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GumboBC 01-20-2005 01:04 PM

Evolution of the black QB.
Looked at your QBs lately?

Vick, McNabb, Culpepper ... All 3 made it deep in the playofss and 2 will battle it out this weekend for a Super Bowl trip.

What do they have in common? They're all black and they all can RUN!!

There aren't but a handfull of black QBs in the NFL. Yet, they seem to be enjoying a lot of success percentage wise when compared to their white counterparts.

Steve McNair was hurt most of this year.. If not, he would have probably taken his team deep in the playoffs like usual.

I believe as the game progresses we will have a majority of black QBs in the league. Why? Because they add another element to the game, which is.... RUNNING.

As defenses have gotten better at sacking the QB, there is a greater need for a QB who can run.

Hey, that might explain why Vick and McNabb are playing in the NFC title game.

QBs who can run eliminates the need for a great supporting cast because they can make plays on their own.

Most of the time the game comes down to one or two critical plays.

Real quick... It's 4th and 10 with 1-minute to play. Who do you want. Mike Vick or Peyton Manning?? Don't forget about the heavy blitz!!

Good Day ;)

Danno 01-20-2005 01:44 PM

Evolution of the black QB.

2003-Tom Brady over Delhomme, neither was a runner
2002-Brad Johnson over Gannon, neither was a runner
2001-Tom Brady over Warner, neither was a runner
2000-Dilfer over Collins, neither was a runner
1999-Warner over McNair, The runner lost
1998-Elway over Chandler, Neither was a runner anymore
1997-Elway over Favre, neither was a runner anymore
1996-Favre over Bledsoe, neither was a runner
1995-Aikman over O\'donnell, neither was a runner
1994-Young over Humphries, Young was a great runner
1993-Aikman over Kelly, neither was a runner
1992-Aikman over Kelly, neither was a runner

So out of the last 24 QB\'s to appear in the last 12 superbowls there were 2 running QB\'s, 1 won and 1 lost. And the one who won was white.

It has nothing to do with race and running.

FrenzyFan 01-20-2005 03:05 PM

Evolution of the black QB.
Running QBs are nothing new to the NFL. There have been some phenomenal scramblers (Fran Tarkenton leaps to mind) and through his elusiveness and athelticism was often able to turn nothing in to something. I\'d call him the greatest scrambling QB ever to play the game, including Mike Vick. Vick may take that title at some future point, but I\'ll withhold that honor until he earns it.

None of that takes away from Danno\'s point that a running QB hasn\'t been the answer to championship teams.

Smart consistent football seems to me to be the common denominator in D\'s example. I don\'t think Culpepper and McNabb are great because they are black or they are great runners. I think they are great because their play is becoming more smart and consistent every single year. I also believe that that trend will lend itself to any QB who continually improves his game, be he white or black - runner or club-foot.

Just my two cents.

dberce1 01-20-2005 03:39 PM

Evolution of the black QB.
Randall Cunningham, he was another great runner. Was one of my alltime fav\'s as a kid.

Warren Moon, black QB, couldn\'t run a lick, but damn he threw one of the prettiest balls around. Another alltime fav.

Danno 01-20-2005 03:58 PM

Evolution of the black QB.

Randall Cunningham, he was another great runner. Was one of my alltime fav\'s as a kid.

Warren Moon, black QB, couldn\'t run a lick, but damn he threw one of the prettiest balls around. Another alltime fav.
Warren Moon, I lived in Houston when he was there and saw him live several times.
When a WR did break free behind the secondary, he rarely missed it.
If you\'ve ever seen Moon read a defense from the nosebleeds it is an awesome experience. He too was one of my all time favorites. BEAUTIFUL deep ball.

Saint_LB 01-20-2005 07:13 PM

Evolution of the black QB.
Aaron Brooks...running QB. How many Superbowls for him? Oh, wait...I guess running backwards or throwing backwards doesn\'t count.

Your thread about Black QB\'s brings to mind a Black QB that won a Superbowl. Doug Williams was his name. One time I was standing in a parking lot of a hotel, and Williams was out there with a football. He cocked his arm and threw a missile to the balcony of a room on the 8th floor. I couldn\'t believe what my eyes just saw, and I said, \"Man, what a throw!!\"
The guy next to me said, \"Yeah, but he was throwing it to the guy on the second floor!\"

CheramieIII 01-20-2005 11:16 PM

Evolution of the black QB.
Don\'t want to get anything started but since the subject has already been mentioned. How many Black or running QB\'s have won a Superbowl? I don\'t care if you make it to the NFC Championship every year, you won\'t be a great one unless you at least make it to the bowl.

spkb25 01-21-2005 09:07 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
i always go back to the fact that this is a team game and not defined by one position. but i think that black qb\'s are enjoying more success because its an evolutionb of society. i dont think that being an athlete has anything to do with color. more likely has a lot to do qwith your environment. i think you will see more black qb\'s because it is a natural progression. i think that everything in society is moving more towards a blending of the races into what may have been concidered only for blacks or only for whites. im sure in the next 100 years we will see more black hockey players also. its just a natural progression. with mcnabb if you look at the organazation he plays for it is one of the more successful orgs. so he is an equal product of the org. put him on the browns and he isnt seen as good. during the vikes game he reminded me of the mcnabb of last year. a good qb but not the one when he had owens.

baronm 01-21-2005 09:48 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
black/white-doesn\'t mattter--if the quarterback is not a good decision maker and can\'t pass he will not be a good quarter back.

Danno 01-21-2005 10:09 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
QB Hierarchy
Bad passer/Bad runner - Very bad
Bad Passer/Good runner - Bad
Good Passer/Bad Runner - Good
Good Passer/Good Runner - Best

Steve Young was a perfect QB for today\'s offenses.

White-Doesn\'t matter
Black-Doesn\'t matter

baronm 01-21-2005 10:12 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
I think that if vick doesn\'t learn to pass more accuratly--then he will start to decline in his ability to lead the falcons to victories--look at cunningham-great running quarterback-didn\'t win games..

look at warren moon and peyton manning-better quarterbacks (still don\'t win games, but better qbs\') because they can pass the ball.

steve young (smart, athletic, and accurate) was a great QB, as is tom brady, and McNabb..because he got better at passing and decision making.

a good example is brett farve-rocket for an arm adn can run-doesn\'t always make the best decisions..which has cost them games.

GumboBC 01-21-2005 10:27 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
Let me explain what my point is, folks.

Point-- Is that RUNNING QBs are the FUTURE. Get it? The are the FUTURE. Not the past!!

So, we can bring up past QBs all you want. But that has NOTHING to do with what I\'m talking about.

But go ahead folks. Tell me how Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl. Or we can talk about eating granola bars. Doesn\'t make any difference to me.... ;)

Every sports evolves. Baseball, football, basketball, etc., etc..

There will always be \"pocket\" passers. There will never be a time where EVERY team has a QB who is a great runner.

However, I believe the game is evlolving to where running QBs will be at a premium. I belive there will be a MAJORITY of \"black\" running QB when compared to \"pocket\" QBs.

The complex blitzes that today\'s defenses run put a tremendous amount of pressure on a QB. If you have a QB who can\'t scramble... then, they are at a disadvantage when compared to a guy like Mike Vick or Donavan McNabb.

Of course, you still need to be a good passer.

Given the choice, I think every coach in the league wants a QB who can make something happen with his legs when all else fails. And who wouldn\'t???

You live in the past and you die in the past.

The game is changing. Now, you might not like it, but that\'s the way it is...


saintswhodi 01-21-2005 10:31 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
So to clarify your point, there will be no place for \"white\" scrambling qbs in the future cause all teams will want a \"black\"scrambling qb? Or is it that \"black\"qbs are scrambling qbs while \"white\" qbs are pocket passers? Why can\'t it just be teams will look for scrambling qbs in the future and race be left out of it?

baronm 01-21-2005 10:31 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
I think that the popular-to be black is to be athletic and to be white is to be smart and fundamental comments are racist...and in the worst sort of way.

secondly-even though running quarterbacks may be fashionable-a smart accurate throwing quarterback will always have the upper hand.

A running quarterback who can\'t throw leaves no room to really run an offense--it becomes a \"me-first\" type scenario and the defense is also able to just stifle the run and beat you-which is what most expect to happen to atlanta.

GumboBC 01-21-2005 10:53 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
First off, lets be honest.

Blacks are better athletes!! Anyone care to argue that point??

I don\'t think you could find 53 white athletes to make up an NFL team. Not one that could compete anyway.

You get your occasional \"white\" guy like... Steve Young or John Elway who are great running QBs.

So, when I say \"black\" QBs, that\'s only because they are better athletes. Its a bigger \"pool\" to choose from.

How many \"white\" runningbacks and receivers are in the league? NOT MANY!!

Like I said, there will always be pure pocket passers in the NFL.

Its just that I believe the game is evolving more towards QBS who can run. Whether they be black or white. And blacks are the better athletes.

saintswhodi 01-21-2005 10:59 AM

Evolution of the black QB.
I am black and take offense to a statement that blacks are better athletes. That\'s just not true. An athlete is an athlete is an athlete. I will just leave you at your opinion on this one.

BrooksMustGo 01-21-2005 11:11 AM

Evolution of the black QB.

Its just that I believe the game is evolving more towards QBS who can run. Whether they be black or white. And blacks are the better athletes.
Jimmy the Greek, is that you?

As an aside, I\'m not sure what the point of this post is and how it bears on the New Orleans Saints.

JOESAM2002 01-21-2005 12:16 PM

Evolution of the black QB.
Billy, you have a PM, and I do not want an answer back!

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