11-11-2014, 06:42 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 11,518
Re: What play makes you the most nervous with this team?
Originally Posted by Mr.Riaton
Brees is a phenomenal player who does mess up at times but has carried this team for so long. He is a leader, a captain, and the face of this franchise, and you just don't bench somebody like that. To be honest, I read in another post that he was booed in the SF game and I don't think that was right. He is not a flop or lazy and prepares more than anybody on that team. He is an ultimate competitor and his mistakes bother him just as much if not more than it does us. One of his downfalls is he panics under pressure and tries to do too much. Give that man some good protection and watch what he can do. Hell, just go back and watch the Green Bay game. To expect him to be phenomenal without good protection is like trying to have sex on sleeping pills....you might get the job done, but you'll be sloppy and inconsistent and theres a good chance you wont finish strong.
He had phenomenal protection before the half and still threw the ball into triple coverage.....