lee909 |
09-13-2016 10:21 PM |
Re: Saints Cut C.J. Spiller
Originally Posted by AsylumGuido
(Post 719168)
When the few won't listen to reason I can make things as unpleasant for them as they have made it for others with their constant *****ing.
What reason
You've hardly debated any points just spoke down to people who dont see sparkles on everything.
Im not here to get into arguments with people but ill put my point out whether its positive or negative as i feel it is. Fan boards are there to talk about the team,vent frustrations and celebrate victories together. Three years of pretty much .500 isnt good enough. The fact the team was terrible for a long time and would have been happy with that record means nothing. I dont have links to the city and no more than half a dozen people would know if up and went to another team. It'll never happen though,ill be there even if its 1-52 in the next few years.
But if i feel the need to vent frustrations and seeing the same issues for three years being repeated over and over i will do so.
You might find you win more people over if you debated some of the points brought up than just talked to people like they're stupid. Every person that ppsts here wants the team to do well. They can all see the bright spots but seeing the same **** and throwing games away for three years will bring out peoples frustrations. Had Sundays game come on the back of a 11-5 season people would be more forgiving than they are. Seeing the defense collapse and offense not kill the game and throw away a lead makes people crystals ball start showing the 2014/15 seasons over again.
Now lets just f*** last week off and get ready for next week