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GumboBC 03-29-2005 04:20 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
Seeing how my last idea went over like a lead balloon, I'm kind of hesitant to suggest anything else. But, I think I have a better idea this time. Maybe !!!

A fair Brooks' debate !! Is that possible, guys?

This time everyone is invited to the party. (BYOB of course)

But I want this debate to be different. I want it to be as fair and balanced as possible.

It's going to be tough, but I think it can be done. And since it's the offseason, I think it's post worthy.

I have an idea but I need some suggestions from all of you.

Here's some general ideas:

1. We need to know if you want to be involved in the discussion.
2. We need to know if you are pro-Brooks or anti-Brooks. Meaning you think he can or can't get the job done. Or if you're on the fence just state that.
3. No flame posts. No stupid remarks. i.e.: Brooks is Jeff George. LOL
4. We need an unbiased moderator who will be fair.
5. We need the moderator to edit anything that breaks the rules and a poster can be disqualified from the debate if he doesn't follow the rules.
6. We need some kind of system for who posts when.
7. We need a point system to determine which crowd wins. (anti or pro Brooks)

These are just suggestions. Any feed back?

[Edited on 29/3/2005 by GumboBC]

GoldenTomb 03-29-2005 04:30 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
I like this idea.

I\'m guessing teams should be formed, in the manner that you mentioned; pro-Brooks and anti-Brooks. Each team should have a captain chosen by his teammates. Each team member should be in charge of debating pre-determined categories. Each category should have a pro-Brooks post and an anti-Brooks post, and the winner gets a point.

Just my suggestion....

JOESAM2002 03-29-2005 04:47 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
Here\'s what I\'d like to see. I see 2 teams, pre set to include all that want to participate, Pro-Brooks and Anti Brooks. @ moderators. BnB said he will and so will I.

We set a date for the debate in advance so the teams can work on their answers. Each team can do so througfh pm\'s or in the chat room. If it\'s the chat room then we have to rely on each teams honesty. We have a number of questions to be debated. These can be formed by the \"on the fence members\".
Finally each team will have a certain time allotment to answer the questions.

Last but not least, the judges. The judgement can be made on the number of converts to one side or the other.

Just my thoughts.

GumboBC 03-29-2005 04:55 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
I like the suggestions from GoldenTomb and JoeSam.

I also agree that JoeSam and BlackandBlue would be good moderators for the job. I KNOW neither are big Brooks\' fans but I do trust them to be fair.

Note: I\'d like everyone to participate. But bring your best. Some members here have covered this topic many many times.

Oh, if you are in the anit-Brooks group, you might want to consider getting saintz08 to come out of retirement. He\'s not exactly a \"team\" player but he leaves it all on the field. And of course you guys need WhoDat too.

Be warned, though, I\'m bringing my best stuff ... ;)

papz 03-29-2005 04:57 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
Every Aaron Brooks thread is pretty much a debate... and accomplishes the same thing. I see no point in this as was the last idea. But hey, it\'s a free country and do what you please. I actually feel the same way as gatorman although I didn\'t feel like voicing my opinion to the last idea because it would have probably added LOTS of more flame to the fire. Difference is I\'m going to continue posting on the forums and just mind on own business. Do your thing.

GumboBC 03-29-2005 05:02 PM

Can it be done? Need help?

Every Aaron Brooks thread is pretty much a debate... and accomplishes the same thing. I see no point in this as was the last idea. But hey, it\'s a free country and do what you please. I actually feel the same way as gatorman although I didn\'t feel like voicing my opinion to the last idea because it would have probably added LOTS of more flame to the fire. Difference is I\'m going to continue posting on the forums and just mind on own business. Do your thing.
Let me say this. I can see how some might have taken my last idea the wrong way. I suppose it could have seemed arrogant and seemed like I thought myself and certain members were smarter than anyone else.

But, that REALLY REALLY wasn\'t what I was thinking.

It was a bad idea.

But, this time anyone can participate but under a different set of general rules. I really see no harm in this and I really think it would be interesting.

Danno 03-29-2005 05:02 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
Oh, can I be the designated ignorer?
Please, Oh Pretty please!
It would be an honor.

GumboBC 03-29-2005 05:05 PM

Can it be done? Need help?

Oh, can I be the designated ignorer?
Please, Oh Pretty please!
It would be an honor.
Actually Danno, you might be a good judge on this subject.

You really don\'t bash Brooks and you really don\'t support him all the way.

CheramieIII 03-29-2005 05:08 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
As long as everyone has a chance to participate on a team, I am all for it.

I think we need to identify teams so members can join in by Avatar or something else?

WhoDat 03-29-2005 05:47 PM

Can it be done? Need help?
How do you plan to keep this monster under control??

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