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Another Horn Thread..contract almost done?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; On WWL Horn said that he and some of the teammates were going to take AB out for his birthday. His birthday is March 24th. The interesting thing is that Horn said when Charles Grant heard the news, he was ...

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Old 03-24-2005, 12:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Pineville
Posts: 72
Another Horn Thread..contract almost done?

On WWL Horn said that he and some of the teammates were going to take AB out for his birthday. His birthday is March 24th. The interesting thing is that Horn said when Charles Grant heard the news, he was the main guy in favor of doing this. Grant even said he knew the perfect place to have the party. I guess the beef betweeb Ab and Grant is officially over. I really think this years team will have one thing we were lacking for such a long time: Unity.

I'm glad you posted this because I wanted to post one other thing that Horn said. Horn talked about his contract negotiations and said that he was not going to get as big of a sigining bonus as he wanted, but that they had agreed on the signing bonus and he is okay with it. He said that the deal is 95% done and he expects to retire a Saint. Loomis has been on the phone with his agent from Hawaii and he is hopeful that if they can't work it out during the NFL meetings, it will get done when Mickey gets back.

Got this from saintsreport's forum
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