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ScottyRo 02-02-2005 02:19 PM

Deuce is lazy?
Funny how he left out a couple of RBs that didn\'t support his point:

Ahman Green: 43.2 carries per fumble
Priest Holmes: 49.0
Edgerrin James: 55.6

I actually have tomlinson at 67.8.

So, Deuce is slightly lower than most premier Rbs last season on carries per fumble. You know IF you take away the fumble he lost on the play he got injured against SF, then he 67 carries per fumble. I know, we don;t need to play the IF game, but that\'s just an example of how much just one fumble can change this stat.

GumboBC 02-02-2005 02:36 PM

Deuce is lazy?

TD/Fumble ratio? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

I\'ve looked and it\'s not good when compared to other RB\'s around the league.

Doesn\'t look good...

Deuce McAllister:
First 3 years as starter: 34 TD/11 fumbles lost.

Shawn Alexander:
First 3 years as a starter: 52TDs/0 fumbles lost.

Curtis Martin:
First 3 years as starter: 36TDs/4 fumbles

LaDainian Tomlinson:
First 3 years as starter: 43TDs/0-fumbles lost.

Ahman Green:
First 3 years as starter: 33TDs/0-fumbles lost

Edgerrin James:
First 3 years as starter: 34TDs/0-fumbles lost.

I\'m not making this up. I even looked at more running backs than this, but Deuce is about the worst when compared to the top running backs in the NFL.

The only one I could find worse was Tiki Barber. But even Tiki didn\'t fumble as much in his first 3 years..


GumboBC 02-02-2005 02:48 PM

Deuce is lazy?

Funny how he left out a couple of RBs that didn\'t support his point:

Ahman Green: 43.2 carries per fumble
Priest Holmes: 49.0
Edgerrin James: 55.6
Yeah, Scotty, I left more than that off my list. I COULD have listed more RBs that would have supported my POINT. Just didn\'t feel the need.

If I really wanted to make Deuce look bad, I could have listed fumbles \"lost\" instead of just \"fumbles\" alone.

saintfan 02-02-2005 03:08 PM

Deuce is lazy?
Rekon he\'s worth the Money I\'m fairly certain he\'ll ask for? I mean, those aren\'t exactly top 5 numbers eh? LMAO

ScottyRo 02-02-2005 03:11 PM

Deuce is lazy?
Uhh, you better post a link to those stats, sport.

I get very different results from

Not that Deuce doesn\'t still have a worse ratio here (saintfan...look stats up before you start spouting crap?), but it\'s not nearly as bad as Gumbo would have you believe.

The first rule in the art of argument must be to lie.

oh, and justify why you leave evidence against your argument out anyway you wish. I can go get more that have a worse ratio too.

GumboBC 02-02-2005 03:20 PM

Deuce is lazy?

Uhh, you better post a link to those stats, sport.

I get very different results from

Not that Deuce doesn\'t still have a worse ratio here (saintfan...look stats up before you start spouting crap?), but it\'s not nearly as bad as Gumbo would have you believe.

The first rule in the art of argument must be to lie.

oh, and justify why you leave evidence against your argument out anyway you wish. I can go get more that have a worse ratio too.
You\'re accusing me of lying? Please, stop it.

I got my stats from The only place I ever get stats from.

You want links, eh?

Here ya go Scotty:

Deuce stats here

Edgerrin James stats here

Curtis Martin stats here

Shawn Alexander stats here

Now, sport, how \'bout posting your stats and links to go with \'em?

You may be right and may be wrong. But don\'t go accusing me of lying.......LMAO

saintfan 02-02-2005 03:22 PM

Deuce is lazy?

(saintfan...look stats up before you start spouting crap?)
Perhaps you might wanna advise me of the \"crap\" I\'m spouting ??? Perhaps you might wanna check that attitude while you\'re at it. ;)

ScottyRo 02-02-2005 03:30 PM

Deuce is lazy?
Ok, you\'re not a liar. But you must be (something I can\'t say without getting kicked off the site).

According to your wonderful links, much appreciated btw, James, Martin and Alexander have never lost a fumble in their respective careers. For each season under Fumbles lost it posts a big 0. Of course, underneath where it supposed to add these things up, it has a figure. Couldn\'t you tell something was wrong? Didn\'t you expect that to say these three Rbs had ZERO fumbles lost in their first 3 seasons seem funny to you?

I got my stats off espn. I\'m leaving work now so if you haven\'t looked them up by then, I\'ll post a link later.


Perhaps you might wanna check that attitude while you\'re at it.
I hope that\'s a joke cuz I\'ve checked and I have plenty of attitude.

saintswhodi 02-02-2005 03:34 PM

Deuce is lazy?
Can someone explain to me please why we are arguing over Deuce and his OCCASIONAL fumbles and still considering him a top 10 back but he can be traded(huh?), but AB who leads the team in turnovers annually and barely has stats in line with the top 20 in the league and a higher salary should stay? Trade AB and give his money to Deuce. Done and done. I just can\'t see how fumbles can be used to define how bad Deuce is, but they can be totally ignored when it comes to AB. Is this even logical? So seemingly one player can fumble willy nilly and get a free pass, while a player who until this injury plagued season WAS considered a top 5 back in the league and has a down year can be dumped? Wow.

[Edited on 2/2/2005 by saintswhodi]

saintfan 02-02-2005 03:37 PM

Deuce is lazy?
I guess I\'m wondering precisely what stats I\'m supposed to look up before I start \"spouting\", and you\'re right, you might be careful when choosing the language you use. I knew the ratio wouldn\'t be good sir, and I expected most to be surprised. I guess you qualify as \"most\" huh?

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