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GumboBC 04-09-2005 01:50 PM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
just a little info from an article I was reading:

The NFL emphasizes that its ratings system assesses how well a quarterback passes, not how well a quarterback plays. It doesn\'t account for rushing yardage or rushing touchdowns, nor does it account for variables such as leadership, play calling, or how good the team\'s wide receivers or offensive linemen are. But as this article points out, the NFL\'s ratings system is also limited in how well it measures passing. The system doesn\'t value third-down conversions, avoidance of sacks, or late-game heroics. (It actually penalizes a quarterback who throws an incompletion to avoid a sack.) John Elway\'s career passer rating is 79.9, good for 33rd overall, below lesser contemporary QBs such as Neil Lomax and Danny White.

One other problem with the NFL\'s system: In the modern NFL, the average rating is higher than 66.7. That\'s because the scores are calculated based on what the NFL thought would be average statistics for a quarterback in 1973, when the system was introduced. But in 1978, the NFL changed its rules to open up the passing game, by prohibiting defenders from bumping receivers downfield and by allowing offensive linemen to extend their arms to pass-block. As a result, modern-day QBs dominate the list of all-time passers. (Though old Cleveland Browns great Otto Graham still ranks third. Click here to view the list kept by the Pro Football Hall of Fame. You\'ll need Adobe Acrobat to view it.) Last year\'s average passer rating was 78.1, roughly equivalent to the career rating for Johnny Unitas.

Next question?

pensacola 04-10-2005 06:40 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
[quote:c75ea76efb]I\'d like everyone to give me your top-10 ACTIVE QBs in the NFL.

Also, I\'d like for everyone to make a brief statement as to why you like them. Brief statement please.

Hey Gumbo. What\'s with copying my \'post\' from Be original dude!

WhoDat 04-10-2005 09:01 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

I hope whodat was kidding by putting Peyton at #1. He has all of the talent and all of the choking ability.
So if you had to start a team from scratch and you had to chose b/w Manning and Brady you pick Brady?


Let me know how that works out ...

WhoDat\'s problem is that he doesn\'t realize that the QB is affected more than any other \"single\" player by his teammate\'s play.

WhoDat prefers to hold Brooks soley responsible for completion percentage, not scoring enough in the first quarter (that fits this year so he uses it) QB rating, etc., ect.,...

WhoDat used to say the samething about McNabb when he never completed 60% of his passes. WhoDat said McNabb wasn\'t accurate enough and that\'s why he was below 60%. But McNabb proved him wrong.

Hell, Dan Marino only completed 60% of his passes TWICE in his first 10-years in the NFL. But that\'s Marino. I\'m sure WhoDat would make excuses for Marino and put the blame somewhere else.

BUT ... didn\'t WhoDat just say he preferred to place the blame on the QB and not somewhere else? I\'m sure he said that!!


As I said earlier, I would rather \"discuss\" things. There was no criticism from me, whodi. Just discussion.

You\'ll understand that concept one day. Hopefully ...
So might you... but given your inability to learn new things, I doubt it.

I\'ll be awaiting your apology.

WhoDat 04-10-2005 09:11 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

WhoDat used to say the samething about McNabb when he never completed 60% of his passes. WhoDat said McNabb wasn\'t accurate enough and that\'s why he was below 60%. But McNabb proved him wrong.
And this is an absolutely perfect post which demonstrates maybe better than any I have seen yet how you simply have never understood my point, and never will b/c you have Brooks blinders on.

You are correct that I criticized McNabb in the past. Culpepper and Vick too. I have said over and over again that the athletic \"play-maker\" QBs can be good, but won\'t help put their teams over the hump until they become efficient. Did I not say that? Have I not always said that efficiency and effectiveness is more important than athleticism and play-making ability at the QB position?

You are absolutely right I have said that. NEVER, and I mean NEVER, did I say that McNabb COULD NOT become more efficient. I did say that I did not believe that the athletic QBs would outperform the efficient ones in terms of SB appearances.

It\'s funny that you use McNabb, let\'s look at his numbers, shall we?

2000 - QB rating: 77.8 (no SB)
2001 - QB rating: 84.3 (no SB)
2002 - QB rating: 86 (no SB)
2003 - QB rating: 79.6 (no SB)
2004 - QB rating: 104.7 (SUPER BOWL)

Wow. So you mean when McNabb finally got his QB rating up from the AB numbers to the top NFL range in efficiency his team made it all the way. Hhmmm.

So in other words, you\'ve just proven my point perfectly. Athletic QBs can be pretty successful in the NFL, but until they learn how to play the QB position efficiently, they won\'t go all the way. Thanks Billy, I couldn\'t have thought of a better way to prove me right and you wrong. You\'re very good at that.

WhoDat 04-10-2005 09:19 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

There are a MILLION things that are wrong with using the QB rating to judge a QB. Most players, fans, and even agents agree. Some people just like numbers I guess.
You\'re right. QB rating isn\'t the only thing. Other things are important. Like smarts (AB wonderlic:17), leadership, attitude, ability to read a defense, ability to throw all the passes, accuracy, progress, etc....

How would you rank AB in those categories? LOL.

AB is Jeff George. Big arm, big raw stats, will never be more than average. But go ahead and prove me wrong. Make the affirmative argument just one time. Bet you you can\'t.

FireVenturi 04-10-2005 11:39 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
Saintfan has some good points about how it don\'t make sense how they compile the stats as far as QB rating is concerned.

saintz08 04-10-2005 12:26 PM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

The QB rating doesn\'t factor in a LOT of things. Something that jumps out at me...well...a couple things:

3 10 yard passes, TD. QB rating in the 140\'s.

2 incompletions and a 30 yard TD pass on 3rd down. QB rating 111-ish.

QB completes a 5 yard pass behind the line of scrimmage for a 5 yard loss and his rating will be better than that of the QB who chose instead to throw the ball away.

Weather isn\'t a factor, which is one of the reasons you\'ll never see Brady\'s rating top Mannings.

It doesn\'t factor in poor route running or WR\'s dropping catchable passes.

There are a MILLION things that are wrong with using the QB rating to judge a QB. Most players, fans, and even agents agree. Some people just like numbers I guess.

Does not factor in when he has the flu
Does not factor in when he has a hemmoroid
Does not factor in when the lineman steps on his foot
Does not factor in when the receiver catches a poorly thrown ball
Does not factor in a hail mary as a dumb luck pass ....

FireVenturi 04-10-2005 11:54 PM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
Does not factor when a Wr drops a perfect pass..... ;) Except for givin the QB an incompletion!

GoldenTomb 04-11-2005 08:49 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?


The QB rating doesn\'t factor in a LOT of things. Something that jumps out at me...well...a couple things:

3 10 yard passes, TD. QB rating in the 140\'s.

2 incompletions and a 30 yard TD pass on 3rd down. QB rating 111-ish.

QB completes a 5 yard pass behind the line of scrimmage for a 5 yard loss and his rating will be better than that of the QB who chose instead to throw the ball away.

Weather isn\'t a factor, which is one of the reasons you\'ll never see Brady\'s rating top Mannings.

It doesn\'t factor in poor route running or WR\'s dropping catchable passes.

There are a MILLION things that are wrong with using the QB rating to judge a QB. Most players, fans, and even agents agree. Some people just like numbers I guess.

Does not factor in when he has the flu
Does not factor in when he has a hemmoroid
Does not factor in when the lineman steps on his foot
Does not factor in when the receiver catches a poorly thrown ball
Does not factor in a hail mary as a dumb luck pass ....
The problem is that in the beginning of this post, an objective question was asked. To answer the question, all anyone would have had to do is to look up the QB rating of all active QBs and list the 10 highest. Like it or not, the QB rating is the standardized criterion for measuring a QBs efficiency. It\'s calculated using stats that are most relavant to the QB position. It\'s the same for everyone. It\'s true that any one of those things mentioned above could happen to alter a QB\'s performance, but for the most part, the QB rating is highly reliable in determining a QBs efficiency.

It can be assumed that most of the time, QBs will not have the flu, hemmoroids, have a lineman step of his foot, or have a reciever catch a poorly thrown pass. These instances occur relatively infrequently and therefore aren\'t signifacant enough to factor in. The majority of time, the QB will throw perform at a level which is congruent to his talent level. Those things listed above happen from time to time, and they happen to all QBs just the same. The best QBs have high ratings IN SPITE of uncontrollable circumstances, so it all washes out in the end.

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by GoldenTomb]

WhoDat 04-11-2005 11:43 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
You mean Billy hasn\'t responded yet... shocker.

GumboBC 04-11-2005 11:48 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
WhoDat --

I\'ve already exposed the Passer Rating System for the fraud that it is.

Jeff George is the 29th best passer in the history of the NFL accoding to Passer Rating.

Phil Simms is ranked 36th. Seven spots behind Jeff George and they both played in the same era.

Neil Lomax is the 10th best QB in the history of the NFL.

Yeah, Passer Ratings tells me who the best QBs are.

Carry on though.

And for as much as you criticized McNabb in the past. His Passer Ratings got him to 3 straight NFC championship games and to one superbowl.

I\'ll take those Passer Ratings .... whatever they may be.

Why don\'t you start a thread and tell us how bad McNabb is as a passer. Like you\'ve done in year\'s past.

[Edited on 11/4/2005 by GumboBC]

WhoDat 04-11-2005 12:02 PM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

Why don\'t you start a thread and tell us how bad McNabb is as a passer. Like you\'ve done in year\'s past.
LOL. So your contention then is that McNabb HAS BEEN A GOOD PASSER in years past? I\'d love to hear you explain that one.

McNabb has been about as good as it gets for an athletic scrambler, but he hasn\'t been a particularly good passer.

You find one article that shows one guy\'s opinion on passer rating, and it overrules everything the NFL, analysts, all-time greats, etc. think about the measure. Sure Billy. That\'s still why you think AB is a great QB. One article somewhere said so - it probably quoted Haslett and AB himself. Nevermind the tons of print that has come out and said otherwise - there was that ONE article that said so.

You must still think that there are WMDs in Iraq too huh? LMAO. It\'s good enough for the NFL - but b/c it hurts Billy\'s \"I love AB at all costs\" agenda, it\'s not good enough for him. Who is surprised?

mutineer10 04-11-2005 05:57 PM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

Neil Lomax is the 10th best QB in the history of the NFL.
Damn right he is... ;)

---But seriously, my list:

1. Peyton Manning - Sure, chokes in the big one, but it\'d be the Colts in the Super Bowl every year if they had the Patriots D. Given raw skill, talent and brains, he has no match in today\'s NFL.
2. Tom Brady - Just wins, baby. And has the hardware to prove it. Still improving as a player. Brains make up for mediocre athletic ability.
3. Donovan McNabb - Got it done for a number of years with little talent surrounding him. This past year really showed what he can do with a little WR help.
4. Daunte Culpepper - Losing Moss is really gonna hurt (as it did when he was injured last season), but Culpepper still has the tools and talent. Amazing scrambler for a man his size.
5. Brett Favre - Still a joy to watch him play. Finally slipping a bit, but probably the most deadly QB in the game when he\'s hot. Given the losses along the Packers line, may regret returning, but is one of the most durable players in NFL history.
6. Trent Green - Still pouring on the heat in KC with virtually no real talent at WR. Getting up there in age, but is a steady veteran who finds the open man.
7. Steve McNair - May finally be losing the battle with injuries, but offseason surgery for a previously undiscovered condition could be just the ticket. Gonna be tough for him now that all his surrounding talent is gone.
8. Ben Roethlisberger - Hard to argue with any QB who guides his team to 15-1, rookie or not. Will never put up huge numbers in Cowher\'s system, but they don\'t expect him to. Showed amazing poise and toughness for a first-year starter.
9. Michael Vick/Ron Mexico - Hard to like a QB who can\'t throw the ball, but you can\'t argue against his playmaking ability. I don\'t think the West Coast offense will ever fit him, but the Buzzards didn\'t go from the cellar to the rooftop on defense alone.
10. Drew Brees - Finally seemed to \"get it\" when some real competition was brought in. If he can build off last season, this kid will be dangerous for years to come. Won\'t hurt that SD has a wealth of draft picks to play with now, too.

Tobias-Reiper 04-12-2005 01:11 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?


Neil Lomax is the 10th best QB in the history of the NFL.
Damn right he is... ;)

---But seriously, my list:

1. Peyton Manning - Sure, chokes in the big one, but it\'d be the Colts in the Super Bowl every year if they had the Patriots D. Given raw skill, talent and brains, he has no match in today\'s NFL.
2. Tom Brady - Just wins, baby. And has the hardware to prove it. Still improving as a player. Brains make up for mediocre athletic ability.
3. Donovan McNabb - Got it done for a number of years with little talent surrounding him. This past year really showed what he can do with a little WR help.
4. Daunte Culpepper - Losing Moss is really gonna hurt (as it did when he was injured last season), but Culpepper still has the tools and talent. Amazing scrambler for a man his size.
5. Brett Favre - Still a joy to watch him play. Finally slipping a bit, but probably the most deadly QB in the game when he\'s hot. Given the losses along the Packers line, may regret returning, but is one of the most durable players in NFL history.
6. Trent Green - Still pouring on the heat in KC with virtually no real talent at WR. Getting up there in age, but is a steady veteran who finds the open man.
7. Steve McNair - May finally be losing the battle with injuries, but offseason surgery for a previously undiscovered condition could be just the ticket. Gonna be tough for him now that all his surrounding talent is gone.
8. Ben Roethlisberger - Hard to argue with any QB who guides his team to 15-1, rookie or not. Will never put up huge numbers in Cowher\'s system, but they don\'t expect him to. Showed amazing poise and toughness for a first-year starter.
9. Michael Vick/Ron Mexico - Hard to like a QB who can\'t throw the ball, but you can\'t argue against his playmaking ability. I don\'t think the West Coast offense will ever fit him, but the Buzzards didn\'t go from the cellar to the rooftop on defense alone.
10. Drew Brees - Finally seemed to \"get it\" when some real competition was brought in. If he can build off last season, this kid will be dangerous for years to come. Won\'t hurt that SD has a wealth of draft picks to play with now, too.

...not a bad list, but I\'d put Matt Hasselbeck today before Favre and Mcnair, and any day before Brees...

mutineer10 04-12-2005 02:32 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

...not a bad list, but I\'d put Matt Hasselbeck today before Favre and Mcnair, and any day before Brees...
I really considered bumping Brees to 9th and putting Hasselbeck at 10th, but instead believed the hype and put Vick/Mexico on the list. Hasselbeck\'s alot better than he\'s given credit for, especially considering that his numbers would be even more impressive if he didn\'t have the most dropsy-ridden WR corps in the entire league. Still puzzles me that Rice wasn\'t on the field in the playoffs, when Jackson stunned no one (including Hasselbeck, probably) by dropping the game-winning TD pass in the end zone.

saintswhodi 04-12-2005 09:18 AM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?

when Jackson stunned no one (including Hasselbeck, probably) by dropping the game-winning TD pass in the end zone
That was Bobby Engram not Jackson. Still shouldn\'t have been a shock though.

natedogg02 04-12-2005 01:34 PM

Who are the top 10 active Quarterbacks?
I like how this thread went from rating top 10 QBs to arguing about how everyone ranked them.

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