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WhoDat!656 04-11-2016 09:18 PM

Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
He is also WRONG!

Listen to Sean Payton. Carefully. He’s mad. Sad. Frustrated. Passionate.

“If this opinion in Louisiana is super unpopular,” Payton told USA TODAY Sports in a 33-minute phone conversation on Monday, his first interview since Will Smith’s death, “so be it.”

Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Danno 04-11-2016 09:29 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I hate criminals having guns

burningmetal 04-11-2016 09:46 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
That's right Sean, guns fire themselves, cars wreck themselves, drugs insert themselves into people's veins, etc.

Get a grip on reality. Blame the criminals and the evil within them, and stop sounding like a youtube crusader.

|Mitch| 04-11-2016 09:51 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
It seems to have worked for the UK; just sayin'


In the United Kingdom, access by the general public to firearms is tightly controlled by law, although this is less restrictive in Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom has one of the lowest rates of gun homicides in the world.[1] There were 0.05 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants in the five years to 2011 (15 to 38 people per annum). Gun homicides accounted for 2.4% of all homicides in the year 2011.[2] There is some concern over the availability of illegal firearms.[3][4][5]

Members of the public may own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to licensing, but handguns were effectively banned after the Dunblane school massacre in 1996. Dunblane was the UK's first and only school shooting. There has been one spree killing since Dunblane, in June 2010.

Police in Great Britain (other than Northern Ireland) are not routinely armed.[6][7][8] Fatal shootings of police are extremely rare; there were three in England and Wales in the eleven-year period from 2000/01 to 2010/11.[9] Armed response units are available to deal with incidents, and around 7,000 police officers have received firearms training.

burningmetal 04-11-2016 10:06 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699115)
It seems to have worked for the UK; just sayin'

And yet the crime rate is quite high in the UK, with murder and rape on the rise. So tell me... Who and what is to blame for that?

If you take away guns, the gun related incidents will naturally decrease. But if Murder, or crime in general isn't being reduced, then what does that say? It says precisely what some of us have said for years. A person who is determined to commit any crime will find a way to do so, unless someone recognizes a threat and stops them. It doesn't matter what weapon they use.

|Mitch| 04-11-2016 10:12 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Consistent with EU trends,[4] the Crime Survey for England and Wales 2014/2015 figures[5] show that crime in the UK is currently at its lowest level since the CSEW began in 1981, having decreased dramatically from its peak in 1995 and by 27% in the past five years alone. For example, 1.32 million violent crimes were counted in 2014/2015 compared to 4.2 million in 1994/95.

voodooido 04-11-2016 10:12 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699115)
It seems to have worked for the UK; just sayin'

Look up their knife murder rate. It alone proves if you intend on killing someone you will find a way. I have a substantial amount of guns in my home. Not one has killed anyone. It has never pointed itself at me. It's a tool used by man....sometimes the wrong way.

|Mitch| 04-11-2016 10:15 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
But to say that if hand guns were banned the murder rate would not go down significantly is asinine...

I'd sure rather go up against somebody wielding a knife rather than they pull a gun

WhoDat!656 04-11-2016 10:29 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
"It seems to have worked for the UK; just sayin'"

arsaint 04-11-2016 10:38 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
No need to cross the Pond.

Gun Utopia is already in our country and is wildly "successful"...

Chicagoland: 857 Chicago Shooting Victims In 100 Days | Weasel Zippers

saintfan 04-11-2016 10:59 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I hate guns too. I don't like the sound, the kick, and the smell, and the weight, and anything else about them. Everybody in my family hunts but me. Hate 'em. Always have. Fired a few when I was younger. Pistols. Shotguns. Rifles. Hate 'em all.

But I have NO PROBLEM with other people owning them. I guess that's the difference between me and the 'do what we say' crowd.

I do hate 'em tho. And I'll eat anything you can kill with one. LOL

bobdog86 04-11-2016 11:00 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699120)
But to say that if hand guns were banned the murder rate would not go down significantly is asinine...

I'd sure rather go up against somebody wielding a knife rather than they pull a gun

I wouldn't, I handle a hand gun way better than a knife, I like my chances better….just saying…Evil people do Evil crap, including crap like this..Go ahead and ban guns then trash like will have them and law abiding, trained people like myself will not.

|Mitch| 04-11-2016 11:06 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by bobdog86 (Post 699127)
I wouldn't, I handle a hand gun way better than a knife, I like my chances better….just saying…Evil people do Evil crap, including crap like this..Go ahead and ban guns then trash like will have them and law abiding, trained people like myself will not.

That's the only problem I see; getting the existing weapons off the street. And not everyone is trained and carry guns...

(And yes, I do have my CCW and carry a Glock 27 .40; fits between my seat and console in the Mustang nicely)

saintfan 04-11-2016 11:11 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
"And it's overwhelming," Brees added. "It's overwhelming when you think about this epidemic, or this problem, of young, mainly young men, killing young men for no apparent reason."

People we have a mental health issue. It's as plain as the warts on Hillary Clinton's face. People are just too afraid to address it for fear of offending or 'trampling' on somebody's 'rights'.

skymike 04-11-2016 11:22 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I wish Will Smith, or a good person standing nearby, would have had a gun.

bobdog86 04-11-2016 11:29 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699128)
That's the only problem I see; getting the existing weapons off the street. And not everyone is trained and carry guns...

(And yes, I do have my CCW and carry a Glock 27 .40; fits between my seat and console in the Mustang nicely)

I believe we are on the same page, thats the daunting task, ridding the existing guns on the streets that are in the wrong hands. Nice choice on the Glock, i carry the Springfield XD in the .45. and also have a CCW. Sad situation all the way around. Praying for his family.

burningmetal 04-12-2016 01:04 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 699118)

This information below would seem to contradict yours, rather starkly.

Violent crime jumps 27 per cent in new figures - Telegraph

And as we consider all of this, let's not forget that the UK isn't nearly as over-populated as America is. If you want to say that you wish guns had never been invented, that's whatever. But since they do exist, until we fix our border problems (which is unlikely to ever happen), we will have illegal weapons and drugs being put into the hands of evil people. Unless you can change humanity, you won't change crime.

rezburna 04-12-2016 05:36 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
The right to bear arms main reason for being a part of The Constitution is just in case the people ever had to take up arms against the government. I'm indifferent on the issue. I've never owned a gun, although I've shot em a couple times. I might get one now that I have a daughter. Lol. But it's whatever. My concern is eradicating the conditions that most often lead to violent crime.

Euphoria 04-12-2016 06:21 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I am quickly turning the corner on gun control.

The amendment isn't being what it was designed for. It was suppose to protect the citizens from our own government. That has come and passed, you don't see citizens with air craft carriers and F-18's in their back yards?

The problem with so many guns on the streets is that some knuckle head pisses off another knuckle head and we have a gun fight in your neighbor hood where an innocent kid sleeping in bed gets shot or a traffic accident just pull out your gun and shoot someone in the back because you're pissed. This is what our country has come to. It isn't safe and its nothing to be proud of.

neugey 04-12-2016 07:08 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I read (couldn't find the audio) the highlights of what Sean Payton said and I don't find it that inflammatory. He's speaking his mind about how he feels about guns. He's hurting right now. He's not simply repeating far-left sound bytes, which I respect. He's not saying they should come get everyone's guns a week from tomorrow. I'm cutting him some slack, at least for the time being.

I think addressing culture and mental health are the main issue, but I also think improved background checks for guns would help. If you're in a big hurry to get a gun and can't wait for a background check - not a good sign.

I support sensible 2A rights but I don't care for the NRA. They cloak themselves in 2A rights and their concern for the common man to defend themselves, but really it's all about the sale and movement of firearms and the easy money generated for them.

hagan714 04-12-2016 07:29 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
gun control? to many out there and even if you managed to swoop in and get all the guns in one day. The criminals would have them again from across the boarder. just stating facts here. Good knows the government has flooded Mexico, Central and South America with them.

Issue at is the city state and the US government makes excuses for criminals and blame everyone but the shooter in these cases.

The lawyers go to Washington get elected to political office and pass laws that perpetuates their income. Lobbyist go to these same elected lawyers and lobby for drawn out sentence and rehabilitation to perpetuate their income.

This is one of many money making poncy scheme the US government have going in Washington.

The system is broken and no criminals fear it. They have all the rights and protection that victims have lost.

I say go back to old school with escalators. Make them fear the system once again.

Mandatory 10 years for a crime involving a gun and no chance of parole.
Mandatory 20 if they fire the that gun and no chance of parole.
Mandatory death penalty within 10 years if the kill some one and the case is not cut and dry
Instant death penalty for a murderer caught in the act.

Mandatory 10 years for all public officials and/or lawyers that reckless endanger an American citizen, directly or indirectly.

Chain gang comes back in style. They work for their room and board.

The city of New Orleans is not free of blame nor is Washington

hagan714 04-12-2016 07:49 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 699151)

I think addressing culture and mental health are the main issue, but I also think improved background checks for guns would help. If you're in a big hurry to get a gun and can't wait for a background check - not a good sign.

Great point. But Laws are in place now that keep those mental health records locked away. Same goes for most felony records.

Next time you fill out an application for a job you will soon notice the question of a felony record is no longer there. It happened to me and when I went to the interview I asked them if they can guarantee myself safety at work since they do not check felony records any more and the would not answer the question. I said no thank you and walked out.

This was the brain child of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton and the democratic party back when they controlled Washington.

It was the indirect effect of the democrats stopping the trail of Guantanamo Bay detainees based of their confessions. Now they can pray in court and be giving creature comforts and more importantly rights they did not have before. This was inside that same crime bill.

Besides Obama has made illegal guns sales a non violent felony offense since the day he opened the cell gates freed felonies he claimed were not dangerous. Grant some should have been freed but a good number of them just rewrote the criminal justice system with there release. Crack is also no more dangerous than powder cocaine.

Yet another bill of goods sold to the American people. Washington, the states and a lack of common sense is to blame. Lawyers writing laws and voting on those same laws to perpetuate their own professions income should be illegal.

People are responsible for their own actions. Politicians especially should be held to this same standard.

rezburna 04-12-2016 08:14 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 699157)
Great point. But Laws are in place now that keep those mental health records locked away. Same goes for most felony records.

Next time you fill out an application for a job you will soon notice the question of a felony record is no longer there. It happened to me and when I went to the interview I asked them if they can guarantee myself safety at work since they do not check felony records any more and the would not answer the question. I said no thank you and walked out.

This was the brain child of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton and the democratic party back when they controlled Washington.

It was the indirect effect of the democrats stopping the trail of Guantanamo Bay detainees based of their confessions. Now they can pray in court and be giving creature comforts and more importantly rights they did not have before. This was inside that same crime bill.

Besides Obama has made illegal guns sales a non violent felony offense since the day he opened the cell gates freed felonies he claimed were not dangerous. Grant some should have been freed but a good number of them just rewrote the criminal justice system with there release. Crack is also no more dangerous than powder cocaine.

Yet another bill of goods sold to the American people. Washington, the states and a lack of common sense is to blame. Lawyers writing laws and voting on those same laws to perpetuate their own professions income should be illegal.

People are responsible for their own actions. Politicians especially should be held to this same standard.

They're just trying to find a way to keep convicted felons from being discriminated against when it comes to employment. Many are continously punished for their crimes long after they pay their debt to society. However, murder, rape, and child molestation should always have to be reported to potential employeers.

hagan714 04-12-2016 08:42 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 699162)
They're just trying to find a way to keep convicted felons from being discriminated against when it comes to employment. Many are continously punished for their crimes long after they pay their debt to society. However, murder, rape, and child molestation should always have to be reported to potential employeers.

common sense is not allowed.

jeanpierre 04-12-2016 08:48 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
Well Coach Payton is human and there are two things he is not an expert - gun rights and football defense...

rezburna 04-12-2016 08:49 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 699165)
common sense is not allowed.

No arguing with that.

jeanpierre 04-12-2016 09:03 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by neugey (Post 699151)
I think addressing culture and mental health are the main issue, but I also think improved background checks for guns would help. If you're in a big hurry to get a gun and can't wait for a background check - not a good sign.

Funny you said that...Carol Bowne... fatally stabbed by ex-boyfriend while waiting for background check -

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

rezburna 04-12-2016 09:23 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by jeanpierre (Post 699171)
Funny you said that...

Carol Bowne... fatally stabbed by ex-boyfriend while waiting for background check -

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state,

the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

If the world would just stop BS'ing and give me superpowers I'd put a stop to all that...but nooooo.....they don't want to fund the Rez Burna becomes Batman with Wolverine skeleton and healing factor campaign.

RailBoss 04-12-2016 09:35 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 699173)
If the world would just stop BS'ing and give me superpowers I'd put a stop to all that...but nooooo.....they don't want to fund the Rez Burna becomes Batman with Wolverine skeleton and healing factor campaign.

Hey why not we Who Dats live in a fantasy world anyway. We seldom have
a grasp on reality until someone mentions Atlanta.

Cruize 04-12-2016 09:41 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
With the ease of getting guns in this country, legally and illegally, there's never going to be a "fix" to the problem of gun violence. There's also never going to be a "fix" to a terrorist blowing themselves up if they choose to do so. So what do we do? The ideas floated around range from doing nothing at all, arming everyone, all the way up to martial law. Doing nothing accepts it. Arming everyone is insane. And martial law of course will never fly. Thus, here we are.

73Saint 04-12-2016 09:52 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 699126)
I hate guns too. I don't like the sound, the kick, and the smell, and the weight, and anything else about them. Everybody in my family hunts but me. Hate 'em. Always have. Fired a few when I was younger. Pistols. Shotguns. Rifles. Hate 'em all.

But I have NO PROBLEM with other people owning them. I guess that's the difference between me and the 'do what we say' crowd.

I do hate 'em tho. And I'll eat anything you can kill with one. LOL

As a gun owner, and avid hunter, I appreciate this thought process. Not everyone has to like, or own a gun. But it doesn't mean those of us that do, shouldn't. And it also CERTAINLY doesn't mean that just because I do, you should!

foreverfan 04-12-2016 10:20 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
Who cares about the guns? I want to give 73Saint's avatar a work out.

Seriously... Just remember the difference between Britian and the USA is we are citizens had have guns... they are Subjects.

burningmetal 04-12-2016 11:23 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by Cruize (Post 699179)
With the ease of getting guns in this country, legally and illegally, there's never going to be a "fix" to the problem of gun violence. There's also never going to be a "fix" to a terrorist blowing themselves up if they choose to do so. So what do we do? The ideas floated around range from doing nothing at all, arming everyone, all the way up to martial law. Doing nothing accepts it. Arming everyone is insane. And martial law of course will never fly. Thus, here we are.

You're exactly right. And that's always been, and always will be the problem. There isn't a "fix". The only thing you can do is be vigilant as citizens, and law enforcement has to do everything in their power to identify threats, short of randomly breaking into homes without a warrant to find suspects.

Unfortunately the government hinders law enforcement's ability to keep on top of things when we are being bombarded by illegal aliens, and nothing is legitimately being done to stop it.

That's why I consider the anger toward guns to be misguided. People need to recognize that our government does not have our best interests in mind, and lack of "proper" gun laws are only a fraction of the problem. There are drugs being brought in. You have widespread poverty, leading to desperation, which often leads to crime. All of these things trace back to irresponsibility, and downright neglect, by our government. We're in a generation full of uninformed people who will believe any lie that gives them hope. This whole anti-gun movement is just the latest rhetoric to get our attention away from the heart our problems.

It's truly sad to watch this country fall apart at the seams.

burningmetal 04-12-2016 11:51 AM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 699145)
I am quickly turning the corner on gun control.

The amendment isn't being what it was designed for. It was suppose to protect the citizens from our own government. That has come and passed, you don't see citizens with air craft carriers and F-18's in their back yards?

The problem with so many guns on the streets is that some knuckle head pisses off another knuckle head and we have a gun fight in your neighbor hood where an innocent kid sleeping in bed gets shot or a traffic accident just pull out your gun and shoot someone in the back because you're pissed. This is what our country has come to. It isn't safe and its nothing to be proud of.

There is no argument against the violence being committed. It IS senseless and tragic. But, in my opinion, it's a sign of the times and not of the means used to commit these crimes. Gun or no gun, why would you want to kill someone who's done nothing to you? If a person is that demented, what difference does it make if they have a gun, or a license to own one? I doubt most criminals have even bought a gun legally. They get it second hand, which renders stricter gun laws useless.

Most importantly, in terms of what you said about the right to own guns being meant to protect ourselves from our government... It has always been my belief that removing guns from the public so that we CANNOT defend ourselves from our government has been the mission of Big Brother. People aren't just going to give up their rights, so it takes a lot of public pressure to start the process of removing said rights.

We have more than enough military force to put an end to the border problem. But that stone would only kill one bird. Turning Americans against each other until they "force the hand" of the government, is a much better plan.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, and don't claim that this is absolute fact, but I fully believe it is a very real and present danger that many Americans are blind to. They won't even consider the possibility.

saintfan 04-12-2016 12:12 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 699145)
I am quickly turning the corner on gun control.

The amendment isn't being what it was designed for. It was suppose to protect the citizens from our own government. That has come and passed, you don't see citizens with air craft carriers and F-18's in their back yards?

The problem with so many guns on the streets is that some knuckle head pisses off another knuckle head and we have a gun fight in your neighbor hood where an innocent kid sleeping in bed gets shot or a traffic accident just pull out your gun and shoot someone in the back because you're pissed. This is what our country has come to. It isn't safe and its nothing to be proud of.

It isn't a gun problem. That's just what they spin. It isn't an amendment issue. It is working just as it should. It isn't just there to overthrow the government if ever necessary. It is also there to defend the country. Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto is rumored to have said: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."

Did he really say that? True or not I have no idea, but I wouldn't doubt it.

People with MENTAL HEALTH issues shouldn't own guns. It is the elephant in the room, only nobody can get a vote for saying it out loud so nobody does.

neugey 04-12-2016 12:21 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 699157)
Great point. But Laws are in place now that keep those mental health records locked away. Same goes for most felony records.

Next time you fill out an application for a job you will soon notice the question of a felony record is no longer there. It happened to me and when I went to the interview I asked them if they can guarantee myself safety at work since they do not check felony records any more and the would not answer the question. I said no thank you and walked out.

This was the brain child of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton and the democratic party back when they controlled Washington.

It was the indirect effect of the democrats stopping the trail of Guantanamo Bay detainees based of their confessions. Now they can pray in court and be giving creature comforts and more importantly rights they did not have before. This was inside that same crime bill.

I was not aware of employers being no longer able to ask "Have You Been Convicted of a Felony" ... that is flat out wrong and dangerous. Of all the lawless things Obama has done, this one goes near the top of the list. I am steamed.

Rugby Saint II 04-12-2016 12:43 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
I grew up in the NRA. It is my right to bear arms as an American. I hate that people confuse guns with motive.

voodooido 04-12-2016 12:56 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by Euphoria (Post 699145)
I am quickly turning the corner on gun control.

The amendment isn't being what it was designed for. It was suppose to protect the citizens from our own government. That has come and passed, you don't see citizens with air craft carriers and F-18's in their back yards?

The problem with so many guns on the streets is that some knuckle head pisses off another knuckle head and we have a gun fight in your neighbor hood where an innocent kid sleeping in bed gets shot or a traffic accident just pull out your gun and shoot someone in the back because you're pissed. This is what our country has come to. It isn't safe and its nothing to be proud of.

The deaths by ILLEGAL guns out number legal guns 10-1. My gun has never killed someone. My car has never ran somone over and my fork did not make me fat. It's the person. Don't punish me for their crimes.

Danno 04-12-2016 01:00 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'
IIRC America includes suicides in their gun violence statistics. Many other countries do not.

I also remember reading the vast majority of gun deaths are indeed suicides.

SloMotion 04-12-2016 01:30 PM

Re: Saints coach Payton: 'I hate guns'

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 699143)
... My concern is eradicating the conditions that most often lead to violent crime.

I agree with you in theory, but probably not on the definition of "conditions", #shrug. This is every day in Detroit ... two guys (or a gal) got beef, one goes gets a gun and shoots up the place ... kids parties, family gatherings, at the mall, at the gas station, at the party store, on the block, in the house, while driving or just sitting in a car ... doesn't matter. The only reason this makes the news is because an NFL player is involved, and that condition has to change.

88% or more of young, Black men homicides are committed by other Black men ... that's the condition that has to change, IMO, that and the condition where we glorify "thug life" and perpetuate a culture of violence, that and the denial that this is purely a societal issue and also not a cultural one, #shrug. Everybody got to be an OG, #smh.

One guy was driving a Hummer, one guy a Mercedes ... I don't think poverty's necessarily a contributing condition in this situation. Both these guys had an education (Smith just completed his MBA?) ... I don't think you can pin it on lack of educational opportunities. Both guys were employed playing football, so it's not a lack of employment opportunities. If anything, I'd say both these guys took advantage of the opportunities afforded them and could reasonably be considered success stories, #shrug. The fact the shooter called 911, remained on the scene, had a registered firearm also speaks volumes, this guy wasn't the product of poor upbringing or social issues ... "lack of playgrounds" or whatever condition-of-the-week is going around wasn't the root cause behind this shooting, IMO.

I can't tell you how much I hate this shiot, reading about it, seeing it on the news every night ... it's just senseless, :neutral:.

My heart and my sincerest condolences go out to Saints Nation and all families involved, :( .

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