article that pertains to the Saints - the article was very long and discussed alot of other crap...):


With his football team tanking and his visions of a taxpayer-financed stadium now dancing in the toilet, Saints owner Tom Benson seems to be losing interest in the NFL franchise that he has owned for some 20 years.

Benson, we\'re hearing, has even canceled the organization\'s annual Christmas party. He also is cutting costs at the team headquarters, including the food budget.

So it appears to us that Benson will shift, like his buddy Red McCombs in Minnesota, to maintenance mode for the next few months as Mr. and/or Mrs. Benson decide whether to cash out come February if the team can\'t finagle the cash cow of a shiny new venue in which to play the home games.

Our guess is that Benson eventually will sell to Larry Ellison of Oracle, who\'ll move the team to L.A. -- and likely change its name. In fact, we think there\'s a possibility (and this is pure speculation on our part) that if/when an existing franchise moves to Los Angeles, the NFL will try an outside-the-box thing with the names of the teams, giving \"Rams\" back to the L.A. franchise and, for example, creating the \"St. Louis Saints.\"

Regardless of how it plays out, the situation in New Orleans will be a big part of what is shaping up to be one of the wildest and most unpredictable offseasons in years.

- Mike Florio

I hope this is all more speculation, but I\'m still a bit nervous. This topic got bashed into the ground the last time, and I could use the confidence boost of that happening again!

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Old 11-28-2004, 08:50 AM   #4
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

I\'m concerned myself here.

If the Colts stadium deal actually happens then I\'ll get more nervous about it.

In the meantime, I\'m still looking for McCombs to decide to sell the Vikings or San Diego to extort a new stadium or move to LA (with a winning record this year, they might be able to swing it).

The biggest cause for hope right now is Rita LeBlanc. She\'s the heir apparant for the Saints and the best chance of keeping them in NO. I can\'t see Mr Benson selling the team away from her, it could happen, but it would make family Christmas a little awkward.

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Old 11-28-2004, 12:34 PM   #5
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

I\'m not concerned about it at all. The State must try to call Benson\'s bluff or they can lose their shirts. It\'s called the negotiation process- offer and acceptance, it\'s the first few pages of any Contract law book.

What people forget is that LA has already lost 2 teams in recent years. There the community does not embrace the NFL and it will be second billing to the Lakers and has to compete with Oakland, San Fran, San Diego, the Padres. etc.

The media loves to pick on New Orleans. Many of these people writing have never been to New Orleans or if they have, they\'ve only been to bourbon street.

One last thing, so if Benson makes a Billion dollars on the Saints, what will he do with it? He probably has less than 5 years of healthy non-crippled life left. Like may sane people, money will not do it, he\'d rather win a Superbowl. If he was 60 or 50 then yes he\'d go for the money, but not now guys.

By the way, you guys should read this article....


Gumbo is a very real insider who works for the Superdome commission. Enjoy

[Edited on 11/28/2004 by Halo]

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Old 11-28-2004, 01:35 PM   #6
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

I\'m not concerned about it at all. The State must try to call Benson\'s bluff or they can lose their shirts. It\'s called the negotiation process- offer and acceptance, it\'s the first few pages of any Contract law book.

What people forget is that LA has already lost 2 teams in recent years. There the community does not embrace the NFL and it will be second billing to the Lakers and has to compete with Oakland, San Fran, San Diego, the Padres. etc.

The media loves to pick on New Orleans. Many of these people writing have never been to New Orleans or if they have, they\'ve only been to bourbon street.

One last thing, so if Benson makes a Billion dollars on the Saints, what will he do with it? He probably has less than 5 years of healthy non-crippled life left. Like may sane people, money will not do it, he\'d rather win a Superbowl. If he was 60 or 50 then yes he\'d go for the money, but not now guys.

By the way, you guys should read this article....


Gumbo is a very real insider who works for the Superdome commission. Enjoy

[Edited on 11/28/2004 by Halo]

I have read that article before...and it never really answered my question...I mean..I\'ts easy to see why the State needs an NFL franchise...what state wouldn\'t benefit from one?

But it fails to include Benson..the main man in the whole thing .. It\'s his team..not the state\'s...

If he sells the team now...he would make more money than he ever could at a later date...

The owners have voted out the possibility of an expansion franchise bieng entered to fill the void in L.A...meaning a relocation is going to happen...for one team or another

There was a post on here about a poll from a local news station asking residents if they would accept a tax increase to compensate for the teams increased funding...It was blown out of the water..what was it?..like 80% saying no?

The truth will come in the offseason..and I have said that at least 10 times...If you see Benson backing off..and you allready see that with the new budget cuts...and his mocking of his own team...then it spells doom for the future of the Saints...

On the other hand,..If you see him start to pump his own money in...and hire some big name guys..then he may be trying to simply bluff the state...and have a good team by the time a new stadium..or whatever they agree on is accomplished

Maybe the fans should start trying to fight for the team...how hard would it be for residenst of louisiana..to pick up your local phone book.and start calling people..asking for thier support?...give them an address to write blanco...and demand the state try harder to retain the team..before it\'s too late...or..set up tables at home games..and training camp...and wherever you can..and hand out flyers..with the proof the the team is neede in the state..for royalties alone...

If it\'s worth your loyalty..it\'s worth your every effort to ensure the future ..In any way you can

P.S. The \'\'Superdome Commision\'\'?..what?..they have been non existent...and even disbanded..those guys are a joke..


[Edited on 28/11/2004 by shadowdrinker_x]

[Edited on 28/11/2004 by shadowdrinker_x]
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Old 11-28-2004, 03:04 PM   #7
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

uhm, c-o-n-t-r-a-c-t. The only way the Saints can be moved before 2009 is if the Saints are asked to leave by the state. The Contract is solid, was when it was implemeted and still is today.
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Old 11-28-2004, 03:13 PM   #8
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

If he sells the team now...he would make more money than he ever could at a later date...
And my answer was...

One last thing, so if Benson makes a Billion dollars on the Saints, what will he do with it? He probably has less than 5 years of healthy non-crippled life left.
The owners have voted out the possibility of an expansion franchise bieng entered to fill the void in L.A...meaning a relocation is going to happen...for one team or another
I don\'t know, doesn\'t mean a team will relocate. I don\'t see how that\'s so definite. It may be years before this happens, may happen next year. They have been talking about a team moving to LA since the Rams left.

There was a post on here about a poll from a local news station asking residents if they would accept a tax increase to compensate for the teams increased funding...It was blown out of the water..what was it?..like 80% saying no?
That was from the Baton Rouge advocate. My office is in Baton Rouge and the locals there are very jealous and negative toward New Orleans. But they are also very hard on LSU, even at 9 and 2 this season, that wasn\'t enough for them. Last year after the Nat\'l Championship game, a fan called in to a call in show to sat that LSU sucked that day because they didn\'t score enough points and the passing offense was poor. The host replied, \"we just won the Nat\'l Championship and you\'re going to ruin it with this? What more could you want?\"

Read here for what was said weeks ago...


I agree the question and, as you can see, the Baton Rouge community is very biased and negative toward anything New Orleans. They have a lot of Saints fans there that I go to the games with, but many in Baton Rouge can be closed minded. What they don\'t realize is the money the Saints Organization generates benefits them also as they use money that comes from the Hotel/Motel tax in New Orleans.

Everyone go vote to counteract the negativity.

Also read this...
I love the topic but I will say this again... There is no way the Saints will leave New Orleans because the owner and the NFL have a sweetheart deal where they make money. Because Louisiana is the first state in history to give money to the bottom line of any organization...

The truth will come in the offseason..and I have said that at least 10 times...If you see Benson backing off..and you allready see that with the new budget cuts...and his mocking of his own team...then it spells doom for the future of the Saints...
It\'s all a part of the negotiation process, if anything the owner was apologizing to the community about the play of his team, something much of New Orleans wants to hear when they play bad. The owner of the Falcons does this when his team plays poorly. This gives the community a feeling like the organization wants to win and helps with people\'s desire for them to stay because people feel the want to win.

If you see him start to pump his own money in...and hire some big name guys..then he may be trying to simply bluff the state...and have a good team by the time a new stadium..or whatever they agree on is accomplished...
I think Benson and the team try to win every year. It\'s crazy to think that the Saints, a team with the highest payed payroll in the league, are every trying to lose. He has stayed with Haslett to build some consistancy, but he may be gone soon because a poor showing by the team will hurt ticket sales soon.

Maybe the fans should start trying to fight for the team...how hard would it be for residenst of louisiana..to pick up your local phone book.and start calling people..asking for thier support?
Locals always fight for the team as well as die hard fans across the state. The closed minded people in the State get a lot of coverage because they want more money for their communities. If the Saints were in Sherevport, do you think people there would be so negative?

But what people fail to see it the economic impact the team brings to the State. If they leave, every community will suffer badly because everyone takes from the motel/hotel tax the Saints generate in New Orleans. If the team leaves there will be a huge hole in the State\'s budget and look for Louisiana to lose more fortune 500 companies and Louisiana will probably have to file for bankruptcy.

The Governor knows this, the legislature also, everyone is posturing for the best deal. That\'s why you here such an extreme from the State, and another from the Saints.

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Old 11-28-2004, 03:15 PM   #9
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

uhm, c-o-n-t-r-a-c-t. The only way the Saints can be moved before 2009 is if the Saints are asked to leave by the state. The Contract is solid, was when it was implemeted and still is today.
Also, if the Saints leave they have to pay back every penny of the money they have been given by the State over the past 4 years including the cost of the new state of the art facilities the State built for the Saints that are the envey of every team in the NFL.
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Old 11-28-2004, 03:27 PM   #10
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Rumor: Saints actually moving and being sold?

I can\'t wait for someone to start talking about UCC article 2.
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