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WhoDat 03-22-2005 09:20 AM

GREAT Picture

Check out the picture of AB on the banner of the Saints' website. LMAO. Is it just me, or does it look like he just realized that he's actually playing football? LOL

Caption this picture. What is AB thinking?

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 09:28 AM

GREAT Picture

What is AB thinking?
You mean the object is not to complete a pass to ANY of the 21 other guys on the field I choose? Whoops. Same jersey, same jersey,same jersey.............................. Followed by, Numbers in the 80s, numbers in the 80s numners in the 80s.

[Edited on 22/3/2005 by saintswhodi]

xan 03-22-2005 09:32 AM

GREAT Picture
\"You mean I\'m SUPPOSED to do what that voice inside my head tells me?!! But it only happens when I put my helmet on! Ya know, I thought I was just hearing things.\"

xan 03-22-2005 09:37 AM

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\"Hey, I do play better when I open my eyes\"

xan 03-22-2005 09:38 AM

GREAT Picture
\" Oh


LKelley67 03-22-2005 09:43 AM

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\"Oh fock, that is Gandy I threw to.\"

sailorsaint 03-22-2005 09:44 AM

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what tha...?
who tha....?
how tha....?
where tha..?

Danno 03-22-2005 09:58 AM

GREAT Picture
DAMM, Conwell just ran down Deuce from behind? Ooooh, thats gonna be an embarrassing film review tomorrow!

xan 03-22-2005 10:14 AM

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Ouch! So that\'s why I shouldn\'t throw behind my receiver! on a slant\"

BlackandBlue 03-22-2005 10:17 AM

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\"How did Fred intercept my pass???\"

Danno 03-22-2005 10:43 AM

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Awe man, I throw 1 perfect deep ball per game and Joe FREAKIN DROPS IT?

Danno 03-22-2005 10:47 AM

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Whats that Joe? You want me to hide your cell phone WHERE?

GumboBC 03-22-2005 10:47 AM

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What\'s Joe pulling out of the goal post?

Danno 03-22-2005 10:52 AM

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Dang man, two O-lineman jumped off-sides that play. Thats over half our O-line.

Tobias-Reiper 03-22-2005 10:54 AM

GREAT Picture

..come on, fellas!!! ...give AB a break.. at least he\'s not smiling...

WhoDat 03-22-2005 11:00 AM

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OOOOO - there are hot dogs in the Falcon\'s press box?!?!?! Hey Sully!!

WhoDat 03-22-2005 11:02 AM

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Oooohh - that\'s gonna leave a mark. SORRY DONTE! Didn\'t see that safety. Here\'s your helmet... wait, your head\'s still in it????

WhoDat 03-22-2005 11:03 AM

GREAT Picture
Woah - ou mean they\'re not giving Joe a big contract? I got mine so easily though....

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 11:05 AM

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I can\'t believe NFL LBs are so fast. He just came out of nowhere, and that was my best underhanded blind pass.

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 11:05 AM

GREAT Picture
Jake who is in the Superbowl?

xan 03-22-2005 11:10 AM

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\"Uh oh, I just screwed up again. Better start smiling.\"

BreesFN9 03-22-2005 11:11 AM

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\" The Falcons signed WHO!!!! \"

WhoDat 03-22-2005 11:17 AM

GREAT Picture

Jake who is in the Superbowl?

This reads even better when you read it like this:

Jake, who is in the Superbowl?

Oh, You? wow.

Saint_LB 03-22-2005 11:20 AM

GREAT Picture
Where\'d that guy come from...uh, hey, wait a minute...he cheated, he\'s not suppose to have the ball. Hey...he\'s running right towards me....let\'s see, run towards him, slip down just before I get to him...yeah, that\'s the ticket!!

GumboBC 03-22-2005 11:23 AM

GREAT Picture
Look at all these idiot Saints\' fans. They know I\'m going to be the QB for the next 10 years and they still follow the Saints. Idiots!!

WhoDat 03-22-2005 11:31 AM

GREAT Picture
WWWWhat does nimrod mean coach?

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 11:33 AM

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Who wants to have my baby? Tell him i\'m straight. :o

Saint_LB 03-22-2005 11:33 AM

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Who told you that? That\'s simply not true...I would never use a screen name like Gumbo...I don\'t even like the stuff!!

GumboBC 03-22-2005 11:36 AM

GREAT Picture

Who told you that? That\'s simply not true...I would never use a screen name like Gumbo...I don\'t even like the stuff!!
Aaron Brooks - \"Hey, Saint_LB, you\'re still living back in the 70\'s, huh? Hey at least your clothes are still in style.\"

WhoDat 03-22-2005 11:42 AM

GREAT Picture
\"I really don\'t have much to say to none of y\'all,\" he said. \"I said after the game that I\'d be laughing at y\'all, the fake experts in the media. All y\'all been talking (expletive) on Aaron Brooks.\"

I think Billy is Brooks...


“It doesn’t mean too much to me because what he said — what some of the people I know who have told me what he said — is so far from the truth. I don’t let stuff like that bother me, because I know what went on down there. I know everything. I’m here now, and trust me when I tell you I’m in a better place.�

[Edited on 22/3/2005 by WhoDat]

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 11:51 AM

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I sold how many jerseys? I really ought to write this BC guy a letter. But that marriage proposal was scary. :P

BlackandBlue 03-22-2005 11:51 AM

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\"FOOLS!!! I\'m the Tom Arnold of the NFL.\"

JOESAM2002 03-22-2005 12:16 PM

GREAT Picture
Beware, or I\'ll own you with my eyes!!!!!

Cassady37 03-22-2005 12:35 PM

GREAT Picture that\'s what sticking it in my arse means!

[Edited on 22/3/2005 by Cassady37]

xan 03-22-2005 01:02 PM

GREAT Picture
\"If I\'m gonna be Haslett\'s *****, I better start practicing\"

natedogg02 03-22-2005 02:22 PM

GREAT Picture
Man whats wrong with you guys, Brooks is a killer QB. Anyone checked his TD to INT ratio? (not so good last year but thats what happens when your down by 20 or 30 pts. right off the get go and your getting defenders running toward you wideopen unblocked) or how many games he has missed since becomming a starter? Just imagine what he could do if his WO could hang on to the ball or if every home game did\'nt feel like a road game. (Booing your QB before a game even starts, man whats up with that?)

WhoDat 03-22-2005 02:31 PM

GREAT Picture

saintswhodi 03-22-2005 02:48 PM

GREAT Picture

Man whats wrong with you guys, Brooks is a killer QB. Anyone checked his TD to INT ratio? (not so good last year but thats what happens when your down by 20 or 30 pts. right off the get go and your getting defenders running toward you wideopen unblocked) or how many games he has missed since becomming a starter? Just imagine what he could do if his WO could hang on to the ball or if every home game did\'nt feel like a road game. (Booing your QB before a game even starts, man whats up with that?)
This can\'t be a serious post. Go back about a month ago where all the myths you just uttered were exposed for what they are, myths.

blackwidows 03-22-2005 03:53 PM

GREAT Picture
Whoah that cocaine is so good my pupils are dialated like two pennie. I feel alot more alert now. I finally found the obvious running lane and looks like I can take this for six.

RockyMountainSaint 03-22-2005 04:12 PM

GREAT Picture
K-Mart Sucks.

Definitely time for Wapner.

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