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saintswhodi 01-12-2005 10:10 AM

Blanco's offer....

Wonder if group in New Orleans could afford to buy them

I got 5 bucks 4saints. Yes/no? Anyone else wanna pitch in?

4saintspirit 01-12-2005 10:31 AM

Blanco's offer....
I can throw in 100 bucks. Too bad we cannot do it the way Green Bay does it -- and that is stockholders own it. I know it is illegal now days for the NFL but that would be best. Or I wonder if the city can buy them -- Maybe it can help the saints make the profit.


WhoDat 01-12-2005 01:40 PM

Blanco's offer....
Get Al Copeland to head up a group. The issue is that they want one main owner - but very few franchises, including the Saints, are owned by one guy. Still, it takes a ton of money. If every person in LA - man, woman, and child, threw in $100 for the Saints, the State would still be about $200 million short of what Benson would ask for and may be able to get for the team - about $600 million.

xan 01-12-2005 04:55 PM

Blanco's offer....
Yeah, I do know what you\'re talking about. There are several kind of \"books\" depending on who you talk to. Private organizations still have constituents. The NFL, Mr. Benson, the State, the Players Union are just a few. The way one accounts for taxes is dramatically different from the accrual methods used, and being private, one has a few more liberties than a publicly traded company subject to various and sundry \"shareholder protection\" laws. Each of these constituents gets presented a different angle of what\'s happening.

Because we have no way of knowing what data Forbes is basing its rankings on, and probably it is from \"numbers\" disclosed by the Saints organisation and from publicly available tax returns, the rankings are specious at best. I know from my days at 3 Fortune 50 companies that we could make ourselves look fantastic or like crapola depending on what the mood of the CEO was. It\'s so much easier if you don\'t have the SEC after your butt.

Also, not to be too repetitive again, Benson\'s posturing is typical when you hold all the cards, or at least all the cards that count. He\'s got money, he\'s got options and he\'s given the State a fairly broad indication he\'d rather stay. Benson\'s playing the other side of the used car game with the \"governor\" and she is getting six-packed.

(\"six-packed\" - getting whacked in the head hard enough to require six beers to kill the pain)

WhoDat 01-12-2005 08:06 PM

Blanco's offer....
I agree - and I agree with what you said earlier (I believe it was you) about Blanco\'s posturing leaving a lot to be desired. I\'m not sure who is running the show up there in BR, but it sure seems like a clown show more than anything else. Her reaction has been stand-offish and snooty. Where\'s her major base - who are her constituents. They can\'t be from NO. It sure seems that she\'s playing to a crowd - trying to pound her chest and show that rich cry baby down in New Orleans how things are going to run while she\'s around. That\'s exactly the wrong attitude, and it seems to me that\'s she\'s playing it up for people who wouldn\'t say what she\'s saying themselves - in other words, the blowhards that back her.

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