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BrooksMustGo 01-22-2005 04:48 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning

But I don\'t see what point you\'re trying to make. Really, you make no point.
Some sort of glass house thing going on here?

saintswhodi 01-22-2005 04:55 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning

In Brooks case, it\'s always something every year that contributes to his lack of success.
Not this is spoken like a man so biased there is no reasoning. So for Peyton, it couldn\'t be the weather or the fact that he is playing the consensus best team in the league in the playoffs the last couple of years huh? But for 5 straight years something has hampered Leon. That is too rich for words. Sometimes I pray to God you don\'t mean half the things you type.

BrooksMustGo 01-22-2005 04:58 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
The reminds me of.

The First Law of Holes: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

GumboBC 01-22-2005 05:06 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
saintswhodi --

This is getting to be funny!! :P

Let me explain something here.

I post some stuff specifically for WhoDat and Gator. I\'m pretty sure both of them know this. I just don\'t call them out by name.

Also, I don\'t necessarily \"mean\" what I\'m posting.

You see.... WhoDat and Gator have blinded me their (flawed) \"logic\" for so long that I sometimes use it against them at certain times.

Listen up people: I don\'t blame Petyon for all the Colts shortcomings in the playoffs.

The Pats are a tough team to beat regardless of who the opposing QB is. Playing on the road is tough and the weather does play a role. (it\'s debateble how much of a role.)

Then, of course, there are a lot of other guys on the Colts besides Manning. Like the entire defense.

However, Peyton must take some of the blame. He\'s made a lot of stupid decisions in the playoffs.

And that goes for Aaron Brooks too. He muct shoulder some of the blame.

FireVenturi 01-22-2005 07:06 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning


At least Peyton is, in your words, \"choking\" in the playoffs...unlike someone else who chokes over and over long before the playoffs, thus, keeping us out of the playoffs. I would take the success of the Colts over the last four years over the mediocrity that we keep getting shoved down our throats.

I know what your up to, though. You don\'t like people talking negative about your hero, AB, so you counter-punch with some negativity about someone else that you consider to be near and dear to all of us. Problem is, your arguments just aren\'t holding water. It is like comparing apples to oranges.
Wrong, my friend. I don\'t mind folks complaining about Brooks.

What I have a problem with is misinformed opinions.

Like blaming Brooks for an offensive lineman jumping offsides.

Or, blaming Brooks for this TEAM\'S record!!

It\'s silly, foolish, foolhardy, take your pick!!

Say we would be better with another QB. I have no problem with that.

Say Brooks makes some stupid decisions. I have no problem with that!!

Say Brooks is causing us to not make the playoffs and I have a BIG problem with that.

So, while I am a Brooks fan. I\'m also not foolish enough to buy into some things shared by some Saints\' fans.

Somewhere around the age of 9 or 10 I came to understand that the players around the QB can cause a QB to look very good and sometimes very bad.

In Brooks case, it\'s always something every year that contributes to his lack of success.

You might not think so, but hopefully you know enough about the game of football to know better.

Brooks perfect? Far from it.

What would you say the reason that Deuce struggled mightily this year?

Oh, the offensive line and injuries. It works the same way for Qbs too.

Are we on the same page?

Probably not!! ;)
Agree 200%. we would be in the playoffs if we just had an average D all year, in spite of the play of the offense...the ENTIRE offense! :popcorn:

spkb25 01-22-2005 07:09 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
gumball i can understand why you dont see my point its not like we are on the same level. i cant speak for gatorman because i really havent read to many of his post or if i have they just dont stand out to me. that is in no way a slight on him i just dont remember. but with who dat i think most of the time the guy has very intelligent post. even if ast that time there may be some i dont agree with. they still make me think. unlike you who i see as just trying to strum up conversation. just a bs talker. your real point has nothing to do with manning or brooks. what it really has to do with is your desitre to have all great qb\'s be black. because somehow you must take great pride in the success in other people who happen to be the same race as you because you yourself cant be that. we can stand here and lie to each other if you wopuld like to but thats the real truth. i must say i dont really care for you and thats because all i see you talk about is the same subject over and over and over and over and over and over again. then on top of that you just always seem to take the opposite point of most people on here to help further your agenda. i was a huge brooks\' supporter until his just stupid comments before the last game. he is an idiot and we should get rid of him as soon as we have another and better option

GumboBC 01-22-2005 07:33 PM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning

your real point has nothing to do with manning or brooks. what it really has to do with is your desitre to have all great qb\'s be black. because somehow you must take great pride in the success in other people who happen to be the same race as you
Same race? Dude, I\'m white.

I don\'t have a desire for any \"race\" to play well at the QB position. The only QB I have a desire to play well is the QB for the Saints. Whoever that may be.

As far as the rest of your observations....

I sure don\'t go along with the masses here at B&G.

Seems to me that some folks take exception to anyone that disagrees with their \"old school\" way of thinking.

Some fans don\'t like the way the NFL is changing. They HATE endzone celebrations. They really don\'t care for running QBs and would rather have a drop back passer.

Some fans love the more humble players and HATE a guy who comes across as being a \"talker\".

So, yeah, I differ from those \"old school\" guys. I like a QB who can flat out make plays by running. I love endzone celebrations. I love the trash talking.

If you\'re one of those \"old school\" thinkers... then you\'ll probably not agree with some of my thinking.

You might even take offense to some of my comments about some of your favorite \"old school\" type players.

You might take exception that I think players are more responsible than than the coaches for win/losses.

So, what you call stirring up trouble is simply a difference of opinion in the way you and I think.

I love America. I get to believe what I want.

WhoDat 01-23-2005 09:15 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning

The First Law of Holes: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Amen BMG. Unfortunately, it\'s about to get MUCH worse for Billy Boy.


This is getting to be funny!!
Well, at least you were right about one thing.


You see.... WhoDat and Gator have blinded me their (flawed) \"logic\" for so long that I sometimes use it against them at certain times.
We\'re about to examine the definition of flawed logic. You all be the judge. This might end up being your newest greatest hits thread Billy Boy.


All of those guys have one thing over Peyton Mannng. And that is they actually got to the super bowl.
So those guys can be considered good or great QBs based solely on the fact that their TEAM made it to the Super Bowl. You credit that entirely to the QB position, and criticize Peyton for failing to bring his team to the playoffs. Yet, it\'s unfair to criticize Brooks for failing to even get his team in the playoffs.

Fair: Peyton can\'t be called great b/c he can\'t take his team to the SB.

Acceptible: Brooks can call himself great and suggest that his team is holding him back.

Unfair: Suggesting Brooks is a problem b/c his erratic and rdiculously stupid play hurts the team and is a FACTOR in why they don\'t make the playoffs. Also unfair, suggesting we should trade AB and look for a better option.

Could you please explain that rationale? Oh, and where does Jake Delhomme rank then based on this system of review?

On to another subject. Let me refresh your memory about your quote: \"All of those guys have one thing over Peyton Mannng. And that is they actually got to the super bowl.\"

Can you please explain your position on coaching again based on this quote. Didn\'t you compare Haslett time and again to Bill Parcells? Does the SB standard only apply to players, or more specifically QBs not named Brooks? Hey Billy, name a coach in the last 20 years who failed to make the playoffs for 4 straight years and later took the same team to the SB.... or even playoffs. Oops - did \"Billy Logic\" come back to bite Billy and the arse... again?


I would give Peyton a pass if it wouldn\'t have happend 4 or 5 years in a row.
Uhhh.... I\'m going to need to hear that explanation of why HASLETT AND BROOKS deserve a pass again. I mean, have the results changed at all the last 4 or 5 years in a row? That darned Billy Logic!!

Didn\'t you say that you equated Manning with the word \"Loser\" and say that you would trade Brooks straight up for him? So Brooks is a good option for the Saints even if you\'d trae him straight up for a Choke Artist Loser?


Sure, Peyton can silence all of his critics one day. But, today he is what he is.

That\'s right... HE IS WHAT HE IS!!!
Great point. What\'s AB again? Haslett? Damn that Billy Logic!


Choke Artist -- A person that single handidly performs bad in certain situations.
Oh really? Noted. Does Brooks qualify?


Peyton Manning -- Year after year after year he plays TERRIBLE in the playoffs.
So Manning plays poorly in big games and that makes him a \"Choke Artist\"?

So how do you define a guy who plays so erratically that his team doesn\'t even make it to a big game? \"Choke Expert\"? Do fumbles and backwards passes count? I see that INTs do, but what about those other things. Afterall, penalties and missed blocks are more important that turnovers - remember Billy?

Man, this Billy Logic is just flat unfair.


Say Brooks is causing us to not make the playoffs and I have a BIG problem with that.
Hang on, let\'s review.

Fair: Peyton is a Choke Artist who is keeping the Colts from the SB.

Unfair: Brooks is causing the Saints not to make the playoffs.

Mmm, I see. So really, all that matters is what your name is then right? Brooks: criticism = unfair. Manning: criticism = fair.

I can honestly say that I have never met a person who speaks out of both sides of his mouth as frequently in my life. I bet if you did some hard core research on here you would find that Billy Logic has caused our pal Billy to blatantly contradict every statement he\'s made on this board. This is the definition og hypocracy.

[Edited on 23/1/2005 by WhoDat]

saintswhodi 01-23-2005 09:24 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning

JOESAM2002 01-23-2005 09:59 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
I feel a chill! Quit the name calling! Other than that this is MOST entertaining!

P.S. I loved the First Law of Holes thing! :thumbsup:

WhoDat 01-23-2005 09:59 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Oh come now Whoodi. It\'s not hard. Anyone on this board could do it. Give it a try some time. All you need to do is look at two threads in which Billy has posted side by side. For example:

In the FIRST POST of this thread, one that BILLY initiated, he said:


Peyton, you\'re still a big choke artist in my mind.

How many years Peyton is it gonna take? You must understand that you are the team. Your salary is preventing any significant upgrades on the defense.

Until Peyton is gone the Colts will never win anything.

And Peyton keeps proving me right EVERY year.
In a thread titled \"My beef with many fans\" ( that HE ALSO STARTED a day or two after this one, when responding to being called out by Saints_LB, Billy said:


To be honest, I don\'t blame Peyton for all of the Colts failures in the playoffs.

The Peyton thing goes back a while to a debate I had with some folks here.

Those folks always like to blame Brooks for EVERYTHING and I figure I\'d use their own logic against them.
Uuuuhhhhhh..... you got us! LMAO. :) See? It\'s easy and fun. Besides, you\'d be doing him a favor.


The problem is, not everyone understands what I\'m trying to do.

But, I know what I\'m trying to do. And that\'s get SOME folks to wake up and smell the coffee.

There are cases where the QB or the coach is most responsible for losing and it comes a time when they need to go.
He wants you to wake up and smell the coffee Whoodi. Help him out! ROFLMAO.

saintswhodi 01-23-2005 10:03 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Oh I know, I have done it, but JoeSam told me to chill, so I haven\'t done it again. I guess I am afraid to now. The :o face was my way to agree, and show what Billy\'s face will look like once he gets a load of that. I doubt a response is coming, but I bet another thread related to this discussion in some roundabout way will pop up, like how dropped passes doomed Seattle(another playoff team by the way) so the same is happening to Leon or something like that. To open our eyes. Whoops, didn\'t mean to give him any ideas. ;)

JOESAM2002 01-23-2005 10:10 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Guy\'s. I don\'t mind banter. I just want ya\'ll to keep it civil. This is supposed to be fun. It\'s not like anything we say is going to cause real change with this team anyway. We\'re all just fans and dreamers. Dreaming of what COULD be.

Saint_LB 01-23-2005 10:36 AM

Dear Mr. Peyton Manning

It\'s not like anything we say is going to cause real change with this team anyway. We\'re all just fans and dreamers. Dreaming of what COULD be.
I could not agree more!! :yes:

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