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NFL rules prevent effort by Tom Benson to resolve ownership*fight

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; A new front has emerged in the Benson Family Feud. As Saints owner Tom Benson tries to resolve a fight with estranged heirs arising from his decision to prevent them from acquiring*ownership of his NFL and NBA teams, the NFL ...

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Old 10-01-2016, 02:07 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Shreveport,Louisiana
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NFL rules prevent effort by Tom Benson to resolve ownership*fight

A new front has emerged in the Benson Family Feud.

As Saints owner Tom Benson tries to resolve a fight with estranged heirs arising from his decision to prevent them from acquiring*ownership of his NFL and NBA teams, the NFL will not allow*Benson to follow through on a proposal to swap non-voting shares of the Saints with personally-guaranteed promissory notes in trust funds previously created for his daughter and her children.

Via*Katherine Sayre of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, recent court filings in a lawsuit sparked by the issue “show that the NFL’s finance rules won’t allow Benson to use his personal wealth . . . to back the proposed promissory notes.” The league’s position derailed a settlement that had previously been reached between Benson and trustees regarding his desire to strip Saints equity from the family members’ trust funds.

NFL rules prevent effort by Tom Benson to resolve ownership fight | ProFootballTalk

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