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GilFenerty 02-28-2005 11:37 AM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
I know it happened a while back, but I am puzzled. Sure, we have been competitive, but it I can't find the logic in giving him two years on top of the two he still had left. Especially in light of the fact that the four-game win streak at the end of the season saved his job. What was management thinking?

GumboBC 02-28-2005 11:41 AM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
It\'s my understanding that Haslett has NOT been given a contract extention.

And Haslett does NOT deserve one at this point, IMO.

He needs to prove, this year, that he can get this team in the playoffs.

I thought Haslett needed to be fired. That is, until I witnessed the last 4-games. I like what I saw I and I think there\'s a good chance it could carry over into next season.

So far, I like the direction this team is headed. I like the plan. We\'ll see..........

saintz08 02-28-2005 12:10 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
I knew someone would bring it up .

It is official my arse hairs are on fire .


It\'s my understanding that Haslett has NOT been given a contract extention.
Hasbeen has been given a contract extension , but he has not signed it because he wants more money .... :bandhead:

This combined with the hiring of Sheppard at the Offensive Coordinator position is giving me a case of postal fever ...

ScottyRo 02-28-2005 12:45 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
If he\'s in a position to seek more money then he\'s in a better position than I thought. This isn\'t even the last year of the last extension, is it? I just don\'t see how the past 5 years has been good enough for another extension.

spkb25 02-28-2005 06:42 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
after the last 4 games of last season i\'d like to see what jim can do for us. but in no means does that warrant an extension.

saintz08 02-28-2005 08:02 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
The only extension Hasbeen is worthy of , is an extension of the arm pointing the way out of town .....

I am really beginning to wonder if Benson has something up his sleeve on this . If he cannot iron things out with the state he might have the new city , new coach and GM thought bubbling in his head .

FireVenturi 02-28-2005 08:12 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
It is hard to get a credible OC when the HC only has a year left on his contract, because if Haz\'s head rolled after this year, more than likely so would the new OC\'s.

saintz08 02-28-2005 08:29 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
That is why Loomis should have gone to Denver and talked to Kubiak and offered him the Offensive Coordinator position that Kubiak could have turned into a head coaching position .

Hire Kubiak as the Offensive Coordinator / Asst. Head Coach .

If Kubiak was any good , fire Hasbeen and turn the reigns over to Kubiak .

shadowdrinker 02-28-2005 08:55 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
When you compare Deadlines...L.A....The Saints contract with the State...(which has now been temporarily abolished), you can get the sense the Benson is holding on to what he has now..rather than go for the \"Gusto\'\'..

Benson is waiting to see what is going to happen with this L.A. thing...I guarantee it, and until a deal is signed with the State...or we just flat out will likely see very little changes ahead...heck..the Off Season thus far should have shown that..with the blind eye turned toward Has and Venturi...and the moving up of assistant coaches , so as to not be forced into hiring many new people...

saintz08 02-28-2005 09:23 PM

Why extend Haslett's contract?
LA is a weak bend the state over ploy by Benson .

Two cuts from a article in an Los Angeles based paper ....


Since 1995, after the Rams and Raiders left, the National Football League has not had a team in Los Angeles. Some say that empty nest — though it would seem, at first glance, a deficiency in the league lineup — has actually reaped enormous dividends for the league and team owners.

In cities across the nation — Phoenix, Seattle, Indianapolis — owners have used the absence of a Los Angeles franchise as leverage. They have extracted concessions worth hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers while threatening — though it is rarely said explicitly, and doesn\'t have to be — to move to L.A.

Many analysts say the strategy of using Los Angeles for leverage is about to run its course — just as communities and government officials are getting wise.

It is virtually certain that no public money, at least in the form of general funds, will go toward building a stadium or renovating an existing one in Los Angeles.

[Edited on 1/3/2005 by saintz08]

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