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4saintspirit 01-11-2005 07:39 AM

Blanco's offer....
I think Blanco makes some good points -- Benson should open up his books -- that way BBlanco and the state could really see the shape the Saints are in. Keeping the Saints means more than just tax dollars or super bowl revenue. They are part of the community. But I will say this -- iof we lose the Saints I better see some real improvement in the roads, education etc. I somehow have to think if Jindal was in office we would keep the Saints and see improvement in our quality of life

FireVenturi 01-11-2005 07:52 AM

Blanco's offer....

Well as a taxpayer, I would rather see my money go to keep the Saints in New Orleans rather than see that money spent on welfare, food stamps, housing projects, for someone with no job to send their 6 kids to public school or whatever other program this tax and spend liberal democratic has in her agenda. No question!!
I AGREE 100%

FireVenturi 01-11-2005 07:53 AM

Blanco's offer....

I think Blanco makes some good points -- Benson should open up his books -- that way BBlanco and the state could really see the shape the Saints are in. Keeping the Saints means more than just tax dollars or super bowl revenue. They are part of the community. But I will say this -- iof we lose the Saints I better see some real improvement in the roads, education etc. I somehow have to think if Jindal was in office we would keep the Saints and see improvement in our quality of life
It is not a question whether Benson wants to open them up or not...if he wanted to, the NFL would NEVER allow it!

Puddinhead 01-11-2005 09:28 AM

Blanco's offer....

...whatever other program this tax and spend liberal democratic has in her agenda. No question!!
That would be as opposed to the current conservative republican compulsion to \"borrow and spend\"??


BrooksMustGo 01-11-2005 10:19 AM

Blanco's offer....
Here\'s what I don\'t get.

The league issued 15 year stadium loans to Denver, Philly and New England which would max out at 150 million dollars (roughly half the cost of the stadium) to be paid back by ticket sales revenue that would have ordinarily gone to the visiting team.

In New England\'s case, the state only spent 70 million for infrastructure related to the statdium site.

That only left Bob Kraft to come up with something like 150 million.

So with the Saints, I don\'t know where the problem is.
1. Is the league holding back on offering similar stadium loans to the Saints that would effectively cover half of the cost of a new stadium?
2. Is Benson holding back on ponying up the other half of the money required to build?
3. Given what they\'ve already spent and are already pledged to spend, I can\'t see why the state would hold back a one time expense of building roads, sewer, water and power out to a stadium site.

As Louisiana doesn\'t have a great tax base anyway and since the Saints don\'t clearly benefit all the folks in Louisiana, I\'m having a very difficult time seeing the state as the bad guy here. It seems more likely to me that the NFL isn\'t offering us the same loan deal they\'ve offered other teams or Benson isn\'t willing to try and come up with just half of the cost.

Since money isn\'t a problem for any number of other cities, I\'m not sure why renovating the dome is the best use of money anyway. And for sure, I don\'t see where it\'s the state\'s responsibility to build a state of the art facility for a private business. Infrastructure, sure. Tax incentives, sure. Loans, sure. The state footing the bill, not so much.

GeauxHome 01-11-2005 11:35 AM

Blanco's offer....

Saints don\'t clearly benefit all the folks in Louisiana,
Are you serious? Anyone person, business, or group that pays taxes benefits all folks in LA. Maybe not directly, but definitely indirectly.

Hey Blanco:

Bottom Line: Keep the Saints or Lose your Job

--chew on this

FireVenturi 01-11-2005 11:43 AM

Blanco's offer....


Saints don\'t clearly benefit all the folks in Louisiana,
Are you serious? Anyone person, business, or group that pays taxes benefits all folks in LA. Maybe not directly, but definitely indirectly.

Hey Blanco:

Bottom Line: Keep the Saints or Lose your Job

--chew on this
Hope whoever voted her in is happy ;) ;) ;) ;) :casstet:

shadowdrinker 01-11-2005 12:38 PM

Blanco's offer....
The real problem we face is..the NFL and it\'s owners , more importantly, want to get more shared revenue generated..that is why they voted out bringing in an expansion team..they want to take the weakest team financially, and make them produce turn..creating more cash without having an extra mouth to feed...and unforunately...when you look at the teams in question, New Orleans, Indianapolis, San Diego, and Minnesota , you begin to see who is the weakest link, and ultimately..the owners just want more does the NFL...It all kind of points to us...I\'m not sure if Blanco realizes this, or of she even cares,..but,..It\'s isn\'t her decision alone...we just have to hope something happens right now..because, mark my words...if the deal isn\'t done by the start of the new season..we are gone...

Euphoria 01-11-2005 01:31 PM

Blanco's offer....
LOL... Mark my words Saints aren\'t going anywheres!

BrooksMustGo 01-11-2005 01:44 PM

Blanco's offer....


Saints don\'t clearly benefit all the folks in Louisiana,
Are you serious? Anyone person, business, or group that pays taxes benefits all folks in LA. Maybe not directly, but definitely indirectly.

Hey Blanco:

Bottom Line: Keep the Saints or Lose your Job
--chew on this
Not to put too fine a point on this,

All I am saying is that a lot of folks in Louisiana are not Saints fans, most will never attend a game and have reason to wonder why the state is giving $10-20 million a year to an organization that gives the appearance of being mismanaged and has a hard time making it to .500 every year.

The Saints aren\'t like roads, schools, police or prisons, which clearly benefit everyone. I\'m not sure what the tax burden is on the Saints, but it\'s a hard sell to tell people that they generate a great deal of tax revenue for the state and still need tax dollars paid to them by the state.

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