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interview with kellen winslow Sr. (heart versus talent)

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; on (Shrewsbury) Mr. Winslow, did you have very athletic parents? And when did you know that you were as good as you were? KELLEN WINSLOW I did not have very athletic parents. My father played in the high school band ...

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Old 03-30-2005, 02:35 PM   #1
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interview with kellen winslow Sr. (heart versus talent)

on (Shrewsbury)
Mr. Winslow, did you have very athletic parents? And when did you know that you were as good as you were?

I did not have very athletic parents. My father played in the high school band before joining the Army. My mother was a woman growing up in the South, and had no involvement in sports. I didn't play organized football until I was a senior in high school. If not for my high school coach who saw me in gym class, getting me to come out for football, right now you guys are talking to somebody else! You know, in respect to the genetics question, you can do genetic tests. The question is what do you do with the information. Don't let it guide you down the road of 'this is the path I must take because I have fast-twitch muscle.' I mean, it's the totality of our experiences that make us who we are. So we need to have a variety of experiences rather than being so focused at a young age on one particular sport. Those who are successful at the highest level of sports are not always the most athletic. They're the ones with the most passion, the most heart. And I'm not sure you can scan for that yet.
this is an exerpt..but I think it really fits when talkinga bout the saints-specifically Aaron Brooks.
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Old 03-30-2005, 03:30 PM   #2
Cold as Ice!
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interview with kellen winslow Sr. (heart versus talent)

Also his son
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