10-07-2017, 06:36 PM
500th Post
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 921
Re: Crawley the number one rated CB?
Originally Posted by cars4dylan
Oh, puhhhleease.....that interception was pure crap technique by a TE that didn't know the ball was coming his way that soon and a horrible throw by a wannabe commentator acting as a starting QB in the NFL. I only wish they had a close up of Crawley's face when that ball was thrown right to him, at least he caught it!
He's got some ball hawk-ish skills but he's got a lot to learn and if he'd been in the first 2 games his stats would be waaaaaay worse than this pic that is posted shows. The fact that the stats were achieved against two QBs not playing very well at the time of the games should skew how anyone looks at them. At his very worst though he's not D. Harris who got beat like a rented mule in the plays he was "covering" any slot, let alone the 1 or 2 WRs of Minnesota and New England.
And Patrick Robinson.....oh goodnes, certainly a worse 1st rnd pick than any other made in a long time....looooooooong time!
You tryin to say if the TE had been looking for the ball he might have caught it instead of Crawley? If Kuechly had caught that ball he would have picked Brees off. If my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon. Almost doesn't count in the NFL. The announcer was right. He played that pass perfectly. It isn't his fault the TE wasn't looking for the ball and he made him pay for it, as he should have. You are right about one thing though, he's got a lot to learn. You need to give credit where credit is due. You have no idea what would have happened had he been in the first 2 games and neither does anyone else. Please retire your crystal ball. It isn't working.