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foreverfan 10-12-2015 08:20 PM

Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Are You Saying through the Whole Season
or is there a point where you will check out?

As many already know, I check in and out daily which has nothing to do with the Saints.... but this is about the Saints.

Started as a fan at age 9 in 1967
and before all the games were televised, :x
I actually listened to every game on the radio since 1978....
even the 1980 season.

Halo 10-12-2015 08:56 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
jeewiz, I was a Saints fan pre-Dome Patrol.
I was a child at the first game in the Superdome.
I watched every game before we were ever good. Will be a fan my entire life.

I did stop watching the Saints when we were playing in San Antonio and their fans disrepected our city after Katrina with banners and desperate pleas to move the team. Haslett and Brooks were so embarrassing that they didn't capture my time (esp. that Christmas eve game.)

frydaddy 10-12-2015 09:16 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
In it till the (most likely) bitter end here. I eat, sleep and breathe this team all year long, nothing changes that.

WhoDat!656 10-12-2015 09:31 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
As long as the Saints are in New Orleans I will be a fan and trying my best to be in front of a TV/computer somewhere!

That doesn't mean the team doesn't piss me off to the heights of pisstivity; too much lately!

halloween 65 10-12-2015 09:54 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I can't watch every game due to job related travel and depends on what state in and night/day shift schedual. But you can bet win or lose I would if I could.

QBREES9 10-12-2015 09:57 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Everyone off the band wagon. I'll just ride around till y'all want to get back on.

Barry from MS 10-12-2015 10:15 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
The New Orleans Saints are all I have ever known. Sorry, I don't think I can leave, as good/bad/ugly as that sounds.

It's like an episode of "The Twilight Zone".

WillSaints81 10-12-2015 11:23 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by Halo (Post 674995)
jeewiz, I was a Saints fan pre-Dome Patrol.
I was a child at the first game in the Superdome.
I watched every game before we were ever good. Will be a fan my entire life.

I did stop watching the Saints when we were playing in San Antonio and their fans disrepected our city after Katrina with banners and desperate pleas to move the team. Haslett and Brooks were so embarrassing that they didn't capture my time (esp. that Christmas eve game.)

Was that the lions' game?

foreverfan 10-12-2015 11:23 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by Barry from MS (Post 675015)
The New Orleans Saints are all I have ever known. Sorry, I don't think I can leave, as good/bad/ugly as that sounds.

It's like an episode of "The Twilight Zone".

Barry from MS 10-12-2015 11:44 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Thanks for that...I'm a big T.Z. fan.

I'm sure even if I wanted to quit, somehow this 2015 team would keep coming on my TV/radio/laptop/etc against my will in some sadistic manner to torture me. It'd be just like an old TZ episode, but it would be in fuzzy/blurry black & white and moderated by Carrot Top.

Halo 10-12-2015 11:56 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by WillSaints81 (Post 675020)
Was that the lions' game?

Yep. They blew another one.
The following week they played Tampa. I didn't want to watch because Tom Benson, at the time, was saying how happy he would be to return the next season in the Alamodome. Proposed splitting the entire 2006 season there.


Tom Benson forgiven now. He's a much more respectable man.

dizzle88 10-12-2015 11:59 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Of course, never in question.

I'll still stay up until 4am to watch games, win or lose.

bobdog86 10-13-2015 12:15 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I live in Washington State, maybe 1-2 games televised a year max…..I don't have the "package",,,,, my kingdom and right ball to have the opportunity to regularly either watch on tv or in person, not sure how fortunate/blessed some folks are to have that truly awesome choice. Wish I did, take nothing for granted fellas, could be worse, trust me, could be worse….enjoy it for what it is and what we've been fortunate enough to have witnessed in the last decade or so,,,,peace out Napolean

RailBoss 10-13-2015 12:40 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Remember this all you mugs from the song Hotel California.
(won't mention the group due to Sunday's game)

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
"Relax, " said the night man,
"We are programmed to receive.

You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!

So suck it up your not going nowhere even if you
think you are... well your not.

nola_swammi 10-13-2015 01:18 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I might had more than I planned of frustrated weeks but I am die hard saint's fan. With that being said, I would be a happy camper if we sweep the Falcons and get a win against the rest of the division. That's my super bowl

jeanpierre 10-13-2015 03:29 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
This may seem extreme, but this is how I mentally deal with defeats...

I picture a hot forge and a used sword that is being reforged for the next battles to come...

As we take those lumps, that's just hits with the heavy peen making things stronger for better days...

We're taking lumps now, but those new linebackers, new linemen are going to be tougher when we dispense payback...

We may no longer ice skate across the schedule as in recent seasons, but we'll destroy schedules if we stay on track...

And we will forge a tougher, nastier team that'll crush our enemies and we'll laugh as our enemies and their quarterbacks flee before us...

So I'll stay in the forge taking the lumps with my team and emerge a more formidable team...

FinSaint 10-13-2015 03:31 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by WhoDat!656 (Post 674998)
As long as the Saints are in New Orleans I will be a fan and trying my best to be in front of a TV/computer somewhere!

That doesn't mean the team doesn't piss me off to the heights of pisstivity; too much lately!


Exxcalibur 10-13-2015 03:56 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Do people actively stop watching?

its more peaceful: no expectation = no stress, just lolz.

Better yet, I made a donation. How do I get my site donor update? ^^

leilung 10-13-2015 04:29 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I always get, "How are you a Saints fan and you're not even from down there? You're from Jersey!"

Long story short, I hate NFL Band Wagon Riders to the core of my being...

In the late 60's, I hated the Eagles and became a Cowboy fan (Before Staubach). They started winning and the Band Wagon Fans were suddenly on, so I got off!

Mid 70's, found a team that dared to start Joe Gilliam for their season opener and had never won anything, the Steelers. Bradshaw took the reins. They started winning and the Band Wagon Fans were suddenly on, so I got off!

Come the 80's, I found another team. A team that NEVER won anything! Always at the bottom of the league! A team with a ferocious fan base! Fans so dedicated that they wore bags over their heads in disgrace but STILL came to the games, loyal to the core!

I said to myself...'Yeah. Now THAT is a FAN!!!!'

So here I am, and here I stay, a WHO DAT, 'til my dying day!

One final note, to those who struggle with this season: When you apply Heat, Pressure, and Time to an ugly lump of coal, and you have to patience to wait out the process, you WILL get a diamond! Get just gotta have faith!

We've been to the mountain top and seen the glory. We will be there again!

saintsfan1976 10-13-2015 07:39 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Barring a move. I'm here.

Crusader 10-13-2015 08:01 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Its always the so called prime time games that is a problem for me since they start at 02.30 in the morning. I usually watch them the next day then.

jnormand 10-13-2015 08:15 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I wouldn't call someone a "fan" if they turn it off for the remainder of the season because this team stinks. I might call them a "follower" of the team. A true fan doesn't bail when the team sucks.

I'm a follower of some baseball, occasionally. I do not follow it regularly nor do I care much about it. I don't think about it or follow much of it during the off season.

Totally different then the Saints. The Saints are my life blood.

RaginCajun83 10-13-2015 08:39 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I'm here until this team moves, if they move then I'm done. At this point, if they move I might just be done with the NFL

Beastmode 10-13-2015 08:46 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I will watch most, not because I don't want to just stuff happens like having to dig up a water main like this past weekend. I still took breaks and watched a lot of it. I pretty much accepted though it will be a rough ride with so many young players.

RailBoss 10-13-2015 09:21 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by leilung (Post 675037)
I always get, "How are you a Saints fan and you're not even from down there? You're from Jersey!"

Long story short, I hate NFL Band Wagon Riders to the core of my being...

In the late 60's, I hated the Eagles and became a Cowboy fan (Before Staubach). They started winning and the Band Wagon Fans were suddenly on, so I got off!

Mid 70's, found a team that dared to start Joe Gilliam for their season opener and had never won anything, the Steelers. Bradshaw took the reins. They started winning and the Band Wagon Fans were suddenly on, so I got off!

Come the 80's, I found another team. A team that NEVER won anything! Always at the bottom of the league! A team with a ferocious fan base! Fans so dedicated that they wore bags over their heads in disgrace but STILL came to the games, loyal to the core!

I said to myself...'Yeah. Now THAT is a FAN!!!!'

So here I am, and here I stay, a WHO DAT, 'til my dying day!

One final note, to those who struggle with this season: When you apply Heat, Pressure, and Time to an ugly lump of coal, and you have to patience to wait out the process, you WILL get a diamond! Get just gotta have faith!

We've been to the mountain top and seen the glory. We will be there again!

I too was a Who Dat living in New Jersey until I moved to DC.
Not many Saints fans in NJ got the same reaction from people.
Lived up in Essex County most folks were Giants & Jets Fans.
Came to be a Who Dat by strangely similar circumstances. I
absolutely don't know what it is with this City and Team. But
I visit quite a bit and feel like I'm home but I've never lived
here. One of my Daughters went to Tulane but that was recent.

Budsdrinker 10-13-2015 09:26 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I'm a Saints fan till the day I die or they leave New Orleans. I drive from Texas to The Dome every year for half of the games. Season ticket holder since 1997 (when I first could afford to buy them) Will be there Nov 1st to give Eli a rough homecoming. If you give up, you're not a fan. WhoDat!!!

WW_Who_Dat 10-13-2015 09:50 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I was at the very first Saints game in Tulane Stadium.
My family had season tickets for years.
Followed through out my Military career wherever I was station
Always made 1 or 2 home game every year for 22 years while serving.
Lived in China for 14 years would go to the only Sports Bar in Hong Kong that would show all the NFL games ... At 3:00 AM in the morning.
Would still make 1 or 2 home games minimum a year.
Watching now on Sling Box every game ... Like going to Mass on Sunday.
Same now that I live in California ... to date have not missed a single game in 16 years.
Thursday night might be my last game this year. I have too much invested with this team to watch this train wreck in progress.

I feel more than lack of talent we have been watched a coaching staff that continues to try a catch that magic in a bottle ... Bottle is empty ... That Old Magic can't be recaptured ... adjust and adapt.

The coaching staff has failed to adapt to the changing nature of the NFL not only from an overall assessment of the type of players that make up winning teams but also in the game day adjustments that are need to be made to counter what in particular defense sare doing to stop your offense real time .. today ... right here and now. How many years / games will be continue to throw the same old tired game plan at out opponents and make absolutely no attempt to adjust real time.

No better example the NE and Cowboys this weekend. The Boys were all over Brady on the first 2 series, what did NE do. Quick 2 step drops fast flat patterns and the rest is history. We try to adjust by throwing screens, slow developing screens that most team know are coming. Todays athletes are way to quick to be fooled by this maybe maybe more than once a game, they have it sorted out before the ball is snapped because its what our OC/HC does ... and ... I am not a Smart Man ... But just imagine how easy it is to game plan for the DC of our opponents.

I do believe we are paying a price for how our front office has handled the Cap and talent, but more so we are being out coached and out played by almost everyone we go up against. I see both offense and defense being put into schemes and situations that they cannot matchup and the out come is predictable ... I think this is where our real problem lies ... Coaching, game planning and honest appraisal of what we can do ... not what we wish we were capable of with the players we have.

This Thursday night performance will dictate how I spend my Sundays for the rest of the season, watching my team of 47 years or driving up the PCH with sunglasses on and top down ... Nice lunch up the Ojai Valley ... game time for me is 10:00 to 1:00 0n Sundays. Hope I watching football on Sundays!!!!

BusDriver 10-13-2015 10:13 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I'm always checked in. Only time I miss games is if my kids have something going on, softball players & cheerleaders, and of course Thursday they have a home football game starting at 6:15ish. So the I will miss some of the 1st half. On a side not I was predicting a 13-3 season, so I am now pulling for a 12-4 season. :)

Utah_Saint 10-13-2015 10:16 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I wear my Jerseys to the local sports pub every Sunday the Saints aren't on TV here, which is a lot.

I don't go to forums nearly as much though. Sometimes this place becomes more like a suicide prevention hotline than a fan site. Reading some posts, after a loss, just brings me down even more.

blackangold 10-13-2015 10:45 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Once we lose to ATL I will finally lose all hope for us this year. At that point ill still watch every game but ill be watching for different reasons. Ill be watching games as if they were preseason games, looking for the individual talent that stands out ect...

I still have a 2% chance of hope if we beat ATL; although we know its much more likely that we get blown out.

Rugby Saint II 10-13-2015 11:20 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I'm not a fan. I'm a Fanatic! Stop bothering me. :bng:

UK_WhoDat 10-13-2015 11:24 AM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 675047)
Its always the so called prime time games that is a problem for me since they start at 02.30 in the morning. I usually watch them the next day then.

Yep the plight of the European Saints fan. It is always thus.

Additionally for me this year, I am on my way south to my snowbird location. I drive on Sundays to get distances done with lesser traffic.

xan 10-13-2015 12:03 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Only because watching all the games is an impossibility where I live.

Still paying close attention.

RailBoss 10-13-2015 12:44 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by xan (Post 675094)
Only because watching all the games is an impossibility where I live.

Still paying close attention.

Unless it's a Monday Thursday or Sunday featured game don't get the Saints in DC either. Next option is streaming on the computer which works okay.

saintfan 10-13-2015 12:54 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
I knew folks would get spoiled.

I knew the bandwagoners would jump eventually.

Cause we're bad. We're like, comical-bad almost. E'ry body is calling for someone's head. Some (me) want Rob Ryan gone. I guess pretty much everyone does. Some (not me) want Sean gone too. Some (I'm on the fence here) want Loomie gone. Some want all three outta here.

After it plays out I think Loomis might be the last man standing. I do think Rob Ryan is gone. I do think that won't happen until the season is over. You just can't keep sucking this hard. It's time.

Loomis I suppose could slide over and allow someone else to handle the Football affairs. Not sure that'll happen. Not sure it won't.

Sean is the wild card. 2 years left, right? I could see a back room kinda deal where Sean is elsewhere and he's happy about it and we're happy too. I can see him staying, Drew restructuring and hanging around another year or 3, a new coordinator on defense having no less than a top half defense with the players we have, right now. I can seriously see that too. Or something similar. Or something entirely not similar.

But I have no idea as you can see. Like I said, we're almost comical-bad right now, and I'm sticking around for the show, like I have since I was a kid in the early 70's. It sure does have a familiar ring to it. In some ways it feels like all is right with the world again.

We will always have this:

But we have this too:

Both matter the same. The Saints are like family I guess. Sometimes they suck, and like that one relative we all have, sometimes they suck a lot. But they're still family and we still love 'em, mostly. We know they can achieve great things if they just get their head outta their :censored: and do right.

And it is this love of our team that separates us from Failcone fans. Can I get a Hallelujah? Amen.


SaintFanQ 10-13-2015 03:32 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Once a Saints Fan, always a Saints Fan!

Based in England so I listen to/watch as many games as I can!

Iv'e paid for gamepass this year but 2 games have already been blackouts!



Danno 10-13-2015 05:13 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by blackangold (Post 675073)
Once we lose to ATL I will finally lose all hope for us this year. At that point ill still watch every game but ill be watching for different reasons. Ill be watching games as if they were preseason games, looking for the individual talent that stands out ect...

I still have a 2% chance of hope if we beat ATL; although we know its much more likely that we get blown out.

We'll beat Atlanta.

Beastmode 10-13-2015 07:14 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
Driving the bandwagon as opposed to sitting in the wagon; big difference.
I'm the driver and let me tell you, it's work. I scoff at my occupants but at the end of the day I need them to make me feel better about my team.

Any yes; We will beat the crap out of Atlanta. They are still the low hanging fruit.

RailBoss 10-13-2015 07:31 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.
1 Attachment(s)
It's a bit dusty but still works!

foreverfan 10-13-2015 07:41 PM

Re: Saints Fans Who Plan to Remain ALL SEASON.

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 675025)
Of course, never in question.

I'll still stay up until 4am to watch games, win or lose.

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