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4saintspirit 01-03-2005 02:10 PM

Best Saints QB Ever
Random thoughts on the subject -- Lets be clear here - there was one year that the Saints had the most explosive offense in the league -- 4 Offensive players made it to the pro bowl -- Archie Manning -- a man know as Wes Chandler -- Cocaine Chuck Mucnie -- Henry Childs as tight end and Tong G as a second starter at fullback. That year Archie played fantastic -- we didn\'t make the playoffs mainly because of the last game versus Oakland -- Snake Stabler threw 4 4th quarter TDs to beat the Saints 42-35. So Archie did have talent one year and played superbly. Now lets move to Brooks -- what is meant by by who is the better QB. Physical talent wise no doubt Brooks -- mentally, football smarts -- no doubt archie -- Now lets turn to stats -- very unfair top rank him on stats -- Less games per season played -- qbs and wide receivers did not have the same protection offered by the refs as they do now (which really opens up offenses). I could go on. In my mind -- Archie was the greatest Saint QB -- He stayed in New Orleans and played his heart out --- lets wait and see on Brooks ---

Puddinhead 01-03-2005 02:42 PM

Best Saints QB Ever

Random thoughts on the subject -- Lets be clear here - there was one year that the Saints had the most explosive offense in the league -- 4 Offensive players made it to the pro bowl -- Archie Manning -- a man know as Wes Chandler -- Cocaine Chuck Mucnie -- Henry Childs as tight end and Tong G as a second starter at fullback. That year Archie played fantastic -- we didn\'t make the playoffs mainly because of the last game versus Oakland -- Snake Stabler threw 4 4th quarter TDs to beat the Saints 42-35. So Archie did have talent one year and played superbly.
As I said.....the year was 1979, and Manning went to the Pro Bowl after throwing 15 TDs and 20 INTs.

Personally, it\'s my opinion that Archie Manning had a good bit more athletic ability than Aaron Brooks has--and that\'s based on personal observation of both\'s exploits on the field. Not to mention that Manning was a pretty fair left-handed hitting shortstop at Ole Miss. Everyone always wants Brooks to run more often, but I really don\'t think he\'s that much of a threat (pretty much average to slightly above as NFL QBs go) running the ball--he\'s not all that fast, he\'s not shifty at all, and he certainly doens\'t have the body makeup to run through tackles. Manning had him beat on all of those counts. The other thing Manning did better than Brooks was throw on the run. What I feel Brooks doesn better than Manning did is sit back in the pocket (when there is one) and deliver the ball downfield accurately. Like it or not, we have to accept the fact that Manning, even in his best years, threw the ball to the wrong team an inordinate amount of times. Certainly more consistantly than Brooks has over his career so far.

cars4dylan1 01-04-2005 11:20 AM

Best Saints QB Ever
What, no love for Weurfel from you guys??!!


Brooks has flashes of brilliance but then on the other hand at times he shows off a perpensity for making overwhelmingly stupid plays.

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