02-11-2005, 11:11 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 2,616
Haslett on ESPN last night
I didn't see the interview. But, this was posted on another board and I thought I'd pass it along.
He talked about AB and the offense. Said that they counted on AB too much last year and forgot about the running game. Admitts that it was a mistake and that i the last four games he made sure Duece was in the gameplan.
Said that Turley was a heckuva player. Just had a temper. that Martz is a heckuva coach and that they should get through all of there problems. Said that Turley's main problem with the Saints was a front office problem and NOT a problem with the coaches.
When asked if Ricky Williams will come back Haz said, "I hope not." Then blasted RW for the weed and deserting his team. Said he doesn't deserve to be in the NFL
Most of this is from my memory. Overall I think this was a good interview. He made some more comments about our Offense last year. From what I could hear, he wasn't at all happy with the offense. He seems to think it will be better next year, as far as playcalling.
Said the defense improved over the last four games, partly due to MM at corner and the play of the young LBs. Noted that Gandy and Duece were the biggest team leaders and was looking for some of the young guys to step up this year.
That is about all I can remember.