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skymike 02-08-2018 02:29 PM

MudBugs IX !
For those of you new to our board, this is, as the name suggests, the Ninth Annual Crawfish Boil of B& Hosted by the Hou-Dats- SETX Chapter of WhoDat Nation.

Just like our tailgates, we've had people come from all over WhoDat Nation:
New Orleans, Lafayette, Houston, San Antonio, and we've even had a B&G member drive from Michigan to be a part of this.

It all started when Hou-Yat, suggested we get together, and do what we do best, win or lose- Party! The first one was at his house, in Humble, TX, as well as the II, V, and VI. III and IV were at my old swamphouse in Old River, TX. Beastmode hosted VII at his home in Kingwood, TX, and Smashmouth Dazzled us all with his home in The Woodlands at MB VIII last year.

BTW, I cant find my pics. See if you guys can come up with a group shot from each one-- dont worry about exes, etc. - personnel changes are normal) I would like to show how ridiculous we are, so get some good ones of our excesses.

The first 2 things we'll need again this year, is Date & Venue.

DATE Obviously, we're going after Easter, planning around Jazzfest, & Mother's Day, I think our best dates are:

April 14
April 21 this would be my pick.
May 19 this is Armed Forces day, if this is a factor for you?
May 26

Since the Hou-Dats are a Cluster-Funk-Ocracy, everyone gets 2 cents.
My vote is April 21. I think this will be peak crawfish production time. It should be reasonably cool, as opposed to May 26. (Remember MudBugs III at my swamphouse, when the sky was cloudless & temp was perfect? - I think that one was in April) This is Amer'ca. You guys jump in and say what you think.

VENUE I'd like to be considered this year to host at my family's ranch in Dayton, TX. Pros: We have massive space, huge parking, multiple options for setup, awesome country view. (I have a very Louisiana-Like spot in mind) (See attached) We're 15 minutes from 2 small towns with hotels, & 30 min. from Humble, TX. I'll spring for a luxury port-a-john trailer for the girls. Cons: Its in the boonies from Houston. An hour from Downtown- (so is the Woodlands, when there's traffic) Excessive rain would be an issue, and we'd have to relocate in that case.

Do we have anyone else, who would like to host? Or anyone who would be
the backup location, if weather nixes the Ranch? This is America. I'm only
suggesting, but I'm happy to do whatever you guys want.

I dont remember what the cost was to attend last year, or how we collected, so Smash and guys, remind me what we've done in past years to fund it. I'll help. of course, whether I host, or someone else does. My only priority is getting us all together again. Post past pictures, Hou-Dats.

Beastmode 02-08-2018 03:01 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Nice intro!!

DATE: 21APR check for me
VENUE: Check.

I can go in on the porta johns, tents barring the weather. Power source for music? Fire pit legal out there?

skymike 02-08-2018 03:13 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
April 14 is out for me, just found out.

Jdejean 02-08-2018 03:19 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
April 21 good for me

skymike 02-08-2018 04:54 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 791848)
Nice intro!!

DATE: 21APR check for me
VENUE: Check.

I can go in on the porta johns, tents barring the weather. Power source for music? Fire pit legal out there?

Thanks much for the help.
Everything's legal here. (except we cant do fireworks, because of the horses.)
We have plenty of cordage for power source, which is my house.
Also, two options for water, which our Cookers will need.

One thing I want to stress: It wont hurt my feelings, if yall vote another venue, over mine. Im just volunteering, and I
would love doing it here on the Ranch if the group is open to it. Whatever the will of the Group is, is good with me.

gulfgambler 02-08-2018 08:00 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
No further than the SWAMP HOUSE; works for me.
04/21 works

Beastmode 02-08-2018 08:19 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I almost scoffed at it like a French King at first then I thought it might be nice to have a portrait of me painted in the countryside.

jnormand 02-08-2018 09:32 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Everyone could come up here and spend the day in the freezing ass cold desert of Southern Idaho.

SmashMouth 02-08-2018 09:43 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
How about The Boot? It's more centrally located and has the space and facilities needed. It's less work for a host and it makes it easier to manage. Or maybe a park or something.

Beastmode 02-08-2018 10:31 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I'm fine with any location. I would throw mine in the hat again but doing some major renovations right now. What is the boot? Our HOA community center was cheap but it flooded beyond repair. It even had a boat launch..meh. Maybe in a few years.

SmashMouth 02-09-2018 02:09 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 791892)
I'm fine with any location. I would throw mine in the hat again but doing some major renovations right now. What is the boot? Our HOA community center was cheap but it flooded beyond repair. It even had a boat launch..meh. Maybe in a few years.


The Boot
Formerly known as the Shady Tavern, this somewhat shabby Heights restaurant is owned by Louisiana natives who know the secret to great crawfish starts with a proper soak and thoroughly seasoning the boil. The results speak for themselves in crawfish that have a lip-tingling spice in every tail and deliver a jolt of flavor in the heads. Non-crawfish eaters will find a lot to like here, too, thanks to some of the best po-boys and gumbo in the city.

skymike 02-09-2018 06:28 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by gulfgambler (Post 791873)
No further than the SWAMP HOUSE; works for me. 04/21 works

The Ranch is closer for you, than The Swamphouse. Closer to Woodlands, also, Smash, Buds... From Downtown, They're actually nearly the same distance, but for you, the Ranch is actually closer. -cuz its North

Originally Posted by jnormand (Post 791882)
Everyone could come up here and spend the day in the freezing ass cold desert of Southern Idaho.

hahaha... Actually "desert" sounds good to me. I get so sick of rain. But rain grows crawfish.

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 791885)
How about The Boot? It's more centrally located and has the space and facilities needed. It's less work for a host and it makes it easier to manage. Or maybe a park or something.

Are you channeling Deke? haha. I doubt the Boot will allow us to bring & cook our own bugs, and bring our own beer, food, etc, which is cheaper / person. They only have one bathroom per sex, scant parking, and I want to cook the bugs ourselves, and No! Yuck. I tolerate the Boot during the season, b-cuz everyone else wants to go there. If I'm gonna pay retail, I want service, and they dont even have servers. It IS centrally located, (so is my Barrio House.) but I vote No.

-- I dont mind the work of hosting. I loved it. Plus I've traded in a b*tchy wife, for a Viking Babe,* so its actually much peacefuller. Its cool, when a bunch of Louisiana People show up at your house, and start doing stuff. It looks like when the Indians set up camp on Dances W/ Wolves.

-- Its not all about me, though, so The Boot (yuck) goes on the ballot.
-- Public Park Also goes on the ballot, where Riff-Raff can just come up and start playing rap. Plus in Houston, add in hobos & illegal aliens.
-- I would also like to Ralph Nader the vote, by adding my Barrio House in
East Houston. It has a lovely view (and smell) of the Ship Channel. Lots
of stray dogs, everyone can take one home. We can have
celebratory gunfire, which isnt enforced there, and we can wear our
Black and Gold body armour.

Smash, if you decide to host again, I'm Hispanic, so I'm pretty good with a
Leaf Blower, you know. I would vote for YOU, and I'll help.

Keep the ideas coming, guys. All i want is us to get together, and to smell
crawfish cooking. We can, if necessary, do a secret ballot and PM Halo our votes. :neutral:

So far we have for venues:
1. Skymike's Amazing Family Ranch
2. The Boot
3. Skymike's Barrio (Spanish for "Hood," for those of you still in America) House
4. Public Park with hobos and rap.
5. Crash BudsDrinker's house & drink all his beer.

Waiting for Kajun Kookin (Rob) to weigh in. He has a pretty big yard, and he loves
random people coming to his house in Atascocita.

And Date:
1. April 21 - so far everyone is good. But still a lot of people to hear from.
2. May 19
3. May 26

Jump in, Hou-Dats.

* I believe our group, if you look back at pictures from the 1st one on, has three divorces. Am I missing anyone?
MudBugs Trivia:

1. Name the 3 guys in our group (one is not on B&G, but very prominent) who have divorced the first partner they
brought to our MB parties.
2. Which B&G member traveled the farthest to eat crawfish, drink beer, and BS with us? (He was at MB III)

Rugby Saint II 02-12-2018 01:09 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I grew up in Texas. I'll be there in spirit but my body is staying home. Enjoy! :bng:

skymike 02-15-2018 05:38 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
So we have a date. April 21.

FleurdeLisa 02-22-2018 04:18 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
"Kat" here - April 21 works for far. So does the location. Can't be too much farther than your old place, right?

44Champs 02-22-2018 08:54 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I'll try to make my first Mudbugs - sounds like a good time! How much do we need to pay to particjpate?

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skymike 02-24-2018 02:09 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by FleurdeLisa (Post 792777)
"Kat" here - April 21 works for far. So does the location. Can't be too much farther than your old place, right?

KAT!!!! hey, love the screenname, btw.

Im so glad. And no, its not really any further than the old SwampHouse, just a different direction. Easier traffic also. You & Jamie & Co. should ride up together.


Originally Posted by 44Champs (Post 792787)
I'll try to make my first Mudbugs - sounds like a good time! How much do we need to pay to particjpate?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

44, I think everybody's been throwing in a $20 or so for the bugs, and then, you know,
Like Louisiana people do, somebody brings this, somebody brings that. When its all over, we all end up with this mountain of food, drink, sweets, and we dont even know what to do with it. I Love it, just like it is. We actually ate just about all the crawfish a couple times, but sometimes there's a surplus. Its weird how we all put a little in, and end up with so much.

Smash, what did we do last year for cost?
I remember, it was nothing... but I always like to get an extra bag, myself.

Wow, all the old gang is in.... So long as Bruz & Karen make it....
EVeerybody shout at Hou-Yat, and lets make sure he comes... he started this. Im just helping.

Also, OLD MAID, where are you? (She's always hard to raise at first.) Help me out, guys.


OldMaid 02-27-2018 01:23 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Checking in. :-)

Beastmode 02-27-2018 04:26 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Do you have any pics of the spot? Has anyone ever hired a porta john company? Think we need 2?
Ladies won't be liking the porta johns is my only concern.

AsylumGuido 02-27-2018 09:22 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by FleurdeLisa (Post 792777)
"Kat" here - April 21 works for far. So does the location. Can't be too much farther than your old place, right?

Welcome to B&G, Kat! Kick your shoes off and stick around!

skymike 03-03-2018 06:59 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 793016)
Checking in. :-)

Yea!!! I'm so glad you came. Got any pictures from earlier ones?

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 793021)
SM, Do you have any pics of the spot? Has anyone ever hired a porta john company? Think we need 2?
Ladies won't be liking the porta johns is my only concern.

Pics soon.
I't's lovely. I'm getting a porta john trailer. I saw one of these at a wedding I worked, and they were actually super nice. Air conditioned.
clean, even fancy.

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 793041)
Welcome to B&G, Kat! Kick your shoes off and stick around!

Kat is an old friend of mine, Guido. We used to work together every day on the Radio. She's a regular at our Hou-Dats game watching parties. And she sings pretty.

SmashMouth 03-04-2018 09:08 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Beastmode 03-04-2018 09:38 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Great idea on the PJ trailer SM. Let us know what you need. Can you reserve it now? I can help with the deposit.

They also should have hand washing stations or go with jugs of water thinking.

Barring the weather I think this is going to be our best one yet!

FleurdeLisa 03-05-2018 03:13 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 793041)
Welcome to B&G, Kat! Kick your shoes off and stick around!

Thanks! I used to be on here years ago as Cat5, but it's been so long I couldn't remember my password or the email I used to create the account. Glad to be back :)

skymike 03-06-2018 09:59 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by FleurdeLisa (Post 793551)
Thanks! I used to be on here years ago as Cat5, but it's been so long I couldn't remember my password or the email I used to create the account. Glad to be back :)

You belong here. I'm overdue
to see you sing again, btw. Please let me know, when your night is.

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 793413)



Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 793419)
Great idea on the PJ trailer SM. Let us know what you need. Can you reserve it now? I can help with the deposit.

They also should have hand washing stations or go with jugs of water thinking.

Barring the weather I think this is going to be our best one yet!

Will take care of this, this week. Thank you for your help.
I"ve seen these at weddings, and believe me "pj trailer" is way nicer than the term sounds. lol. Some of them are even foofy.
We have a backup weather plan. And I agree. My house isnt anything impressive; its just cute & little. Not the show palaces that
Hou-Yat & Smash's homes are, but the country view, openness-- we can prop up all our cool Saints tents & go crazy with the Flags, etc,
and yes, this could be the best ever. Long as our friends come, it will be great.
--- More coming this week. EVeryone try to pop in in the next couple days.

Beastmode 03-10-2018 06:37 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Can we start taking a head count SM?

skymike 03-11-2018 12:51 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 794163)
Can we start taking a head count SM?

I think its early, but I'll share my guestlist with you this week.

SmashMouth 03-11-2018 03:47 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !

OldMaid 03-12-2018 09:41 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I think most of the Mudbugs have been in late April. You know date, place....we should write that stuff down.

Beastmode 03-14-2018 09:39 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Some of you are going to take notice I'm really into fitness this year.

"Fitness" crawfish in my mouth!!!!!

Let's do this!!!!!

skymike 03-15-2018 03:51 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Holy wow... of all the business that are closed, when you need them. Im in a LIVE CHAT with the port-potty-trailer person.

SmashMouth 03-17-2018 10:48 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

SmashMouth 03-24-2018 09:54 AM

Re: MudBugs IX !

OldMaid 03-26-2018 12:42 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Now that is funny. :-)

skymike 03-27-2018 03:17 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
HouDats, One thing we have is tons of space.

Its like a tailgate party, without the Parking Lot Nazis, for those of you who remember our last Tailgate at Reliant/NRG/Whatever they call that gargantuan ugly thing that replaced the beautiful, historic, wonderful Astrodome.

Im not going to do much in the way of manicuring. God already made my family home beautiful, and the sky is always amazing, regardless the weather. I'll have the grass low, in a large area, should we need room for 20 tents. If you must have a more suburban spot to mingle, We also have an enormous car port area. Parking will also be zero issue. We used to host minor Rodeos. It will likely be on grass, but dry & somewhat parklike. It wont be like Tinsley Park, but it wont be a jungle either.

Yes, that is a Rodeo Pen in the background. Too bad the lights dont work, currently. I always wanted to mark it like a football field. It has had much football played in it anyway.

I'm expecting a contract from the Potty Trailer People today. (I cant wait to see your comments on this one.)

We actually have more than one water connection at the end of the rodeo arena. I can string up plenty of cords, for whatever power we need.

I'll set up a pay site this week.

Also, since we're in the boonies, no one will complain about noise.

Partying in the boonies, is much like camping.
- you might need bug spray.
- you might need sunscreen.
- If you wander off deeply in the woods, there are wild hogs, and
of course, snakes, for those of you who are herpophobic. Basically,
its like partying in rural Louisiana. I am disappointed to report,
we've never seen a gator in the tank. (pond) Everything else
lives there. We have a flat-bed trailer, if anyone has aspirations
creating a float, to cruise around the pasture, and maybe down
the road.

Budsdrinker will be our head cooker. Kajun Kookin' has a paying gig that day (I could have, but NOOOO.) I'd kill to have Hou-Yat and his lovely
wife come and join us. He cooks a mean pot of bugs, also. One year,
Mrs. Hou-Yat complained loudly that he made the pot TOO mean. We
all loved them, ate them right up, and then found ways to reduce the
burning & swelling in our fingers, lips, and of course the next day, Im
sure some of us had a whole new set of problems. Cue: "Burnin' Love"

Ok, serious stuff I need:

1. water hoses & water hoses that connect to other water hoses.
2. power cords
3. coolers, of course.
4. TENTS! Not only do we have room for them, this year, we actually
need them. Again, its going to be like a tailgate party. I am looking to
buy a new Saints tent, myself. I want a ton of tents and flags !

What else do we need, guys?


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Beastmode 03-27-2018 03:47 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Nice area SM. I will bring a couple of houses, 100 ft total with connector and extension chords, also 100ft total. And below tent.


Beastmode 03-27-2018 04:02 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I can bring a pressure washer / soap for easy cleanup if that will help. I can't think of anything else.

Jdejean 03-27-2018 04:07 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
pahhhhhhhh from house of pahhhhhs

Beastmode 03-27-2018 04:35 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
Just bought a new tent.


skymike 03-27-2018 04:45 PM

Re: MudBugs IX !
I was just about to ask if you had that in a different color...

Now, you just need some logo-age

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