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The Extremes
I love the Saints. I have loved the Saints my entire life. Every season I want to see them make it to the Super Bowl. I still have an agreement with my dad that if the Saints ever go to the Super Bowl, he will spend whatever it takes to get tickets to the game. I have taken constant criticism from all of my friends who support winning franchises like the Cowboys, Steelers, and Patriots; yet I still love the Saints. There is no denying that I want this team to win, and win often.
So, let's go to one extreme or the other, just as long as its not mediocre. [Edited on 26/4/2005 by TheDeuce] |
The Extremes
Speaking as a long time Saints fan ... I\'ve had enough of the \"losing\" seasons. And I\'ve seen enough front-office and coaching changes that didn\'t improve ANYTHING.
If we go 3-13 it doesn\'t guarantee us ANYTHING. And even if another coaching staff is brought in ... it dosen\'t mean we are going to win. If the Saints have an opportunity to win a game, then I hope they win it. I\'ve seen teams start the season off terrible and go deep in the playoffs and beyond. I hope their fans didn\'t give up on them. I never give up. I never ever give up hope. Losing never helped anyone. Every NFL season is special. Anything can happen. I let the chips fall where they may as far as the coaching decisions and front office personnel are concerned. When I sit down to watch a Saints game ... I always hope they will win. If it\'s the 4th quarter and we\'re 14 points behind ... I hope for a great comeback. I just can\'t see pulling for my team to lose when ultimately I have no say-so over what coach will be here. Coaches come and coaches go. But I still pull for my Saints. [Edited on 26/4/2005 by GumboBC] |
The Extremes
I always pull for the Saints too. That isn\'t what I was saying. I was saying I\'m tired of mediocrity. If you like it, hey whatever, everybody\'s got their own preferences. But things need to be shaken up. I can\'t stand being mediocre.
The Extremes
If we go 1-15 ... what will be our record the following year? The year after? The year after that? Who will be our coach? Will we finally sign a bunch of big-name free agents in the offseason? |
The Extremes
Who knows? But if we go 8-8, the FO will continue to think that we have a team that is on the verge of greatness, so they will get complacent and not go after any big free agents like we\'ve done the last few seasons. If we go 1-15, maybe it will make them realize that something needs to change. I think that\'s what the problem is right now: they don\'t think anything has to change. They\'ve grown complacent. But something does need to change because 32-32 shows that we have been doing the same damn thing for four seasons.
I hope the Saints go 16-0 this year, but if we go 8-8 what\'s going to change? NOTHING. But what have we accomplished? NOTHING. 8-8 is unacceptable. We need to strive for something better, and this regime is obviously not concerned with doing that because they have grown complacent and comfortable with mediocrity, with 8-8 seasons, with being a .500 franchise. Well that pisses me off, and I think something needs to change, because if nothing does change then we will always be a .500 club, and what good does that do? NONE. |
The Extremes
The thing is ... you are hoping for \"changes\" to be made in the HOPE of us getting better. And if changes are made then I will support the next coach. Sometimes changes are good. But, ultimately I don\'t control who the next coach is going to be. We might end up with someone like Jerry Glanville or Carl Smith as our head coach. Or we could end up with Bill Belichick. Who knows? But what I do know is that no matter who the coach is ... I hope we win every game. I\'d rather go 8-8 than 3-13. No matter what MIGHT happen. There\'s just not enough guarantees for me to hope we lose ONE game. I think if you ask any coach they\'ll say losing never helped anything. [Edited on 27/4/2005 by GumboBC] |
The Extremes
I don\'t want to sound like a broken record, but what\'s the difference between being 8-8 and not going to the playoffs and being 3-13? Nothing, except you get a better draft pick if you\'re 3-13. Being 8-8 and never winning a playoff game is just as bad as being 0-16. This league is all about the playoffs, and I want the Saints to do whatever it takes to make it there. But if things don\'t change around here, we\'re never going to get there. We\'re going to be 8-8 forever under this regime. Things need to change. Win \'em all, or lose enough to start some change.
[Edited on 27/4/2005 by TheDeuce] |
The Extremes
The Extremes
We\'ve had high picks before Haslett was here and never won a playoff game. The Patriots haven\'t won 3-superbowls because they\'ve had high draft picks. They\'ve gone because they have a solid organization from top to bottom. Maybe if we lose enough games Haslett will get fired and we\'ll be a super bowl champ with the next coach. Or maybe we get a coach and we\'ll be one of the worst teams in the league for the next 5 years. I see what you\'re saying. You think a change is better than just going 8-8 every year. Well ... maybe. When Haslett was brought in to replace Mike Ditka we won our 1st playoff game. So, in that case .. change was good. At least for that one year. Here\'s the thing. Mr. Tom Benson controls who is the GM and the coach. Given Benson\'spast history of picking GMs and coaches, I\'m feeling pretty good about Haslett and 8-8. I just can\'t worry about who Tom Benson is going to replace Loomis and Haslett with. I\'m a fan and I just pull for whoever is here. We\'ve been close and we are a talented team. Maybe that will finally pay off and maybe it won\'t. What can I do? Nothing!! I just keep being a fan and hope my team wins. |
The Extremes
I see your point that you can\'t do anything about it, but I still can\'t stand being 8-8. And I hope that it isn\'t even losing that gets some changes done. I hope Haslett gets busted for selling drugs to the FO. Then we can get somebody from the outside who realizes that what the Saints need is a change, to be more aggressive in Free Agency, and understands the weaknesses of our team as they truly are.
The Extremes
I count this as one of the most insightful threads for me to understand some perspectives different than mine.
My viewpoint is akin to TheDeuce. Billy\'s approach many times seems like blind faith or mindless optimism to me. The flip flopping views and endless cheerleading I do not relate to. I mean no offense or slam, just my perception. Maybe I can understand a bit more now after this thread though. Another 8-8 and no change IS preferable to some people over 4-12 with change. It is difficult for me to fathom but I am begining to see that take even if very different than my own. Cheer the team on, support the staff and ownership... no matter what. Hey, they were 15 teams worse than us last year. And if 5-11, there are still teams worse than us. 8-8 again and change regime, then we might end up worse. So how could one hope for change? I\'ll take the risk of change anyday over finding satisfaction in mediocrity. Am I quoting Lombardi correctly here?... \"Winning isn\'t the most important thing, it is the only thing.\" My take is a winning organization. Winning beyond the scoreboard. Get that right and the wins on the field will come. Those wins are the ultimate judgement eventually though. I won\'t be happy or satisfied until the Saints hold the Lombardi Trophy. Then it will all start over from scratch the next year. I could care less about the record unless it translates to a championship. 9-7, eeking into the playoffs, and being eliminated quickly will do as little for me as another 8-8 2nd place finish. Then also, 5-11 would bother me none if I had confidence that a winning organization was in place and operating. The Titans come to mind. Do I have one question about Jeff Fisher\'s ability because they were 5-11? Not at all. That is from proven quality. Yes, winning consistently but a quality beyond that too. I believe the wins come from that characteristic,not the characteristics come from the wins. Therein is the trouble with the current Saints. I do not see that essence. I see flashes of brilliance along with pathetic embarrassments. I see enough pure athletic and/or football talent that sustained quality of performance should be expected. To date however that has not happened. The fruit of this erratic team under Haslett is 42-38. After five years an identity is established. National press identifies this team as underachievers. As pointed out, Berman used the word goofy just this past Saturday. The focal point of this past season was the unconscionable backwards pass to a lineman. And rightly so! It typlified the frequent disarray of the team. I am reminded of going to Yankee Stadium. It is an intense experience! The fans are emotionally charged, vociferous to both opponents and their own. They (like many here) have a lot invested in their team- time, money, family, emotion. Many cheer with every fiber of their being. Likewise they experience the anguish of game losing errors. They voice their anguish. Not even Derek Jeter can blow a game and not incur the wrath of the fans. It isn\'t about not liking him. It is about winning. Never accepting anything less than maximum performance to reach that. Forgive my soapboxing, I\'m just trying to bridge some of the many differences in how different fans support this team. |
The Extremes
You enjoy the excitement of week 17 and you have a chance to get into the playoffs? You\'re a team that may just be on the verge of taking the next step? Because 3-13 teams usually need a few years to even approach being 8-8? |
The Extremes
The Extremes
The Extremes
I\'m actually kind of surprised to see Billy argue this point like he has.... and then again I\'m not.
Here\'s what I don\'t get: How can you use the argument - we\'ve had lots of high draft picks, coaching changes, etc. in the past and that hasn\'t helped, so what makes you think a change now or a high draft pick now will be any different? Then, when someone says, the Saints under Haslett haven\'t addressed LB, or played consistently, or shown that they can be anything other than average with \"Haslett\'s guys\", etc. so what makes you think this team will get better with the current staff, you come to the opposite conclusion. I guess it just boils down to what you have faith in. Some people have faith that the 5th time or the 6th or 7th will be the Charm for Haslett and this team. I don\'t. Haslett may be able to get us over the hump and into the playoffs, but I have serious reservations about this staff ever making us true contenders. To me, there is hope in change. A new staff, new coaches... who knows what they might be able to do with all this talent? I\'d like to see, b/c if nothing else, I\'ve seen what Haslett & Co. are capable of and I\'m not real impressed. Give someone else a shot. I fully believe that nothing great can ever be accomplished without taking great risk. Nothing wagered, nothing earned. Sure, a new staff might fail, and that would be fine with me. I wouldn\'t be happy, but I\'ll always prefer someone taking a shot and failing over complacancy. As Michael Jordan put it, \"I\'ve failed over and over, and that is why I\'ve succeeded.\" |
The Extremes
Did anyone see the Sam Mills piece on nfl network? I\'d say 70% of the highlights were Carolina. It\'s amazing how this franchise gets viewed even while in the middle of the pack for a few years. Does anyone think 1-15 would help this perception? It would just make it even easier to knock the Saints. Consider this: If it takes a 1-15 finish to tell this FO that the team is underachieving (vs 8-8), then you can\'t just blame the coach. I know that most everyone knows this, but when there is an organization wide acceptance of mediocrity, it\'s hard to move forward. Does any one really trust these guys to make a positive impact in the organization after 1-15 vs 8-8? I know that I don\'t. They\'d probably just snatch up McCarthy and give him his first shot at head coaching. As bad as it sucks, I have enjoyed watching a team with a real shot at the playoffs in weeks 15-17. I haven\'t enjoyed the end result, but I have enjoyed the ride. (Didn\'t someone recently liken Saints fandom to crack use?) During Haslett\'s tenure (which has been erratic as he11), the saints have been the 7th playoff seed for how many years? I\'m not saying that I accept that, just that when I\'m in the heat of the season pleasuring myself to the thought of a Saints playoff run, I can at least formulate a make believe scenario that will get us to the big game :) If we were 1-10 in week twelve, I would still watch. It would certainly be easier to laugh when Broooks throws one to the hot dog vendor, but I like the PROSPECT of meaningful football. I have that at 6-5 or 5-6. The mediocrity is maddening and I see where someone would say let\'s burn it all down. But....high draft picks don\'t always get it done, just ask the Bengals and Cards. When your FO is a major part of the problem, everything is an unknown and a complete rebuild might just put you right back where you started or worse. Having said all that, no playoffs in \'05 to me better mean no Haz in \'06. I would have loved to put Romeo in the HC slot this year. Talk of an extension for Haz before this year just makes no sense. Put up or get out. That goes for 8-8 or 1-15 :cool: |
The Extremes
WhoDat --
You think Haslett and co. need to go, right? Then why not start hoping for an 0-16 season RIGHT NOW?! You have very little faith in Haslett and co ... RIGHT? So, if ANYONE wished us to go 0-16 this year then they are just thinking about the best interest of the TEAM ... RIGHT? Afterall ... Haslett has had long enough and there\'s little reason to believe we are going to do much this year ... RIGHT? What kind of fan would I be if I wished the Saints to go 0-16 this year? Hey, I can guarantee you that if we did go 0-16 Haslett and co. would be fired. I could tell you going 0-16 is in the best interest of the team!! Do you want to go 0-16?????????? I could tell you guys to put your money where your mouth is and join me in hoping we go 0-16 this year. But I have a feeling folks would tell me I\'m being silly?! |
The Extremes
While I do love the Saints, I, like Who Dat, and Whodi believe that there is a sickness in the upper ranks that needs curing. I\'d like to see Loomis and the entire front office sacked and bring in someone who could work with Hazlett and make him the coach with front office support. Maybe we\'d see a difference on the field. If not, then HIT THE TRAIL, HAZ!! Flame Away!!! |
The Extremes
You\'re missing the point Billy. NO ONE is suggesting that they want the team to go 0-16. NO ONE. What people are suggesting is that the Saints need to get it together and put up a winning season that ends in playoffs.
However, if that isn\'t in the cards, I\'d rather this team stink than be 8-8 again. Can you distinguish the difference. I don\'t believe Haz & Co. will get it done but that doesn\'t mean I\'m rooting for them to fail. It\'s just the opposite. I want to be surprised. But if not, I\'d rather they bomb than do just enough yet again to stick around for another 8-8 season. You\'re making this into something that it isn\'t. Why do you fight so hard to show that Haslett and company can put us over the hump? They\'ve done little to support that outside of their first season (hen the players and staff were different). |
The Extremes
WhoDat --
I just don\'t get it, WhoDat. You\'ve stated over and over again that it isn\'t very likely Haslett will ever get us to the super bowl. IF you truly believe that, then if I were you, I would hope that we went 0-16 THIS year so we could finally move on and get another coach. For better or worse!! Why hope we lose the last 4 games last year and then support him at the beginning of the \'05 season? Because you HOPE Haslett can get it done this year? Well, I was HOPING we could squeak in the playoffs and make a run at the super bowl last year. Look at it this way WhoDat .. If we start the season off 8-0 and lose the last 8 games, then we\'ll still be 8-8 and Haslett will probably keep his job. It would be much better if we started out 0-8 then it\'s much more likely Haslett will finally be fired!! |
The Extremes
I think what myself and WhoDat have been trying to say is that we want this team to succeed above all else. I\'m pretty sure WhoDat would let me speak for him when I say that we both want very badly for the Saints to win every game they play this year. However, what I don\'t think you understand is that 8-8 is not good enough. Also, 8-8 has created a sense of complacency among the FO and Haz. They are so caught up in their own little world that they don\'t realize what needs to be done. They don\'t go out and make a difference in the FA market. They don\'t pull any trades to try and put us over the hump. They have sat still with their thumbs up their butts for the past years. THEY HAVE NO SENSE OF URGENCY. I think that is what this team is lacking, something that the great teams like the Patriots, Eagles, and other possess. You know what? That disgusts me. They think that they can just keep doing what they have been doing and things will start to go their way. Well guess what, it hasn\'t. That\'s why I believe things have to change. Teams have to be aggressive and be assertive in trying to reach their goals, not just sit back and hope it falls in their friggin laps. That\'s why the Eagles went after TO and the Patriots went and signed Corey Dillon. What have the Saints done? Nothing but say they believe in their team. Well that just shows ignorance and stupidity. The way things are obviously can\'t cut it. Things need to change. Sure it\'s risky, but you know what, if you never try, then you\'re never going to get better. The Eagles might not have made it over the hump if they hadn\'t gone out and taken some risks by signing TO and Trotter (?). They were not content with just getting to the NFC championship. Sure, for most teams that would be a great season, but they wanted to be better than that. THis is just the opposite of what the Saints have been doing, except the Saints can\'t even get to the playoffs. We are content with an 8-8 team because we \"won our last 4 games.\" The FO and Haz are leaving in a dream world. I said this in another thread but go back and look at those last four games that we won that the FO is so proud of and is so confident about that they feel we don\'t have to change anything. The Dallas game, which I attended, didn\'t go in the Saints direction until late in the 2nd half. Also, it was the Cowboys, and they sucked major arse last year. The Bucs game was a good one, but the Bucs were AWFUL last year. The Falcons didn\'t start theyre best players, so that\'s not saying much about how good we played. The Carolina actually was a good game, but it was just that, ONE game. I\'m tired of this complacency and this acceptance of mediocrity. So yes, if going 0-16 this year will bring some changes that can take us over the hump and get us to the playoffs in the next few years, then I\'m all for it. Does that make me a bad fan? NO, it makes me a smart fan, because any smart fan would be tired of 8-8 seasons and near playoff misses and being called goofy by perhaps the goofiest man alive and being known by the whole league as underachievers. I want this team to go 16-0 and win the Super Bowl, but I don\'t see this regime taking us there. We need change. Like WhoDat said, nothing risked, nothing gained. |
The Extremes
The Extremes
Well said TheDeuce, and you did it without attacking anyone.
The Extremes
Haha not bad for a college freshman huh?
The Extremes
TheDeuce -- (and anyone else that feels the same way)
I keeping hearing you and others suggest that we would have been better off losing the last 4-games so Haslett and Loomis would be fired. But ... then you same guys are rooting for Haslett and Loomis to take the Saints to the superbowl this year!! See ... last year you guys wanted us to lose because: \"it was in the best interest of the team!\" When, in fact, you really don\'t know if it would have been in the \"best interest of the team or not!\" The real truth is that some of you just want a change for better or worse. Some of you guys are just sick of Haslett and the stupid decisions they make. Yeah, you guys want the next Bill Belichick, but if there isn\'t one avaliable, then you just want SOMEbody else. Sound about right??? Last year some of you guys wanted us to lose the last 4-games. Why? Because it was in the \"best interest of the team!\" About 4-months ago, some of you wanted us to lose the rest of our games so Haslett and co. would be fired! And 4-months later, the same guys are pulling for Haslett to make it to the playoffs!! What a difference 4-months make!! You guys know Haslett can\'t coach. You guys know Mickey Loomis isn\'t going to get the free-agents you want. You guys know Rick Venturi can\'t coach a defense. Yet, you want them to have a winning season this year? Is that in the best interest of the team? Hey, we won a playoff game in 2000 with Haslett !! That bought 4 more seasons of 8-8. You guys want one more playoff win followed by 4 seasons of 8-8? Give me a break !!! HOPE FOR AN 0-16 SEASON !!! [Edited on 27/4/2005 by GumboBC] [Edited on 27/4/2005 by GumboBC] |
The Extremes
Enough!!!!! :furious:
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