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100 shares 'Sean Payton Show' producer received $1 million in improper tax credits, inspector general says

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; The state inspector general says a production company received more $1 million in tax credits for expenses that were inflated or never incurred in the making of "The Sean Payton Show" and a reality television show that never aired. The ...

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Old 07-02-2016, 09:16 AM   #1
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100 shares 'Sean Payton Show' producer received $1 million in improper tax credits, inspector general says

The state inspector general says a production company received more $1 million in tax credits for expenses that were inflated or never incurred in the making of "The Sean Payton Show" and a reality television show that never aired.

The company's attorney disputes the findings, noting it supported all of its spending with documentation as Louisiana Economic Development required. Further, he questions the sources for the information provided to the inspector general and TV news reports.

'Sean Payton Show' producer received $1 million in improper tax credits, inspector general says |
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Old 07-03-2016, 01:33 AM   #2
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Re: 100 shares 'Sean Payton Show' producer received $1 million in improper tax credits, inspector general says

Tax credits or any other bs incentive for businesses to locate here vs Somewhere, USA are only as good as the oversight given.
So, allowing the politicians (who will benefit) or the beurocrats (who could give a crap less) to ensure things are done correctly?
It's a fools errand at best.
Let the market decide.
This includes sports franchises.
If they threaten to leave?
Every time I hear a politician talk about the jobs that will be created because a company pays no tax?
I automatically default to: "How much was he or she paid off to sign on to this nonsense."

I'm no one.
Who are you?
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Old 07-03-2016, 09:10 AM   #3
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Re: 100 shares 'Sean Payton Show' producer received $1 million in improper tax credits, inspector general says

"The Sean Payton Show" and a reality television show that never aired. "The Sean Payton Show" "The Sean Payton Show" "The Sean Payton Show" This doesn't seem right.
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