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Crusader 04-25-2017 02:19 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
I think the offence might look a little like back in the day when we had both Deuce and Reggie back there but with Ingram and AP instead. Then with Thomas and Coleman on the flanks and Snead in the slot, where do you try to defend?

A healthy AP is a guy that SP will tweak the offence to fit. Might be certain packages or whatnot but they'll try to make it work.

K Major 04-25-2017 02:23 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 745905)
Did anyone catch Steve Smith's take on NFL Network

I never liked the guy when he played, but he speaks so highly of our organisation and he seems smart as they come.

When they kept asking about Mark Ingram, Steve Smith replied "Healthy Competition....any guy that backs down from a challenge like this, isn't built to play in the league."

I completely agree with his stand point and I'm ecstatic about this signing.

I missed it but did you ever notice over the years how chatty coach Payton and Steve were post game while he was with the Panthers? I don't mean just a hand shake but meaningful conversations. Mutual respect.

AllSaints 04-25-2017 02:33 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
Awesome signing... hopefully this puts all the draft a RB talk to rest.... atleast this upcoming draft

turbo_dog 04-25-2017 02:40 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
Any chance Ingram is on the trade block?

SaintFanInATLHELL 04-25-2017 02:46 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by turbo_dog (Post 745915)
Any chance Ingram is on the trade block?

No. That's crazy talk. It'll cost the Saints $4 million to trade him.


triman 04-25-2017 02:58 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
First ballot Hall of Fame RB .Amazing recovery ability .One year prove it deal. What's not to like! I roll the dice on this deal every time. Now let's go get Revis. On the same kind of deal.

K Major 04-25-2017 03:04 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by triman (Post 745920)
First ballot Hall of Fame RB .Amazing recovery ability .One year prove it deal. What's not to like! I roll the dice on this deal every time. Now let's go get Revis.

I was just about to "like" this up until you said Revis.

He's done. Curtains.

lee909 04-25-2017 03:09 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
Like most never liked Smith at the Panthers,onced he moved to the Ravens no issues. Always respected him and wish the Saints had a few players with that fire

Utah_Saint 04-25-2017 03:11 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
Great signing, but can he rush the quarterback?

Tobias-Reiper 04-25-2017 03:14 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by foreverfan (Post 745890)
Well at least we have the Vikings offense for the season opener.


dizzle88 04-25-2017 03:32 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints
Here is the interview with Steve Smith, to say how much I despised him as a player, I pretty much agreed with everything he says in this interview.

Seer1 04-25-2017 03:54 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 745929)
Here is the interview with Steve Smith, to say how much I despised him as a player, I pretty much agreed with everything he says in this interview.

I couldn't help but love Smith. I first loved to hate him, but always wished he played for the Saints. The Dome could've saved on some of the fireworks with him playing for us.

dizzle88 04-25-2017 03:57 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by Seer1 (Post 745935)
I couldn't help but love Smith. I first loved to hate him, but always wished he played for the Saints. The Dome could've saved on some of the fireworks with him playing for us.

Yeah I think I hated him because he would not only shred us, he would make our starters on defense look like 5 year olds. He is a very smart guy, I think he'll do great on NFL network.

Tobias-Reiper 04-25-2017 04:05 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 745857)
I love Mixon but will the saints buck tradition about problem players in the draft? then again we are signing AP so maybe.

I don't get this comment. Are you saying AP brings problems? 0

Seer1 04-25-2017 04:08 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 745939)
I don't get this comment. Are you saying AP brings problems? 0

C'mon, we all know now that you're Loomis and that you checked this dude out thoroughly before you signed him. Don't let us peons distract you!

Tobias-Reiper 04-25-2017 04:15 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by dizzle88 (Post 745929)
Here is the interview with Steve Smith, to say how much I despised him as a player, I pretty much agreed with everything he says in this interview.

There were 2 things I despised about Steve Smith.
1. He played for the Panthers
2. he didn't play for the Saints.

Say what you will, but a guy who brings it every time like Smith did, I want him on my team.

SaintFanQ 04-25-2017 04:24 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
Welcome aboard AP.

It will be good to see you in a black and gold uniform!

Geaux Saints!

hagan714 04-25-2017 04:47 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 745939)
I don't get this comment. Are you saying AP brings problems? 0

He got into problems when he took a switch to his kid. people were screaming child abuse.

when i screamed child abuse I was told to get another switch so I could get a better understanding what I was talking about. :p

hagan714 04-25-2017 04:50 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
I am looking at AP and Ingram s the second half clock eater.

pounding the rock

Best addition to a poor defense is increasing the time they spend on the bench.

WillSaints81 04-25-2017 04:56 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by Crusader (Post 745909)
I think the offence might look a little like back in the day when we had both Deuce and Reggie back there but with Ingram and AP instead. Then with Thomas and Coleman on the flanks and Snead in the slot, where do you try to defend?

A healthy AP is a guy that SP will tweak the offence to fit. Might be certain packages or whatnot but they'll try to make it work.

First off, it's up to those receivers to catch the balls, especially Coleman and Snead.

Rugby Saint II 04-25-2017 05:01 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
This sounds like a great deal for the Saints and 4 Peterson

AsylumGuido 04-25-2017 05:18 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 745950)
I am looking at AP and Ingram s the second half clock eater.

pounding the rock

Best addition to a poor defense is increasing the time they spend on the bench.

That is assuming that the defense is poor. Far too many changes to make that assumption.

Thirty3 04-25-2017 05:21 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
Hightower showed toughness. Peterson shows TOUGHNESS. Hightower pushed Ingraham. Peterson MAY overtake him. Mark has looked good at times, better when he is pushed. Ready to watch two hosses!

Seer1 04-25-2017 05:53 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
Sooner or later we're gonna get real lucky with these post injury signings. I'm hopin' for sooner on this one.

OldMaid 04-25-2017 05:58 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
I agree with what jeanpierre on pg. 2 posted. Reread jeanpierre's posts.

I hope jeanpierre is right .

Personally, sorry everyone, but I am not happy with AP being a Saint. There was NO ONE for far less money and good, young, developing or developed and needing a spot out there than APeterson!!
AP-old weight, costly old weight to me.
Personally and professionally, I do not like APeterson.

pherein 04-25-2017 06:29 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
On the fence about this. On one side I was a huge fan of AP. Havent seen a RB that gifted sence Tony Dorcett. On the other side AP is a convicted child abuser and I thought he should be kicked out of the NFL because he crossed the line.
Not trying to be a downer because you guys know how much I follow RB's.
Not trying to create a problem either, just putting it out there.
Love his talent and appreciate his freakish running ability, but also know theres a pretty messed up person inside. I dont know what to think right now, never thought we would sign him because I was thinking Brees would not be happy working with a guy that had done what he did.

On another note AP losing a step at 32 just makes him still a top 5 RB in the NFL, he was dominate before. He still has the move skils.

ChrisXVI 04-25-2017 07:21 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
Well said Pherein. I agree 100%. I'm excited because he's one of the greatest to ever play the game. On the other hand, we're talking about a guy who would shove leaves in his kids mouth and do this:

Danno 04-25-2017 07:43 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 745998)
Well said Pherein. I agree 100%. I'm excited because he's one of the greatest to ever play the game. On the other hand, we're talking about a guy who would shove leaves in his kids mouth and do this:

Keep in mind that this was a 4 year old child.

F*** Adrian Beaterson.

I hope that low life scum piece of s*** doesn't make it through training camp.

burningmetal 04-25-2017 07:48 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 745967)
That is assuming that the defense is poor. Far too many changes to make that assumption.

Nobody has to assume anything about the defense in order to validate what hagan said. It is a fact that the best way to help a poor defense is to keep them off the field as long as possible, as he said.

Now, if our defense is good, or even great, then that's awesome. You still want to keep them off the field as much as possible. It goes without saying that if you're scoring a lot of points AND controlling clock, it's pretty much impossible for anyone to beat you.

frydaddy 04-25-2017 08:38 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
This is going to ruffle feathers, but..f*** it.

People like to vilify him over the incident with his son. And while I agree that the images are not pleasant, I am unwilling to say that he set out with the intention to leave those kinds of marks without having been there myself. I do specifically remember that a text he sent to the child's mother was released and it was him saying something along the lines of "now that I see the marks on him I feel bad about it." Now you may say "well he shouldn't have ever lifted a switch to his child in the first place." To that I would say you're entitled to your opinion, but some people, myself included, believe in corporal punishment. It was used on me and my 4 siblings, my wife and her 4 siblings, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and most of my friends. They're all well adjusted people today. None complaining of being scarred or traumatized by their experience. In fact I believe they would all say, and I would definitely say that I'm glad my parents whipped me. I learned at a young age that trouble was not something I wanted any part of, and that remains with me to this day. And I didn't get whipped a lot because I was smart enough to learn my lesson each time. The only downside to it is that occasionally someone may not take the time to remove themselves from the heat of the situation. By that I mean, a child may make a big time mistake, and the parent could understandably be angry and not give themselves a moment to calm down before disciplining the child. I learned myself that it's best to calm down before doling out punishment, having left some slight bruising on my oldest son's backside once because I did it while I was still mad. I felt bad about it, and it hasn't happened again. Now you may say "but what could a 4 year old possibly do to anger him so much?" As a father of 6...yes, 6... I can tell you firsthand about the kind of destruction and devastation a 4 year old is capable of. My children have destroyed things that made my blood boil, but after learning the lesson with my son, I now remove myself for however long it takes to calm down before coming back to discipline. But it takes making mistakes to learn from them.. and I'm pretty sure he learned from his. Who here amongst us is perfect? Who here hasn't done something they so deeply regret that they just wish they could go back in time and redo the whole thing? We're quick to cast stones at folks whose dirty laundry ends up in public, but if ours got out what would people think of us? I guess what I'm saying is.. none of us really know the man, and it's asinine and hypocritical to say that you know he's a p.o.s. because of one incident. Also, pretty sure not a single one of you would dare say it to his face, so... just stop.

I'm off my soap box now.

AllSaints 04-25-2017 08:57 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints
Sometimes as a parent you don't realize how hard you are spanking your child... it seems to me this was one of those occasions for AP.... we don't really know for sure but I have been there....

pherein 04-25-2017 09:59 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 746004)
Keep in mind that this was a 4 year old child.

F*** Adrian Beaterson.

I hope that low life scum piece of s*** doesn't make it through training camp.

yeah worries me. No good guy does this to his kid

Tobias-Reiper 04-25-2017 10:00 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 745949)
He got into problems when he took a switch to his kid. people were screaming child abuse.

That indeed was an extremely ugly episode... but I don't think that equates to a player being a "problem"...

pherein 04-25-2017 10:01 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by AllSaints (Post 746013)
Sometimes as a parent you don't realize how hard you are spanking your child... it seems to me this was one of those occasions for AP.... we don't really know for sure but I have been there....

Hes convicted so happened more than once. You really think he beat his kids 1 time and got caught? no he beat them all the time for years. Just got caught once

pherein 04-25-2017 10:12 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by ChrisXVI (Post 745998)
Well said Pherein. I agree 100%. I'm excited because he's one of the greatest to ever play the game. On the other hand, we're talking about a guy who would shove leaves in his kids mouth and do this:

yeah this is a messed up guy, and what he has done for years to his kids... Im worried

skymike 04-25-2017 10:33 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 746012)
This is going to ruffle feathers, but..f*** it.

People like to vilify him over the incident with his son. And while I agree that the images are not pleasant, I am unwilling to say that he set out with the intention to leave those kinds of marks without having been there myself. I do specifically remember that a text he sent to the child's mother was released and it was him saying something along the lines of "now that I see the marks on him I feel bad about it." Now you may say "well he shouldn't have ever lifted a switch to his child in the first place." To that I would say you're entitled to your opinion, but some people, myself included, believe in corporal punishment. It was used on me and my 4 siblings, my wife and her 4 siblings, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and most of my friends. They're all well adjusted people today. None complaining of being scarred or traumatized by their experience. In fact I believe they would all say, and I would definitely say that I'm glad my parents whipped me. I learned at a young age that trouble was not something I wanted any part of, and that remains with me to this day. And I didn't get whipped a lot because I was smart enough to learn my lesson each time. The only downside to it is that occasionally someone may not take the time to remove themselves from the heat of the situation. By that I mean, a child may make a big time mistake, and the parent could understandably be angry and not give themselves a moment to calm down before disciplining the child. I learned myself that it's best to calm down before doling out punishment, having left some slight bruising on my oldest son's backside once because I did it while I was still mad. I felt bad about it, and it hasn't happened again. Now you may say "but what could a 4 year old possibly do to anger him so much?" As a father of 6...yes, 6... I can tell you firsthand about the kind of destruction and devastation a 4 year old is capable of. My children have destroyed things that made my blood boil, but after learning the lesson with my son, I now remove myself for however long it takes to calm down before coming back to discipline. But it takes making mistakes to learn from them.. and I'm pretty sure he learned from his. Who here amongst us is perfect? Who here hasn't done something they so deeply regret that they just wish they could go back in time and redo the whole thing? We're quick to cast stones at folks whose dirty laundry ends up in public, but if ours got out what would people think of us? I guess what I'm saying is.. none of us really know the man, and it's asinine and hypocritical to say that you know he's a p.o.s. because of one incident. Also, pretty sure not a single one of you would dare say it to his face, so... just stop.

I'm off my soap box now.

This is a well- thought post, and I agree with whoopin kids butts, and also the "casting stones" part. BUT...

I dont know the case with AP, but I do suspect its not good, so I'm by no means an apologist for him. In fact I would seriously want CPS to stop by before letting him keep a kid. Ive also said in the past, and I still say that I like my team being made up of good guys we can root for as people. Other fans can root for jerks. I cant. I do know he was embarrassed and ashamed by this, and yeah, maybe its "he got caught," but I would bet this is the end of that behaviour with him. I know the Saints wont tolerate someone who brings negative press, and Im sure Payton has asked him some questions. I dont know... what I think of him, just yet. And no, scoring TD's wont change my opinion, when I get one.

I got a western belt on my ass when I was a kid, and I survived, and am a better, more respectful character for it. I was pretty hyper, and if I were a kid today, I would prob. be diagnosed with some new alphabet disease, but miraculously, my mother had a vaccine in her closet, and I've pretty much functioned ever since. That's sure to piss someone off, I know.. I got torched on another site for sharing this, but, oh well. Another traditionally disciplined child comes out of the closet.

those pics are terrible for sure, and I wouldnt want to see a kid get anything like that again. peace, yall.

frydaddy 04-25-2017 10:56 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by skymike (Post 746026)
This is a well- thought post, and I agree with whoopin kids butts, and also the "casting stones" part. BUT...

I dont know the case with AP, but I do suspect its not good, so I'm by no means an apologist for him. In fact I would seriously want CPS to stop by before letting him keep a kid. Ive also said in the past, and I still say that I like my team being made up of good guys we can root for as people. Other fans can root for jerks. I cant. I do know he was embarrassed and ashamed by this, and yeah, maybe its "he got caught," but I would bet this is the end of that behaviour with him. I know the Saints wont tolerate someone who brings negative press, and Im sure Payton has asked him some questions. I dont know... what I think of him, just yet. And no, scoring TD's wont change my opinion, when I get one.

I got a western belt on my ass when I was a kid, and I survived, and am a better, more respectful character for it. I was pretty hyper, and if I were a kid today, I would prob. be diagnosed with some new alphabet disease, but miraculously, my mother had a vaccine in her closet, and I've pretty much functioned ever since. That's sure to piss someone off, I know.. I got torched on another site for sharing this, but, oh well. Another traditionally disciplined child comes out of the closet.

those pics are terrible for sure, and I wouldnt want to see a kid get anything like that again. peace, yall.

Well said sir. And I'm not trying to say that I know for sure that he's a good guy, but I'm not gonna say that I know he's a bad guy either. I'd be willing to bet he learned a lot from it though and hopefully did some growing as a person. I'd also say it's safe to assume that CPS is probably still checking in on him.

pherein 04-25-2017 11:00 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 746012)
This is going to ruffle feathers, but..f*** it.

People like to vilify him over the incident with his son. And while I agree that the images are not pleasant, I am unwilling to say that he set out with the intention to leave those kinds of marks without having been there myself. I do specifically remember that a text he sent to the child's mother was released and it was him saying something along the lines of "now that I see the marks on him I feel bad about it." Now you may say "well he shouldn't have ever lifted a switch to his child in the first place." To that I would say you're entitled to your opinion, but some people, myself included, believe in corporal punishment. It was used on me and my 4 siblings, my wife and her 4 siblings, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and most of my friends. They're all well adjusted people today. None complaining of being scarred or traumatized by their experience. In fact I believe they would all say, and I would definitely say that I'm glad my parents whipped me. I learned at a young age that trouble was not something I wanted any part of, and that remains with me to this day. And I didn't get whipped a lot because I was smart enough to learn my lesson each time. The only downside to it is that occasionally someone may not take the time to remove themselves from the heat of the situation. By that I mean, a child may make a big time mistake, and the parent could understandably be angry and not give themselves a moment to calm down before disciplining the child. I learned myself that it's best to calm down before doling out punishment, having left some slight bruising on my oldest son's backside once because I did it while I was still mad. I felt bad about it, and it hasn't happened again. Now you may say "but what could a 4 year old possibly do to anger him so much?" As a father of 6...yes, 6... I can tell you firsthand about the kind of destruction and devastation a 4 year old is capable of. My children have destroyed things that made my blood boil, but after learning the lesson with my son, I now remove myself for however long it takes to calm down before coming back to discipline. But it takes making mistakes to learn from them.. and I'm pretty sure he learned from his. Who here amongst us is perfect? Who here hasn't done something they so deeply regret that they just wish they could go back in time and redo the whole thing? We're quick to cast stones at folks whose dirty laundry ends up in public, but if ours got out what would people think of us? I guess what I'm saying is.. none of us really know the man, and it's asinine and hypocritical to say that you know he's a p.o.s. because of one incident. Also, pretty sure not a single one of you would dare say it to his face, so... just stop.

I'm off my soap box now.

He was convicted. No man should beat children its that simple, and that bothers me. Understand the the post but its not acceptable and he should have been kick out of the NFL for it. Im not happy with AP and ..Im sure his kids have mental prolems for his lack of maturity

love the runner but hes a d@ck for what he did

so we forget the D@ck and his kids living threw all those nightmare years because he want a division win ?

WillSaints81 04-25-2017 11:24 PM

Re: IT'S OFFICIAL: Adrian Peterson signs 2-year deal with Saints

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 746012)
This is going to ruffle feathers, but..f*** it.

People like to vilify him over the incident with his son. And while I agree that the images are not pleasant, I am unwilling to say that he set out with the intention to leave those kinds of marks without having been there myself. I do specifically remember that a text he sent to the child's mother was released and it was him saying something along the lines of "now that I see the marks on him I feel bad about it." Now you may say "well he shouldn't have ever lifted a switch to his child in the first place." To that I would say you're entitled to your opinion, but some people, myself included, believe in corporal punishment. It was used on me and my 4 siblings, my wife and her 4 siblings, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and most of my friends. They're all well adjusted people today. None complaining of being scarred or traumatized by their experience. In fact I believe they would all say, and I would definitely say that I'm glad my parents whipped me. I learned at a young age that trouble was not something I wanted any part of, and that remains with me to this day. And I didn't get whipped a lot because I was smart enough to learn my lesson each time. The only downside to it is that occasionally someone may not take the time to remove themselves from the heat of the situation. By that I mean, a child may make a big time mistake, and the parent could understandably be angry and not give themselves a moment to calm down before disciplining the child. I learned myself that it's best to calm down before doling out punishment, having left some slight bruising on my oldest son's backside once because I did it while I was still mad. I felt bad about it, and it hasn't happened again. Now you may say "but what could a 4 year old possibly do to anger him so much?" As a father of 6...yes, 6... I can tell you firsthand about the kind of destruction and devastation a 4 year old is capable of. My children have destroyed things that made my blood boil, but after learning the lesson with my son, I now remove myself for however long it takes to calm down before coming back to discipline. But it takes making mistakes to learn from them.. and I'm pretty sure he learned from his. Who here amongst us is perfect? Who here hasn't done something they so deeply regret that they just wish they could go back in time and redo the whole thing? We're quick to cast stones at folks whose dirty laundry ends up in public, but if ours got out what would people think of us? I guess what I'm saying is.. none of us really know the man, and it's asinine and hypocritical to say that you know he's a p.o.s. because of one incident. Also, pretty sure not a single one of you would dare say it to his face, so... just stop.

I'm off my soap box now.

Well I was spanked when I was younger and let me tell you it will make you either abusive or one who gets beat up on in school and you would not know how to fight back. Also, kids that get whipped may not be as involved with other kids in gatherings and activities. AP can do what he wants, but I don't believe in spanking kids personally.

WillSaints81 04-25-2017 11:26 PM

Re: Adrian Peterson to sign with Saints

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 746023)
That indeed was an extremely ugly episode... but I don't think that equates to a player being a "problem"...

Imagine AP slapping his son in the face with a belt. That's worse.

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