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GumboBC 03-24-2005 08:50 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
According to a source inside the organization.. Sully has reported 20 LBS over his playing weight. Last year Haslett stated he wanted Sully's playing weight to be 315 LBS. Sully has a cut on his hand & will not be able to upper body work until it heals. It should be noted that I have not seen Sully & probably will not because we are on the air when they finish the conditioning sessions. Haslett will address the media tomorrow(Thursday) at Noon. The fact that he is only 20 LBS over his playing weight in March should on the surface be a good sign for Saints Brass & Fans. Maybe.. he has begun to take being an NFL player seriously????..Only time will tell but I have been told that MGMT & Coaching staff are encouraged by the weight he has dropped since the end of the 2004 season..

Eric Asher

4saintspirit 03-24-2005 09:02 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
For a fat defensive lineman in the NFL reporting only 20 pounds overweight is actually not that big of a deal. Unfortunately if Haslett said 20 its probably more like 40 which is bad.

bignic26 03-24-2005 09:03 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
What a happy little article. Sully is only 20lbs over his playing weight. Only 20lbs, what a good sign for all of us. Thank goodness he wasn\'t 50lbs over his playing weight! What about the fact that he\'s 40lbs over the weight his coach wants him to play at?

GumboBC 03-24-2005 09:05 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Eric Asher is a very crediable source. Last year I posted some stuff on here that I heard on his radio show. He was the first guy to report some of the news and he was right on the money every time.

I know for a FACT that ERIC has inside contacts.

GumboBC 03-24-2005 10:02 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Okay folks ... here\'s the deal on Sullivan.

A couple of days ago Kenny Wilkerson reported that Sullivan weighed 354 lbs. Yesterday Eric Asher reported that Sullivan had lost weight and was only 20lbs. overweight.

Apparnatly Kenny W. was WRONG and Eric Asher was RIGHT.

TIMES-PICAYUNE reported today that DT Jonathan Sullivan weighed in at 337lbs.

[Edited on 24/3/2005 by GumboBC]

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 10:07 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
So does this mean you won\'t pull any more crap our your arse and display it on here as fact without consulting Asher first? ;)

WhoDat 03-24-2005 11:53 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Eric Asher is a very crediable source. Last year I posted some stuff on here that I heard on his radio show. He was the first guy to report some of the news and he was right on the money every time.
Such as?

GumboBC 03-24-2005 11:55 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Such as McCarthy calling the plays from the booth. Which he did for a while and I reported that on this board before anyone esle.

I also reported that the Saints were gong without a fullback before anyone reported it.

All that came from Eric Asher\'s radio show. Remember?

FireVenturi 03-24-2005 11:57 AM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Well WWL reported that he weighed in at 355, so which is it? 335 or 355?

GumboBC 03-24-2005 12:00 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Well WWL reported that he weighed in at 355, so which is it? 335 or 355?
The Times-Pic. reports his weight is 337 and so does Eric Asher\'s inside contacts. I\'ll believe Eric and the Times Pic. before I do Kenny Wilkerson.

Haslett is having a new conference today and he\'s suppose to let us know. According to Eric Asher that is.

FireVenturi 03-24-2005 12:06 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Thanks Gumbo. kenny does seem to \"stretch\" the truth a little

Danno 03-24-2005 12:10 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Round IS a good shape, its one of my favorites.

Horn was defending Sully last night. Said he\'s out there really trying and thats all he can ask of him.

I think its too early to tell if Sullivan is serious about his committment or not. History isn\'t on his side so I guess all the criticism\'s and fat jokes thrown his way are well deserved until HE shuts us up.

no_cloning 03-24-2005 12:13 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
337 is less than 355, it\'s still not what I would call \"pretty good shape\" - especially when you remember that it\'s Sullivan who doesn\'t lose the pounds the nearer the season gets, but is fat and stays fat.
Sorry, but after the sunshiners\' \"Pease will work with him this off-season and he will be back at a weight where he can help this team\", 337 isn\'t good news.

Danno 03-24-2005 12:33 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Sorry, but after the sunshiners\' \"Pease will work with him this off-season and he will be back at a weight where he can help this team\", 337 isn\'t good news.
NOT gonna let that slide.

No one said Pease was gonna get him in shape. They said Pease was gonna try and Sullivan would be a fool to let such a great opportunity go to waste.

And IF he did make the committment it would be great for us and Sullivan.

Sometimes people hear what they want to hear. Glad I could help.

LKelley67 03-24-2005 12:45 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
damn, i already shipped the prize pallet of crisco to whodat for winnig the pool.

GumboBC 03-24-2005 01:40 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Okay ... let me ask this ....

What IF Sullivan lives up to his potential? What kind of impact would that have on our defense?

Serious question so let\'s lay off the Sullivan basing. We all know how you feel about Sullivan. ;)

natedogg02 03-24-2005 03:19 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Yea, If Sullivan comes thru and is a force, everyone will be sucking his arse. Lets hope he does cause i thought our D-line was pretty darn good (from mid point on) imagine if we had 2 good DT\'s

shadowdrinker 03-24-2005 03:59 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Sully bieng 20 lbs overweight is of little concern to me...

As long as he is commited to doing better, and He has shown that a little with the loss of some weight..then I will hope he achieves his goals...

If He can come in here at 330lbs, at the start of the Season..That , to me, is close enough to \'\'ideal\'\'weight..and all that would be left to do is actually produce...

I\'m not expecting record shattering stats...Just so long as He plays well, and helps stop the run..that will be fine...

GumboBC 03-24-2005 04:06 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Okay ... it\'s offical. Sullivan is 337lbs. Reported by Haslett and Strength & Conditioning Coach Rock Gullickson.

To listen live, click on the link below:

Live Press Conference

saintsfan1313 03-24-2005 04:09 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
I think his \"new\" presence on the line would definatly affect the play of our LB\'s. Their best friend is a strong run stopping line. Our LB\'s have good coverage skills, so the assistance of a big strong DT will be like taking away a hole to run thru, thus forth giving our LB\'s one less place for themh to miss a tackle........

Danno 03-24-2005 04:10 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Sully bieng 20 lbs overweight is of little concern to me...

As long as he is commited to doing better, and He has shown that a little with the loss of some weight..then I will hope he achieves his goals...
Good point.
Gilbert Brown always came into camp fat and overweight. But he was a great player because of his gameday drive and determination. I\'ll concede he could have been even better if he wasn\'t as fat, but thats not my point.

His weight is of little concern to me also, unless he comes in WAY overweight. His attitude, drive and determination at practice and on the field is what he must prove to us has changed. Otherwise he\'s simply another player who never realized his considerable potential.

I hope he comes thru, but he will always be the butt of jokes until he shuts us up with a complete season of good play.

GumboBC 03-24-2005 04:17 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Okay, Danno, this is for you.

If Sully came into camp 50lbs over-weight, would that suggest that he\'s not commited to being the player he needs to be?

Now, conversely, if Sullivan showed up in March at 337lbs (only 22lbs over his IDEAL playing weight) doesn\'t that indicate that he\'s on the right track?

Danno 03-24-2005 04:23 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Okay, Danno, this is for you.

If Sully came into camp 50lbs over-weight, would that suggest that he\'s not commited to being the player he needs to be?

Now, conversely, if Sullivan showed up in March at 337lbs (only 22lbs over his IDEAL playing weight) doesn\'t that indicate that he\'s on the right track?
I think you missed my whole point. And that was a lot of typing for me dammit! :mad:
350-That would be WAY overweight and indicative of a lack of committment. Bad news.
337-That wouldn\'t tell me a single thing about his attitude, drive and determination. It only tells me he lost a little weight. Maybe he\'s matured, maybe not. Heck I\'ve lost weight before, doesn\'t mean I can play DT.

He may think, \"OK I\'ve lost my weight, still got my 11.5 too\"! ;)

GumboBC 03-24-2005 04:27 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Hey, don\'t get me wrong. I\'m not ready to annoint Sullivan as the savior. But, people with weight problems tend to gain weight. Especially big NFL guys in the off-season.

I think it\'s very encouraging that Sullivan is so close to his ideal playing weight in MARCH.

If you\'re looking for postives this time of year on Sullivan, that\'s about as good as it\'s going to get. If we\'re going to bash him when we thought he was 355, then he deserves a little credit for actually losing some weight.

ssmitty 03-24-2005 04:42 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
what is it with weight? who determines what weight an athlete should play by? i don\'t care if he weights a 1000lbs..
the fact he was lazy is the issue i believe.........
like i said before, you can\'t buy heart.........
you either have it or you don\'t.........
ship his ass out if screws up again.......
what is it with the saints putting guys like this in saints 101 first grade? he\'s getting milliions to be babied? come on.....
take the loss and move on..........smitty

Danno 03-24-2005 04:43 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

If you\'re looking for postives this time of year on Sullivan, that\'s about as good as it\'s going to get. If we\'re going to bash him when we thought he was 355, then he deserves a little credit for actually losing some weight.
I don\'t know Billy, I\'m apprehensive about giving someone credit for doing what they\'re supposed to do.
Especially if they getting millions for doing it.

[Edited on 24/3/2005 by Danno]

GumboBC 03-24-2005 04:45 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!


If you\'re looking for postives this time of year on Sullivan, that\'s about as good as it\'s going to get. If we\'re going to bash him when we thought he was 355, then he deserves a little credit for actually losing some weight.
I don\'t know Billy, I\'m apprehensive about giving someone credit for doing what they\'re supposed to do.
Especially if they getting millions for doing it.

[Edited on 24/3/2005 by Danno]
I understand, Danno. Believe me, I really do. But, we\'re talking about a guy who hasn\'t done what he\'s suppose to do. Now, we can throw him in the fire, but AT THIS POINT, I\'m encouraged that at least he\'s on the right track this time of year.

Danno 03-24-2005 04:47 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
I understand, I guess its better than him gaining weight.

GumboBC 03-24-2005 04:53 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

I understand, I guess its better than him gaining weight.
LOL ... :D

Yeah, I suppose you\'re right. I don\'t mind telling anyone that I have high hopes for Sullivan this year. I know the kid has the talent. I also know he\'s young and has made some mistakes.

At least we\'re talking about a guy who has worlds of potential instead of someone who lacks it.

Because of that, I\'m excited about the possibility of Sullivan stepping up.

[Edited on 24/3/2005 by GumboBC]

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 04:58 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Where exactly did anyone see that Sullivan has all this potential and all this talent? Cause Haslett and the front office say so? He was the 5th or 6th best rated DT in his draft. That\'s usually a second rounder or late first. Where does anyone get the impression he is so talented, cause we chose him high?

GumboBC 03-24-2005 05:00 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Where exactly did anyone see that Sullivan has all this potential and all this talent? Cause Haslett and the front office say so? He was the 5th or 6th best rated DT in his draft. That\'s usually a second rounder or late first. Where does anyone get the impression he is so talented, cause we chose him high?
I keep hearing you say that Sullivan was the 5th or 6th rated DL in the draft. But, I read just the opposite right before he was drafted.

Got some links to that ?

Danno 03-24-2005 05:02 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Where exactly did anyone see that Sullivan has all this potential and all this talent? Cause Haslett and the front office say so? He was the 5th or 6th best rated DT in his draft. That\'s usually a second rounder or late first. Where does anyone get the impression he is so talented, cause we chose him high?
I thought he was about 3rd or 4th on most boards.
Even so, a late 1st or 2nd rounder typically is a player that has talent and potential.
Also, many others have stated he has talent, not just Haz. In fact, I don\'t even remember Haz saying it.

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 05:05 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Yeah, I got as many linsk as you Gumbo. I could point you to the stats again like earlier. ;)

Okay Danno, i\'ll bite. Who are these many others? If the head coach didn\'t say he has talent, then that\'s enough for me. Although I do beleive I have heard Haz said that he thinks Sully is talented. I just want to know where people are drawing this Sully has talent from. If you read an article or something, I wanna read it. Just tell me who is sayign it.

GumboBC 03-24-2005 05:06 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
Most of the info I read is that Sullian was about the 3rd best DT in the draft. And part of the reason was because he was coming out early.

Regardless, Sullivan was rated pretty high on most boards. I don\'t remember ESPN blasting the Saints for picking him in the first round. Or anyone here either.

GumboBC 03-24-2005 05:11 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

From Jets Insider:
The two best players at that position (Jimmy Kennedy from Penn State and DeWayne Robertson from Kentucky) will be top ten picks. Unless the Jets are willing to trade up they must then set their sights on either William Joseph out of Miami or Jonathan Sullivan from Georgia arguably the third and fourth best middle lineman in the draft. It is doubtful that both of these players will be available when the 13th pick is made and it is even possible that neither player is left.

From - Sullivan projected as the 14th pick.
14.NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS- Jonathan Sullivan Defensive Tackle Georgia

- The Patriots defense last season was not the same that won the Super Bowl. By adding Sullivan the Patriots are getting someone to complement Seymour, and to add some bulk to that line and take some pressure off their linebackers.

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 05:11 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
No I don\'t recall ESPN blasting them, I recall Kiper looking shocked as possible he went that early. Look at this. From ESPN before the draft, Sullivan at 32.

SO we both have links. Great. Still doesn\'t make him talented. ;)

[Edited on 24/3/2005 by saintswhodi]

Danno 03-24-2005 05:13 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!

Yeah, I got as many linsk as you Gumbo. I could point you to the stats again like earlier. ;)

Okay Danno, i\'ll bite. Who are these many others? If the head coach didn\'t say he has talent, then that\'s enough for me. Although I do beleive I have heard Haz said that he thinks Sully is talented. I just want to know where people are drawing this Sully has talent from. If you read an article or something, I wanna read it. Just tell me who is sayign it.
So, Out of all the thousands of articles I\'ve read over the last 3 years, I don\'t remeber A SINGLE comment about him NOT having talent. here are some of the many I read and listen too...
Mel Kiper
Kenny W
Hoakie G
Mike D
Gerry V
and many many more.
Need more?
How about some saying he doesn\'t have talent?

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 05:16 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
So Danno what you are telling me is, you just list a bunch of sights that we all read regularly, and that\'s your proof. Seen and links that call him a bust? I have. DO busts generally have talent?

GumboBC 03-24-2005 05:20 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
You trip me out, saintwhodi .. :P

According to you:

1. Our offensive line gave our QB enough time.
2. The offense was responsible for our defense.
3. Sullivan was rated as a no talent bum coming out of college.
4. AB locks on to Joe Horn more than other QBs do their #1 receivers.

All false statements. :o

saintswhodi 03-24-2005 05:27 PM

Jonathan Sullivan in pretty good shape. HA!
I guess you can say I said those things, but then I think most would consider the source, and believe there is WAY more to any of those statements than that. Funny thing is, I wasn\'t the only one who said them. As a matter of fact, I am beginnign to doubt if you have EVER made a TRUE statement on this board. You seem real good at embellishing and insinuating what articles and sources, and even other posters mean when they say something. Hey, there\'s gotta be one right? ;)

So since I ask where exactly does it say Sully is talented, that means I said he was a no talent bum. Little assignment, find me those exact words in this thread coming from me. Please.

Oh, here\'s a little something on out talented DT:

Problem is, the Saints have bogged themselves down with heavy contracts for unproductive players. Former first-rounder Jonathan Sullivan has yet to pan out into much more than a buffet-line bandit.

Good enough for Gumbo right? Oh so you don\'t forget, find where I said Sullivan was a no talnet bum out of Georgia. Shouldn;t be too hard since you put it right there in print. We will use that statement as a measure for every statement you make, to see if I truly said it, or as normal you embellish and have no idea what you are talking about. :popcorn:

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