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Where to buy Saints season ticket rights?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; I've been on the wait list since 2007 and just got an email saying I can finally purchase season tickets. Unfortunately, they only have single seats available in the lowers. My question is, where can I find someone looking to ...

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Old 07-16-2015, 01:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Where to buy Saints season ticket rights?

I've been on the wait list since 2007 and just got an email saying I can finally purchase season tickets. Unfortunately, they only have single seats available in the lowers.

My question is, where can I find someone looking to sell their season tickets with future rights? I'd prefer 2 or even 4 seats together, and the affordability of uppers would be fine with me.

But where can I find that person?
The ticket sites are brutal and don't give you future rights.
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Old 07-24-2015, 04:03 PM   #2
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Re: Where to buy season ticket rights?

I would try Tiger Droppings Saints Talk. I think they tend to have more actual, holding, season tickets holders posting over there.

I also don't know for 100% sure if someone can actually just "give" you their rights to the tickets. I think they revert back to the team, unless that person is family or a "qualifying" individual. The fine print of the contract says "qualifying heirs and transferees" meaning I think you have to have some connection between the two people. Not sure what "qualifying" means but it has to mean something, that the Saints control it, otherwise why would they have a waiting list at all. Like if you had tickets for your company and you wanted to change the individual names, or give them to your kids, you could probably do that pretty easily, with a written explanation. But just giving them away to Joe Blow?

Even though it's 70-80,000 people, and technically open to the public, you have to remember: the Saints control who goes into their games. They have a relationship with their paying ticket holders. They know who EVERY seat belongs to, at least technically on paper, if not the actual physical body in the seat each week. They are not likely to let somebody else get to pick THAT privilege; it is, after all, a business for them.

The only actual instance I know of, personally, where a transfer DID happen, was a guy whose wife got the tickets in a nasty divorce (but he did get well compensated for it in other areas of the divorce, it was a BIG bargaining chip). And I also know another guy who got them from his Dad in the 1980s when his dad passed. But they both had the same name ("Jr." "Sr."), and he even moved back into his Dad's old house, same address, so I doubt the Saints even knew about it, or cared.

My pal that I have my tickets with, he is the point guy so I've never dealt with it directly. He knows his ticket rep, by name, and goes straight to him with EVERYTHING, including changing address, email, phone number, "did you get my payment yet"questions, criticisms about the PA system, the siren, or whatever else. And THAT GUY (the ticket rep for people who already have them) seems to have a good idea of what's available or what's going on in the Dome, a MUCH better picture than the general person who answers the main phone for people who don't have any tickets. We've talked to the rep before about moving down to a new section, years and years ago, but we decided to stay put.

But there really isn't much out there. Nobody is moving. ESPECIALLY in the terrace.

Also, it's already too late to do it for this year. The ticket payment deadlines are, one around Christmas, one in February/March, and the final season ticket payment deadline for this year already passed in late May/early June sometime. So it's already over with: even if you found someone willing, you can't do it anyway until next year.

Last edited by SaintsBro; 07-24-2015 at 04:27 PM.. Reason: added some stuff
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