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Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Peyton,
Oh what a year you had. Breaking Marino's record for most TD's in a season must have been great. And then you were named MVP or the entire NFL. Here in Louisiana you were already a God to most folks. I mean, afterall, you are a MANNING!! Archie must be proud. But listen up Peyton. I've followed you since your college days. Back then you could never beat Florida. Bad luck maybe??? Or, maybe not!! Why can't you win the big games now Peyton? Bad luck? I've watched for the past 4 years how you throw interception after interception in the playoffs and get your team sent home. Remember the playoff game with the Jets a few years back Peyton? I think you got beat 47-3!! And then there's this year. What the hell were you thinking? You hardly attempted a pass beyond 10 yards. I suppose you wanted to make sure your interceptions weren't to blame for the loss!! You still threw more ints than TDs though. That's not hard to do when you throw ZERO TDs. Peyton, you're still a big choke artist in my mind. How many years Peyton is it gonna take? You must understand that you are the team. Your salary is preventing any significant upgrades on the defense. Until Peyton is gone the Colts will never win anything. And Peyton keeps proving me right EVERY year. Mr. Manning when is it gonna be your time? Think about that when your watching the games this weekend!! |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Is there anyone on our roster you wouldn\'t trade for Peyton Manning right now straight up? Did you see the dropped passes by his receivers? How about the fact that his defense is ranked 29th in the league? Did you see what he did to Denver a week earlier? How come when Leon has a \"bad game\" it\'s the line and the drops and the defense, but when Peyton Manning does he just can\'t win the big one? ROFLMAO. I was wondering when you would resurface Gumbo, you have to be able to do better than this right? 27/42, better than 50%. How many games do we get that playing in a dome against worse teams and defenses than the Pats? Hhhmmm, snow and ice for a dome team on the road, I wonder how they will play. Welcome back. :P
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Peyton,
I know how you must feel. You are easily the best player on your team. Many think the best player in the NFL. I personally think you\'re the 2nd best, but its obviousl to anyone who follows football you are the man, no question. You play on a team with a really bad defense, and you had to play what many consider the best NFL football team ever, coached by the next Lombardi. Don\'t feel bad, the same thing happened to Marino, Tarkenton and Kelly. They are now hall of famers. Its frustrating but keep your head up. I saw the game and would like to extend my sympathy. How many balls did your guys drop? I\'m quite familiar with being blamed for other players errors. It can get quite frustrating when you hit your WR in stride, right between the numbers and he drops it, again and again. In the biggest game of the year your team collapsed around you. I\'m glad you didn\'t blame the guys around you, I would have. But you\'re a class act. I\'\'m sure you\'re aware how ignorant it is when fans blame 1 guy in the consumate team game so I\'m sure you don\'t let those folks get to you. I wish I didn\'t. Sincerely, Aaron Brooks |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Peyton,
Why do they pay you so much money and I am making these peanuts? We are both great, well, I\'m great and you are good with a great team, and our teams let us down over and over. I know you get into the playoffs and have won a few games there, but I won once back in my first year when I took over for a 7-4 team and went 4-3 to close out the year and the playoffs. Surely my being the qb in that one playoff winning team affords me the luxury of a similar salary right? Forget that the guy who was qb before me only lost his job due to injury and had a better record. Yeah yeah yeah, you broke Marino\'s record and blah blah blah, but I am a great qb. I am. What proof do I have? Why, my word. That\'s not good enough? You were MVP last year? Well, I had 14 fumbles last year and led the league in boneheaded plays this year. Top that. I know being that we are both great qbs you recognize my talent. Playoffs are overrated anyway. Like Rasheed Wallace says, just CTC(cut the check) baby. Signed, Leon [Edited on 20/1/2005 by saintswhodi] |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
My cousin\'s Mike Vick and he just got a big salary too. Surely that, along with my zero other accomplishments, qualifies me as a great qb and I should get a huge raise right? Glad we could have this chat Peyton. Us great qbs gotta stick together. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Man, what is that word when all of someone\'s posts are meant to push the same opinion? I am having trouble with my memory.
You know the word, it means something like there is an underlying thread or theme to EVERYTHING someone says? GOD, I just can\'t remember. It\'s that word they use to accuse anyone who says anything negative about our QB. What the heck is that word?! Starts with an A.... Damn.... |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
There are many different ways to get a point across. For some, it takes a more difficult approach!!
So, dropped passes and poor defensive play caused the Colts to lose? What an interesting prospect. But first, let\'s consider this: Both starting CBs were out for the Pats. Yet, Peyton relied on a horizontal passing game. Never even attempting to stretch the field. Why do you think Peyton did not attempt to stretch the field? It can\'t be the play calling. He calls his own plays. Or, could it be that he didn\'t want to risk throwing any INTs? Afterall, that\'s the knock on Peyton. He throws critical INTs in big games. And that\'s been going on for YEARS!! Well, the game was over long before Peyton threw his INT. Peyton didn\'t lose the game...... THIS TIME!!!! But, he sure as heck didn\'t try to win it either. Simply put -- HE FAILED TO DELIVER.....AGAIN!! When it counted, Peyton disappointeted....AGAIN!! I told some of you long ago what Peyton was all about. It\'s been 6-years of this stuff. And I\'m not talking about the Colts\' TEAM. I\'m talking about the play of Peyton Manning. The national media hasn\'t failed to notice this. And I promise you the Colts fans are VERY AWARE of it. Peyton has broken their heart time after time. So....this year... Peyton didn\'t lose the game like years past. He just didn\'t try to win it. At least INTs can\'t be blamed for this loss. Which is probably what he was trying to accomplish. Well, he did that. Too bad for the Colts and their fans he didn\'t play great win it counted. No, too bad he didn\'t TRY to win by doing what he did so well in the regular season. .... ....Which is pass the damn ball down the field more than 10-yards. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Yeah, let me wing it downfield in a snowstorm cause we all know how the drifts build up as I play in a dome most of the year. Who has EVER won passing in the snow? You win RUNNING the ball in the snow and the COLTS couldn\'t. Brady was 18/27 for 144 yards. Seems way lower than Peyton\'s numbers. Oh wait, Corey Dillon ran for 144 yards with a long of 42 while Edge James ran for 39 yards with a long of 7. And Kevin Faulk ran for 56 yards as well giving the Pats over 200 yards rushing total to the Colts less than 50. Yeah, seems like winging it down the field is how the Pats won too. Unreal.
What\'s that called, when you get to criticize a PLAYOFF TEAM with a PLAYOFF QB when your team can\'t spell playoffs let alone get in? What\'s that called? Starts with a J? Or an E? Jealousy? Envy? You choose. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
saintswhodi --
Every year I say the same thing about Peyton and every year Peyton doesn\'t play well in the playoffs. In fact, he plays terrible. And every year I get folks like you running to his rescue. I suppose you are still upset about the game? Then again, who knows why folks like you defend the \"Manning name.\" Look, Peyton doesn\'t play in the snow every year. And that\'s not why the Colts lost the game this year. It\'s a POOR excuse, my friend. Are you saying Peyton is only a great \"Dome\" QB? Does he need a better runningback? Last I checked, James is pretty good. Hey, and how about Peytons receivers? He\'s got EVERYTHING he needs. That is, except a good playoff record. Peyton Manning defines the definition of :Choke Artist!! And until proven otherwise..... You don\'t have a case, chap!! Good Day!! ;) |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Yeah, these look like the stats of a guy who plays terrible in the postseason
[Edited on 20/1/2005 by saintswhodi] |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
How long did it take Elway to win a superbowl. Was he terrible until he did. Marino never won a superbowl -- does that mean he sucks. Face it -- I\'d trade AB and Deuce to get Peyton. How many years has peyton been in the league -- how many has AB been in the league.
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
I don\'t know about trading AB AND Deuce 4saints, but I get your sentiment. Unreal. With our \"qb\" how hilarious is it for someone to be trying to belittle Peyton Manning? I would take Peyton Manning over what we have any day of the week and twice on Sunday, and the sad part about it is, so would Gumbo more than likely. IF they said, \"screw the cap, if you guys want Peyton Manning instead of Brooks, we can do it right now,\" I dare anyone criticizing him to say they wouldn\'t take Peyton and never look back. Hell, I\'d take Eli for Leon straight up.
[Edited on 20/1/2005 by saintswhodi] |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
If Manning and the Colts can get Home Field advantage throughout the Playoffs..You should see them in the Superbowl..He is an Awesome QB, ..Infact, He is the Best today..hands down..The cold weather just works against his kind of Offense..not only him..his whole team lacks to produce in the cold..
John Elway only made it the last two years of his career.. You WILL see Payton Manning play in a Superbowl.. Not this year..and possibly, not with the Colts.. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
gator, :yourock:
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
I know the word ya\'ll are looking for.......BORING!!!!!!!
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Peyton,
I may not have ur arm, and yes ya\'ll D aint that great, but i have the heart of a champion(ask the Panthers and Rams) and you dont!!!!!!!! Sincerely, Tom Brady :eck05: |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
I think it is interesting that the team Elway stiffed in the draft, (Colts), is the same team that Peyton is trying to take to the promised land. Maybe he should have done what Elway and his brother did and held out for a better team and give himself a better chance of making it there. Anyway, I thought we should make a list of choke artists for Gumbo. I\'ll get the ball rolling with the first three on the list, and then you guys can add names at will.
1. Dan Marino 2. Jim Kelly 3. Aaron Brooks (less playoff wins than any of the above.) . . . . |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Can you give me a side by side comparison of AB and Manning over the last 4 years both have been full time starters? You know, yards, TD, comp %, QB rating, WINS, PLAYOFF APPEARANCES, etc. etc. etc. When you\'re done with that, run through you logic again why you think it\'s OK to say the Colts WON\'T win with Peyton, but the Saints CAN or WILL with Brooks. Can you do that? Bets on whether he even attempts it? Anyone? LOL |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Since \"facts\" are unnecessary when Mr. Gumbo presents his argument, I doubt there will be any response. No need for bets. Not to knock him, but I have found that Gumbo relies more on his own \"observations,\" albeit biased \"observations,\" and throws any and all relevant facts to the contrary out the window. The purpose to it is to elicit exactly what he has gotten, responses to the contrary. I am often the first to get caught in the spider web but never the last and usually we all end up agreeing anyway that the original idea Gumbo has presented is extremely flawed and contradictory to previous arguments he has made, as in this case as well.
[Edited on 21/1/2005 by saintswhodi] |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
WhoDat --
Why turn everything into Aaron Brooks? Let\'s stick to Peyton, shall we? Peyton is a great regular season QB. He puts up \"eye popping\" stats every year. But, in the end, he \"chokes\". How many years do I have to tell you the same thing? Year before last in the playoffs, Peyton throws 4 Ints and is most responsible for the Colts losing!! Last year Peyton throws 4Ints and is MOST responsible for the Colts losing the playoff game. Which he admitted to!! This year Peyton threw 0-TDs and 1int and never attempted a pass over 10-yards!! Was the Pats defense that good? Come on, WhoDat. We both no Peyton simply did not play well. In fact, he played very poorly. I think everyone can agree that Peyton Manning has had his worst games in the playoffs. And it been that way for 5-years now. 1 time is a fluke. 2 times makes you wonder. 3 times and a pattern is devolping. 4 times is a \"trend.\" 5 tims and you\'ve got a real big problem. Dear Mr. Irsay, (Colts Owner) Hi, my name is Peyton Manning. I want to be your starting QB and I want to make more money than anyone in the league. I promise you that every year I\'ll put up better \"stats\" than anyone in the NFL. I\'ll get you to the playoffs every year and I\'ll be the talk of the league. I\'ll break Marino\'s record for most TDs too. But, the first year we make the playoffs I\'ll throw a bunch of Ints agains the lowly Jets and we\'ll lose 47-3. Then the next year I\'ll throw 4-Ints and lose the game for us. Then I\'ll follow that up with another 4-Int. game and get us bounced out of the playoffs. But, I promise I want throw all those INTs again in the playoffs. This time, I want try ANY high risk passes and only throw 5yd. passes. The only downside is I won\'t throw ANY TDs and I\'ll throw only one INT in our own endzone and we\'ll lose 27-3. How does that sound Mr. Irsay? We got ourselves a deal? Just give me 120-million and let\'s get this thing started. Oh, you don\'t need to use any of that 120-million on a defense. I got the stats. Who needs a stinkin\' defense? |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dude, what\'s the weather like in the world you live in? Nice and sunny I bet. ;) Drop us a line when you come back to Earth. Even with two 4 INT games in the playoffs, Peyton has TWO PERFECT games in the playoffs. Go back and read the stats, which are facts, that I posted. Then, add those 8 INTs in the playoffs to his touchdowns and other stats, and he still blows away most playoff qbs. Come off it.
And I am sure WhoDat brings up Leon cause your arguments for him are: Everyone blames the qb and head coach and that is just stupid, and here you are blaming Peyton Manning, the qb for playoff losses. Oh, but Leon only has \"bad games\" when he looks terrible. Get real. Wait, and those are in the regular season. Will we ever have an opportunity for our qb to look bad in the playoffs? Ever? In a driving snow where the winning qb attempted LESS passes and his team ran for 200 yards while Peyton\'s ran for less than 50? Wow dude. [Edited on 21/1/2005 by saintswhodi] [Edited on 21/1/2005 by saintswhodi] |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Check me if I\'m wrong here.
Isn\'t Peyton Manning the QB for the Indianapolis Colts? If he we QB of the New Orleans Saints, I could understand why he gets an entire thread devoted to him. But if we are going to talk about other teams QB\'s that cost their teams games in the playoffs, why aren\'t we talking about Brett Favre? |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Because Favre is not ideal to Gumbo\'s argument. Peyton is as he has been featured in previous Brooks\' debates. SO to further his arguments, Gumbo knocks Peyton. Then we all respond cause most know this is the cause for this thread.
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
that post should be about mcnabb too. damn three nfc championships and no wins could u imagine. even kelly could get to the show 4 years in a row. hes a poor mans jim kelly.
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Let\'s see Billy, this is really a tough argument to crack. Let me think about it for a second....
Who did \"Manning\", not the Colts but \"Manning\" lose to in the playoffs this year? The Patriots? How about last year? The Patriots? So Peyton has lost twice to a team that has gone 32-4 so far in the last two seasons, won two Super Bowls in the last 4 four years, and is in the AFC Championship game again, and might make that 3 out of 4. Yeah - what a bum! In 1999 the Colts lost to the Titans. Where did they end up that year? The Super Bowl? Man, I wish you were just trying to stir the pot. The sad thing is that you\'re serious. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
whodat ur so right but i have learned in my little time of being here that this guy is just about making a stir!
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
also didnt steve young loose two or three trimes to the cowboys before having his chance at the super bowl. i guess he was a bumb to huh gumbi@ch
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Great point - Young was a choke artist too I guess. And that Dan Marino was worthless too huh?
Quick question Billy - is getting to the Super Bowl more important than having a great talent at QB? Just wondering? I mean, do you think that the Colts will just never do it with Manning? That\'s interesting - I\'d love to hear your argument as to why Manning is a problem keeping the Colts from the SB, but Brooks isn\'t a problem for the Saints. Just curious. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Funny how Jim Kelly should come up again. I was never a big Kelly fan, but I\'ll acknowledge his accomplishments as the daddy of the: \"no huddle\" offense, QB calls his own plays, etc. style. Would there be a Peyton Manning without a Jim Kelly ... ? It\'s in interesting question, especially when both of them can\'t seem to win the big ones.
That being said, I\'d actually take the \"Aaron Brooks & Deuce McAllister for Peyton Manning\" trade straight up. No hesitation. Manning\'s the best the game has seen in quite a while, and great RB\'s are easier to come by than great QB\'s (plus, the Pats won the Super Bowl last year with Antowain Smith at RB, for chrissake!!!). I\'ll especially take the trade if Deuce doesn\'t buckle up and lose some of that gut. Until training camp... [Edited on 22/1/2005 by mutineer10] |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Jim Kelly, Dan Marino, Fran Tarketon, blah, blah, blah
All of those guys have one thing over Peyton Mannng. And that is they actually got to the super bowl. What\'s more, those guys didn\'t CHOKE and get their teams sent home!! Y\'all keep wanting to talk about the great games Peyton has played. No arguement from me there, guys!! None at all. He\'s had a slew of extraordinary games. But, some guys aren\'t good when the stuff hits the fan. They simply don\'t react well in certain situations. In Peyton\'s case, it\'s playoff games. At some point, EVERY YEAR, Peyton has a God awful game in the playoffs. Let me repeat that. EVERY YEAR Peyton has a terrible game in the playoffs. I would give Peyton a pass if it wouldn\'t have happend 4 or 5 years in a row. But the FACT is, until he overcomes his poor play in the post season, there will be folks who thinks he is a choke artist. I don\'t see anyone other than Peyton Manning that threw all those ints in the playoffs every year. It wasn\'t Marvin Harrison or Edgerin James who threw them. Nope. It was Peyton. Sure, Peyton can silence all of his critics one day. But, today he is what he is. That\'s right... HE IS WHAT HE IS!!! And that is a great QB in the regular season who plays very badly in at least one playoff game EVERY year. Hey, it\'s not just me who\'s saying this about Peyton. It\'s in the national media guys. Now, we can sit here and say Peyton Manning is a VERY GOOD QB. And he is. However, he must overcome his problems in the playoffs before he can be considered great. It\'s one thing to lose a playoff game by getting outplayed. But, it\'s an entirely different matter when your QB (Peyton Manning) is largely responsible for getttig you sent home every year. You guys can sit here and toot Peyton Manning\'s horn all you want. But, it doesn\'t change a thing!!! Dan Marino, Jim Kelly, etc, ect... never had all the terrible games Peyton has had in the playoffs. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
But by all means, keep digging, this is getting truly entertaining. :popcorn: |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
BMG -- I know its killing your soul that I\'m downing Peyton. Along with a lot of other Peyton fans. But that\'s the way it is when you\'re a fan of a player. Take Aaron Brooks for example. I\'m a big fan of him. I don\'t particularly like hearing a lot of the unfair garbage I hear about him. But I hear it nonetheless. Over and over and over and over again!! Now back to your question.... I\'ll do you one better. Instead of listing all of the players that I consider to be choke artists. Let me \"define\" what my definition of choke artist is. Choke Artist -- A person that single handidly performs bad in certain situations. Peyton Manning -- Year after year after year he plays TERRIBLE in the playoffs. Solution -- Stop doing it. Stop throwing all those INTs in the playoffs. Oh, and, don\'t be so paranoid about the your past playoff history that you don\'t try to make plays and help your team win. Hell, I respected you more in those games that you threw the INTs. At least you were TRYING to win. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
At least Peyton is, in your words, \"choking\" in the playoffs...unlike someone else who chokes over and over long before the playoffs, thus, keeping us out of the playoffs. I would take the success of the Colts over the last four years over the mediocrity that we keep getting shoved down our throats.
I know what your up to, though. You don\'t like people talking negative about your hero, AB, so you counter-punch with some negativity about someone else that you consider to be near and dear to all of us. Problem is, your arguments just aren\'t holding water. It is like comparing apples to oranges. |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
What I have a problem with is misinformed opinions. Like blaming Brooks for an offensive lineman jumping offsides. Or, blaming Brooks for this TEAM\'S record!! It\'s silly, foolish, foolhardy, take your pick!! Say we would be better with another QB. I have no problem with that. Say Brooks makes some stupid decisions. I have no problem with that!! Say Brooks is causing us to not make the playoffs and I have a BIG problem with that. So, while I am a Brooks fan. I\'m also not foolish enough to buy into some things shared by some Saints\' fans. Somewhere around the age of 9 or 10 I came to understand that the players around the QB can cause a QB to look very good and sometimes very bad. In Brooks case, it\'s always something every year that contributes to his lack of success. You might not think so, but hopefully you know enough about the game of football to know better. Brooks perfect? Far from it. What would you say the reason that Deuce struggled mightily this year? Oh, the offensive line and injuries. It works the same way for Qbs too. Are we on the same page? Probably not!! ;) |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
well i look at it like this.
i concider this a team game and not a game defined by one position. but since that is what gumnut is doing ill lend my score card. AB- one playoff appearance in relief effort. none as a starter. team has been 500 since manning playoffs every year except his first season i believe brady two sb delhomme firs year starting go\'s to sb and the list could continue and continue |
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
yes gumbba but deuce didnt come out before the last game and a possible playoff birth to tell the rest of the saints how he is great and if the rest of the team would play great like him they could be better. all the while throwing the ball backwards.
Dear Mr. Peyton Manning
What does Delhomme have to do with Brooks and the Saints? It\'s not relevant!! Unless you believe Delhomme would have went to the super bowl regardless of what team he was on. Kurt Warner went to 2-super bowls with the Rams. How many has he went to with the Giants? Look, Brooks might not be the QB we need. But I don\'t see what point you\'re trying to make. Really, you make no point. |
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