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hagan714 01-24-2015 12:46 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 638557)
Georgia Frontiere's Heirs Tried To Keep The St. Louis Rams, Says Former GM - Turf Show Times

Breaking the empire could lead to this kind of situation.

Saints could also be New Orleans history. Buh-bye.
CBears V.H. is owner in name, but her heirs are her children. Different situation. She is really old too.

Hopefully, TB and his advisors will settle this from going any further in the media and he will the right thing. What the urge to change this all so drastically? Hmmmmm.

like i said be afraid. very afraid. I have seen this before and do not take anyones word for the truth right now. saints can be gone in a 24 hr notice.

Some one better be ready to claim the name so at least the name stays if our worse fears happen

i am kinda stumped by all the bashing Rita is getting because nothing has been said before.

Keep in mind the TP is owned by Benson so take anything coming out that paper with a grain of salt and put in the bird cage,

UK_WhoDat 01-24-2015 04:46 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 638502)
I think next years offseason, the entire front office should have to prove their sexual orientation along with power point presentations.


Don't you think that one probing for deflated balls is enough?:lolup:

OldMaid 01-24-2015 04:55 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 638464)
Can you imagine what the new hires must think?!?

No. In these situations, the old hires and new hires all know to pick a side and hopefully, their side will be the winning side ad allowed to stay when it is over.

New hires and old hires all could be on their way out as well and all know this because the Mrs. GB there has all HER people lined up and ready to take over in a minute.

Sounds like this woman has her ducks all in a row. This sort of thing did not happen over night , but more like years in play . She is now ready , with her family and handlers , to make her move. What a Biotch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel sorry for TB's children and grandchildren.

I am sure there is an ironclad prenup for the Mrs. GB. There are irrevocable trusts too for the children and grandchildren of TB.

TB is still alive.

TB is , most likely, not in his best health in no areas.
That takes TB out of the equation of his own company.

With the Mrs. and her people making her power play.....anything is possible. It may or may not work. She is sure going to try it. That is a given.

SmashMouth 01-26-2015 11:06 AM

Re: Rita sues!!!!
Saints, Pelicans owner Tom Benson 'unduly influenced' in severing ties with Rita Benson LeBlanc, family members, attorney says |

Beastmode 01-26-2015 12:20 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!
A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin suggests that when a group is without a leader, you can often count on a narcissist to take charge.

Papa Voodoo 01-26-2015 12:50 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!
Tom Benson had to discipline Rita 2-3 years ago and cut her off then. Didn't he send her to Europe or something? He wasn't old or coerced then. It's his business. He can will it to his dog like Leona Helmsley if he wants.

saintfan 01-26-2015 01:01 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!

Originally Posted by Papa Voodoo (Post 638752)
Tom Benson had to discipline Rita 2-3 years ago and cut her off then. Didn't he send her to Europe or something? He wasn't old or coerced then. It's his business. He can will it to his dog like Leona Helmsley if he wants.

No. He really can't. And this isn't limited to Rita. The entire family has been (or he is attempting to) cut off. With the exception of the wife/stop mom.

Euphoria 01-26-2015 01:10 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!
It is crazy how families get at the end of someone's life.

I was in a similar situation where my Grandfather passes... all my life I was raised by my Grandmother and Grandfather. My Aunt's and Uncles were brother and sisters to me and even to this day I am refereed as the little brother by some. All of a sudden for the funeral and all the other hoop-la. I am suddenly a 'grandchild'. Its not cool to be treated like that all of a sudden have that slipped out from under you for what could be no reason at all.

I get he is entitled to do what he wants with his possessions ect. But they are going to have to look into if someone is forcing Benson to make these decision on his own accord.

hagan714 01-26-2015 01:26 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!
yep wills death and all that crap have a long history of dividing families

Beastmode 01-26-2015 02:08 PM

Re: Rita sues!!!!
Sorry, but this is not Benson's business stylings. It reaks of manipulation and forgery. Saying things like, family members will be taken care of...absoultely not something he would say and certainly nobody's business how he handles something that personal. I was not even aware he had several wives and a number of children until now and I've been a fan since 35 years. He's never talked about it publicly that I'm aware of until right now.

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