this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Since the door has been open on the race card, I would like to discuss something that I have been wondering about. Many times in the past when discussing AB, someone will eventually insinuate that I, or other people, don't ...
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#1 |
Join Date: Sep 2004
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The race card
Since the door has been open on the race card, I would like to discuss something that I have been wondering about. Many times in the past when discussing AB, someone will eventually insinuate that I, or other people, don't like AB because he is black. I know this is not true in my case. I am white, but when I watch professional sports, I don't distinguish between black and white when I watch. I know this is true, because of several reasons. First of all, I am also a baseball fan, and my favorite player is Barry Bonds. If race mattered, wouldn't my favorite player be white? I like Barry because he has a gift, hand/eye coordination, that makes watching him thrilling. If race mattered, I would never watch basketball, where my favorite player is Shaq. I love to watch the Williams sister's play tennis. I will have you know that back in the year 2000, I was ready to write-in AB for president. However, he never really seemed to be able to get over the hump, and over the last four years I have become disenchanted with him because of his knack for pulling the biggest bone-head play at the most inopportune time. I like to think that if he had enjoyed the success of even Peyton, I would probably like him a lot more....even if he hadn't been able to make it to the Superbowl. I'm sure the people in Philly are pretty happy with McNabb, even though he hasn't been able to complete the deal yet. Anyway, I am going to get to the point, so please bear with me. I contend that the reason that we have such heated debates regarding AB is not so much that the white people are prejudiced against him, but more that the blacks are prejudiced for him....thinking that he may not be getting us where we want to be, but at least he is black. I wouldn't care if our QB was purple if he got us to the dance. Anyway, that's just my opinion, and I realize I am treading on thin ice here, and may have already gone over the line. If so, so be it. I think I will be able to trudge through life without the message board if it ever came to that. I hope, though, that this thread doesn't get deleted, because I would be interested in seeing what other people's opinion is regarding this matter.
[Edited on 21/1/2005 by Saint_LB] |
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#2 |
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The race card
I am black(this is the 3rd time this week I have started a post with this staement) and I want AB gone. I don\'t care if he was moon cheese green, he is terrible and needs to go.
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#3 |
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The race card
I thought this issue was over and done with.
America 2005 is the most colorblind time in this nation\'s history. Its also as colorblind as any other nation on this planet. Racism is dying, but prejudice never will. Theres a huge difference between the two. Racism is based on hate. Prejudice is based on ignorance. |
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#4 |
Join Date: Sep 2004
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The race card
I had to edit this, because this is what I came up with. A racists, IMHO, is a person who is prejudiced against someone from another race. A person who is prejudiced may not like someone for other reasons, such as religion. To me, they are both ignorant, and they both have hate. [Edited on 21/1/2005 by Saint_LB] |
Whether you think you can or think you can't...you're right!
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#5 |
Fan Since 1967
The race card
In 100 years most people in America won\'t know what race they are, when other nations teach there people to be proud of their race, the United States has forced people for years to be together against there will. We have become exactly what we resented in the English over 200 years ago. You might think it\'s free but we are\'nt free. Does anyone see the trend that a black QB or coach rarely wins a championship in any team sport. I\'ll stop before I offend anyone but somethings will never change regardless of how hard we try to change them.
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Jimmy Demaret |
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#6 |
Join Date: Aug 2004
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The race card
first of all if the judgement of how equal we are is not whether or not black people and white people have accomplished the same goals, only that the opportunity to get to those goals is equal. so to try and make a comparison between the accomplishments of one race to another has nothing to do with equal opportunity. every white receiver has the opportunity to be jerry rice but the fact that they wont doesnt mean it is because of racism. and racism and prejudice are two different words entirely. racism means prejudice or hateful of another race. where as prejudice means only the prejudment of someone. that doesnt mean their race. just them as an individual. they could be gay or a million other reasons. the two words have nothing to do with each other unless you are talking about the prejudging of someone based on race alone. but then that is called racism. my wife will be the first one to say she has never dealt with racism or prejudice. she is studying to be a nurse and spent six years in the navy. she also grew up in brooklyn. racism and prejudice will happen in life. you cant control how people are taught. but to act as if this is the norm is ridiculous. i was never taught to dislike someone for their color or for any reason. i had no idea of it until i switched school to a public school. then it was the black members of that school that taught me hate. as they hated me and my firends for one reason and one reason only, we were white. i was in 6th grade. looking back it was a small band of black people that acted that way and taught me that. they were from a poor nieghborhood. in all honesty the real truth of the matter is that some black and some white people alike are racist. the worst part is that even the ones that are racist have been taught that almost always. more importnatly though is the fact that the majority of white people and the majority of black people dont think this way. the real truth is that most of us are exactly the same. just trying to make it throguh life and with everything life throws at us we dont have time to think about it. that is why in martin luther kings letter from birmingham jail he was most disappointed in the white moderate. because he had expected them to show more of a force and force the laws to be changed. he understood even at that moment in the 60\'s that most whites did not agree with what was going on. or he would not have looked for the support of the white moderate. most of us today whether we are black or we are white, we are moderates. we are not an extreme to one side or the other. we are in the middle. that is where dr. king saw our similarities. it is still today where our hope lies. if i had one wish for society as a whole today it would be that he didnt die. because all he wanted was for people to come together. unlike today when all people want is serperation!
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#7 |
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The race card
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#8 |
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The race card
Do i need to say it?
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#9 |
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The race card
Why do I get the unsettling feeling that the race talk is about to hit the fan?
I don\'t want that crap on here - but at the same time - I think an honest, healty discussion of race relations is cool, maybe even in order. But in the end, I don\'t give a rat\'s ass what color the players\' skin is ... so long as they\'re wearing black and gold. |
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#10 |
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The race card
Saint LB, I\'ll try and explain in a simple example
Guy A - \"Aaron Brooks won\'t succeed, because he\'s black. I like him but... Guy B - You are so wrong, he is a great QB, I just don\'t like him because he\'s black\". Guy A is prejudiced, but there\'s not an element of hate involved in his comments. Guy B (also ignorant) is demonstating pure hate. I think there\'s a huge difference. Guy-B\'s hateful mentality is thankfully declining rapidly in the USA. Guy-A\'s ignorance is sadly still rather numerous, but not hateful. In the 50\'s, Guy B was common. In 2005, Guy B is a miniscule minority and is considered a moronic idiot by nearly everyone. |
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