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saintfan 04-11-2016 10:59 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I hate guns too. I don't like the sound, the kick, and the smell, and the weight, and anything else about them. Everybody in my family hunts but me. Hate 'em. Always have. Fired a few when I was younger. Pistols. Shotguns. Rifles. Hate 'em all.

But I have NO PROBLEM with other people owning them. I guess that's the difference between me and the 'do what we say' crowd.

I do hate 'em tho. And I'll eat anything you can kill with one. LOL

bobdog86 04-11-2016 11:00 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699120)
But to say that if hand guns were banned the murder rate would not go down significantly is asinine...

I'd sure rather go up against somebody wielding a knife rather than they pull a gun

I wouldn't, I handle a hand gun way better than a knife, I like my chances better….just saying…Evil people do Evil crap, including crap like this..Go ahead and ban guns then trash like will have them and law abiding, trained people like myself will not.

|Mitch| 04-11-2016 11:06 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by bobdog86 (Post 699127)
I wouldn't, I handle a hand gun way better than a knife, I like my chances better….just saying…Evil people do Evil crap, including crap like this..Go ahead and ban guns then trash like will have them and law abiding, trained people like myself will not.

That's the only problem I see; getting the existing weapons off the street. And not everyone is trained and carry guns...

(And yes, I do have my CCW and carry a Glock 27 .40; fits between my seat and console in the Mustang nicely)

saintfan 04-11-2016 11:11 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
"And it's overwhelming," Brees added. "It's overwhelming when you think about this epidemic, or this problem, of young, mainly young men, killing young men for no apparent reason."

People we have a mental health issue. It's as plain as the warts on Hillary Clinton's face. People are just too afraid to address it for fear of offending or 'trampling' on somebody's 'rights'.

skymike 04-11-2016 11:22 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I wish Will Smith, or a good person standing nearby, would have had a gun.

bobdog86 04-11-2016 11:29 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699128)
That's the only problem I see; getting the existing weapons off the street. And not everyone is trained and carry guns...

(And yes, I do have my CCW and carry a Glock 27 .40; fits between my seat and console in the Mustang nicely)

I believe we are on the same page, thats the daunting task, ridding the existing guns on the streets that are in the wrong hands. Nice choice on the Glock, i carry the Springfield XD in the .45. and also have a CCW. Sad situation all the way around. Praying for his family.

burningmetal 04-12-2016 01:04 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699118)

This information below would seem to contradict yours, rather starkly.

Violent crime jumps 27 per cent in new figures - Telegraph

And as we consider all of this, let's not forget that the UK isn't nearly as over-populated as America is. If you want to say that you wish guns had never been invented, that's whatever. But since they do exist, until we fix our border problems (which is unlikely to ever happen), we will have illegal weapons and drugs being put into the hands of evil people. Unless you can change humanity, you won't change crime.

rezburna 04-12-2016 05:36 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
The right to bear arms main reason for being a part of The Constitution is just in case the people ever had to take up arms against the government. I'm indifferent on the issue. I've never owned a gun, although I've shot em a couple times. I might get one now that I have a daughter. Lol. But it's whatever. My concern is eradicating the conditions that most often lead to violent crime.

Euphoria 04-12-2016 06:21 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I am quickly turning the corner on gun control.

The amendment isn't being what it was designed for. It was suppose to protect the citizens from our own government. That has come and passed, you don't see citizens with air craft carriers and F-18's in their back yards?

The problem with so many guns on the streets is that some knuckle head pisses off another knuckle head and we have a gun fight in your neighbor hood where an innocent kid sleeping in bed gets shot or a traffic accident just pull out your gun and shoot someone in the back because you're pissed. This is what our country has come to. It isn't safe and its nothing to be proud of.

neugey 04-12-2016 07:08 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I read (couldn't find the audio) the highlights of what Sean Payton said and I don't find it that inflammatory. He's speaking his mind about how he feels about guns. He's hurting right now. He's not simply repeating far-left sound bytes, which I respect. He's not saying they should come get everyone's guns a week from tomorrow. I'm cutting him some slack, at least for the time being.

I think addressing culture and mental health are the main issue, but I also think improved background checks for guns would help. If you're in a big hurry to get a gun and can't wait for a background check - not a good sign.

I support sensible 2A rights but I don't care for the NRA. They cloak themselves in 2A rights and their concern for the common man to defend themselves, but really it's all about the sale and movement of firearms and the easy money generated for them.

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