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baronm 03-29-2005 01:46 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?
1. herbert was better than AB..

2. what was the cocaine thing-i\'ve heard something about that..but not really all that sure.

3. I\'m predjudiced against archie take everything I say about him with a grain of salt. I think he was a good quarterback on a really bad team..but that was way before my time.

GumboBC 03-29-2005 01:58 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?

I like the way Gumbo loves to bash Archie -- well here is a good question -- besides Gumbo I bet most would gladly take Archie in his prime versus AB. Gumbo -- you want to talk about poor teams -- dropped passes -- bad offensive lines -- no running game -- well except for the one cocaine year (Cocaine Chuck Muncie, Wes cokehound Chandler) AB is sitting on a veritable gold mine of talent. Archie was a class act -- a smart football player -- knew the game -- could read defenses and played on a team far worse than AB ever has -- Please don\'t even mention Archie in the same sentence as AB ---
Well, since WhoDat clearly stated he just wanted to \"stir the pot\", I felt obliged to return the favor...LMAO!!

PS -- I watched Archie play for many years. The dude had some talent, but don\'t be mistaken. I saw Archie make some of the poorest decisions in the passing game you ever want to see.

Now, I can understandy why. He was just trying to compensate for the losy supporting cast he had.

Brooks, on the other hand, has a supporting cast that should be in the playoffs every year ... :casstet:

[Edited on 29/3/2005 by GumboBC]

4saintspirit 03-29-2005 02:12 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?

1. herbert was better than AB..

2. what was the cocaine thing-i\'ve heard something about that..but not really all that sure.

3. I\'m predjudiced against archie take everything I say about him with a grain of salt. I think he was a good quarterback on a really bad team..but that was way before my time.
1. Actually I would take Brooks over Hebert
2. There was one year that the Saints were strung out on cocaine (especially Chuck Muncie and Wes Chandler) When Archie was asked about it he stated \"If everyone was doing coke they didn\'t give me any\" While he was trying to say that as leader he would have known about it if it was so rpevalent it came out wrong and the headlines the next day stated \"Archie says -Where\'s my Line\". Pretty funny now
3. As a kid I saw Archie\'s first game as a Saint -- on the last play of the game he ran around end for a 2 yrd TD to win the game. The thinkg about him was he always played his heart out -- In college he broke his arm -- was supposed to sit out several of the last games of the season but played anyway -- That year plunkett won the Heisman with Archie and Joe Theisman real close.

4saintspirit 03-29-2005 02:15 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?

PS -- I watched Archie play for many years. The dude had some talent, but don\'t be mistaken. I saw Archie make some of the poorest decisions in the passing game you ever want to see.
Now, I can understandy why. He was just trying to compensate for the losy supporting cast he had.

Brooks, on the other hand, has a supporting cast that should be in the playoffs every year ... :casstet:

[Edited on 29/3/2005 by GumboBC]
Gumbo -- a reserved post -- you are correct -- Archie did make some bonehead plays -- but was on a team that would never make the playoffs -- your statement about Brooks was right on also -- just cannot believe that you would say it.

One more thing -- as was stated in an earlier post -- becoming league MVP when you are on an 8-8 team says a lot about his talent

WhoDat 03-29-2005 02:26 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?

The dude had some talent, but don\'t be mistaken. I saw Archie make some of the poorest decisions in the passing game you ever want to see.
You mean, it wasn\'t the WR\'s fault? Or the O-Line\'s? Of the RB\'s? Or the defense\'s? Or the coaches\'? Or the fans?

If there was ever a time to make the argument that a QB\'s team was holding him back, it was the Archie Manning days. Funny that you\'ll make that argument for Brooks, but not for Manning. I guess it\'s b/c of your personal feelings about the two guys - e.g. \"I equate the name Manning with the term Loser.\" LMAO.

Just stirring the pot Bill...

CheramieIII 03-29-2005 02:37 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?
AB is not JG, as a matter of fact he is alot more talented than JG but maybe just maybe this year he will do better with alot less thinking to do in the offense. If they knew he had limitations in the beginning the should have played it that way.

and you know this probably was\'nt the coaches fault it was probably AB\'s for telling the coaches he could handle the play book. It\'s that male pride @@it I think.

4saintspirit 03-29-2005 03:08 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?

AB is not JG, as a matter of fact he is alot more talented than JG but maybe just maybe this year he will do better with alot less thinking to do in the offense. If they knew he had limitations in the beginning the should have played it that way.
You have to be kidding -- Jeff George had all of the talent anyone would ever ever want or need. His heart, attitude etc was his weakness. As a pure passer JG makes any QB in this league look like a rookie. The guy had an arm and was very very accurate. The only thing Brooks does better than JG is run. Other than that there is no comparison (And for the record -- while I admire the skills of George his attitude really blew) One more thing -- he was a top draft pick and played for a very bad Atlanta team -- whereas Brooks took over a playoff team

CheramieIII 03-29-2005 03:29 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?
JG never won anything in the NFL and AB has that potential. AB has a stronger arm than JG and yes can run alot faster. Sometimes is not about how smart you are but how smart everyone around you is. JG picked the teams he played for not the other way around. I contend that JG is just like Marino, a good QB who\'s stats could have been accomplished by anyone with that same chance.

You stay long enough in one place and you will win, PERIOD. but Marino did not do it because he was just an average QB with average talent. JG did\'nt do it because he played for every team in the NFL and did not care about the team, only the paycheck.

Hey 4 how many QB\'s are ahead of JG\'s alltime stats? Check the facts first. Some very average dudes are ahead of JG on that list.

GoldenTomb 03-29-2005 03:37 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?

JG never won anything in the NFL and AB has that potential. AB has a stronger arm than JG and yes can run alot faster. Sometimes is not about how smart you are but how smart everyone around you is. JG picked the teams he played for not the other way around. I contend that JG is just like Marino, a good QB who\'s stats could have been accomplished by anyone with that same chance.

You stay long enough in one place and you will win, PERIOD. but Marino did not do it because he was just an average QB with average talent. JG did\'nt do it because he played for every team in the NFL and did not care about the team, only the paycheck.

Hey 4 how many QB\'s are ahead of JG\'s alltime stats? Check the facts first. Some very average dudes are ahead of JG on that list.


I can\'t believe you said that about AVERAGE QB? Do you know how many other QBs with better supporting casts haven\'t come CLOSE to what Marino accomplished over his career??? could you say that Jeff George is ANYTHING like him??? Dan Marino played his career with the Dolphins, while George was a journeyman.

And what is this \"potential\" that AB has that George didn\'t have??? The only thing AB has going for him IMO is pure physical talent. Other than that.... :casstet:

CheramieIII 03-29-2005 03:43 PM

Brooks is Jeff George... or is he?
OK Golden what did JG or DM win in their NFL careers, NOTHING!

I don\'t need to say anymore. Dan Marino had how many years with the phins to win and could not do it at least once. Anyone could have accomplished his records as long as they had a right arm attached to there body. He was a product of a system and nothing more.

JG was a joke, bust if you will!!!

No further discussion needed..


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