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Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
I don't know what a flour De Lis is.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Oh you've got to be kidding me. I thought this was going to be a joke when I clicked on it. I don't know how anything could surprise me anymore, but this managed to.
Get this through your self-pitying heads, people. Just because some symbol or some phrase, or some tool or WHATEVER may have been used, or meant, for something bad a couple centuries ago doesn't mean it is some universally evil thing. Why don't we just get rid of prisons so all the people who were falsely imprisoned in the past won't have to be reminded... Even though they're not alive anymore. We sure wouldn't want their ancestors to be offended either. This is ridiculous. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
anything around longer than 50 years has a tainted past. extremist running a muck
Warning if the national media starts beating the drum it is all but a done deal. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Next we will have to get rid of the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they were written by white slaves owners! The camel has officially gotten its nose under the tent! |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
No! Hell No! :nono:
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Funny how nobody has any issue with movies and shows that contain a concentration of everything that offends. People love it!!! You would think teams would also conjure the same emotions since it is also entertainment. Nope. That's where the line is drawn. We have once messed up society.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Problem is, once this can of worms is opened, there is no putting them back in and sealing the can. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Seinfeld was talking about this the other day and he is one of the most Vanilla comedians out there.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
There are some huge, very important points I want to add to this. Things that aren't mentioned in the media because no one wants to be accused of "minimizing" the struggles of minorities in this country, but this is just plain fact.
While all this focus is placed on pre-civil war slavery in this country, the fact is that there was a time when almost the entire world was driven by slave labor. That meant slaves of all colors, religions and languages. What's my point? Just look at the ancient pyramids in Egypt. Celebrated landmarks all over the world, and especially by Egyptians, themselves. Who do you suppose built them? Ramesses? lol, no. He was the architect, if you will, behind most of their more famous landmarks but slaves did all the work. So why aren't they offended by those Pyramids? Because they recognize it as part of their history. And afterall, they're just buildings, right? How about the Roman Coliseum? If you know ANYTHING about history you should know what took place inside that structure. You cannot look at it without immediately thinking of the carnage people went through, as others stood and cheered. But it still stands, and it should. It is a good reminder of just how bad things can get when you allow total control to one man. Something this country is devolving towards. I've tried to draw certain parallels like this before, and have had people say "oh, don't even try to make that comparison, it's totally different". No it isn't. If anything, I've brought up things that are worse. If you want your feelings considered over every single subject, then don't stand there and spit on the rest of history. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Here's another little fact most of these "protesters" forgot: who that doesn't learn from history will some day repeat it
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Slavery never went away as I pointed out in another post. Obama's recent fast track trade bill, yeah, that was done to put Malaysia back into the fold of cheap unregulated labor. They had to be taken off of the human rights violations list first even though they did nothing to warrant it. Why? because China started regulating their labor. Companies started to pull the plug, hence why their stock market crashed and was locked down for 6 months last week.
Slavery is still alive an kicking, we just move the whole operation into the 3rd world. Take down flags and symbols off of helmets all day. It won't stop slavery. And if I were the Redskins, I'd keep the logo and call the Team Wounded Knee to remind everyone who the culprits were who slaughtered Native American women and children every weekend. "There was a woman with an infant in her arms who was killed as she almost touched the flag of truce ... A mother was shot down with her infant; the child not knowing that its mother was dead was still nursing ... The women as they were fleeing with their babies were killed together, shot right through ... and after most all of them had been killed a cry was made that all those who were not killed or wounded should come forth and they would be safe. Little boys ... came out of their places of refuge, and as soon as they came in sight a number of soldiers surrounded them and butchered them there."[2 |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Native Americans are much less offensive to me (I am part Cherokee) than the scumbag politicians that occupy Washington... |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
No. It is history and was a symbol in Europe way before it was brought here. I can see how some may find the Rebel Flag offensive mostly because of the fact that it has been adopted and bastardized by hate groups as a symbol of hate. To me the flag in and of itself is not offensive but the fact it has been used to signify hate ruined it of any historical signifigance. There is a difference between history and hate.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
This crap is way out of hand.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
If we do go this route people need to understand some overlooked facts:
By 1830 there were 3,775 black families living in the South who owned black slaves. By 1860 there were about 3,000 slaves owned by black households in the city of New Orleans alone. Shame on the family seems to have more than one color in New Orleans. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Give em an inch, they'll take a mile……………...
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Why are y'all getting so riled up over click bait?
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
It took us, what, 33 years to win a playoff game?
I'd say that's pretty offensive. I'm offended. https://authorreneemiller.files.word...ht-you-did.jpg |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
This is getting beyond carried away. 3000 slaves were owned by black slave owners in New Orleans. I feel confident there are descendents of those black slave owners still living in the city who are Saints fans and never had a problem with it.
The only problem I see here are organizations that refuse to let it go. At some point, the United Negro College fund will be racist along with the NAACP which is real close to right now. There is nobody left who was a slave or slave owner. There is no government agency or official who thinks any race is superior. If anything, those organizations do more harm than good right now because their whole existence depends upon the strength of racism. Without it, they die. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
I watch the world around me all the time. Now, I don't always read about it from alleged "journalistic" sources, and when I do, I prefer Knob Creek, and take it as mere entertainment. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Hint: it is not about slavery... |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
These things we're talking about are actually happening. This is not speculation. People are taking offense to every freaking thing, and have either removed, or are in the process of trying to get flags or symbols removed. And we all know what those things are, it's been all over news. Some of it has to do with slavery, some of it is gay rights activists trying to remove monuments with the ten commandments on them, among other things. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
And you know what? That little tidbit tells me all I need to know. Quote:
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Oh well, I was gonna' upgrade my security doors to these this summer (seriously), but they are expensive ... maybe with all the controversy, sales will drop & so will the prices, :D.
http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/pro...6b547b_400.jpg |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Now I used the ten commandments as one reference, but there are countless other christian values being thrown out the window due to pressure from activists of all kinds. In the spirit of freedom, I'm all for people having a choice. I might not agree with everyone, but everyone should get to make up their own mind. What I'm not ok with is people trying to use something like marriage for something it was never intended for, and turning around and saying that we MUST BY LAW accept this. We didn't get a vote. We got it rammed down our throats. Do I take offense to that? You're damn right I do. How the hell do you expect me to respond? You seem to lack a great deal of perspective here in saying that I'm taking more offense. Does a rebel flag infringe your rights? You're free to love it or hate it. Gay marriage makes a mockery of the very essence of marriage. And before you say "well that's just your opinion, not everyone believes in the same things you do", that is why we had the separation of church and state in the first place. All I ask is to be able to keep the integrity within the things I believe in, and you can do whatever you think is right. The two should not collide. And if you think that none of this is real when we can plainly see it on our televisions or, in some cases, right in front of our faces, then I guess no news service is legitimate enough. I didn't form my opinions or observations based on this one article. I didn't even remember that it was canal street chronicles, hence the reason I had no idea what CSC stood for. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Yes, very much so.
The Fleur De Lis is offensive to many people. It represents years of heart break and anguish. The symbol was present at beatings and humiliation that many men never recovered from. I completely understand why the symbol causes fear and loathing in the people that have been victim to such treatment... in Atlanta. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Like the Falcons |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
Too much rambling there, and frankly this is not the place to discuss this... but what the heck: The bible is NOT the U.S. Constitution. And no, you do not get to vote on the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. It is up to the courts to interpret it. I believe the U.S. Constitution says something about "all men created equal" or something like that... funny, back then they didn't think of adding women to that line; imagine what would've happened if women's suffrage had been put to a vote... You don't want anyone imposing their beliefs and morality on you, but you have absolutely no issue imposing your beliefs and morality on other people, "because it is in the bible". Makes sense. If you truly believe in what the bible says, then I'd suggest reading Mark 12:17. Yes, the part about giving to Caesar what it is Caesar's. Speaking of "making a mockery the essence of marriage" and "not what's intended for", I think it is the very high divorce rate and the rate of domestic violence (to the tune of 1 woman beaten every 9 seconds) that make much more a mockery of marriage than people of the same sex getting married. I guess God intended husbands to beat their wives and leave them :\ Oh, and fun fact: on average, lesbian couples have longer, more monogamous relationships than man-woman or man-man relationships. I do not have an issue with anyone's inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, no matter what an old book written centuries ago by who knows who in a land far, far away. |
Re: Is the flour De Lis Offensive.
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