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nola_swammi 07-12-2018 02:19 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy
Simple solution, stop beating and killing black Americans, then letting the offender not be prosecuted.

frydaddy 07-12-2018 07:26 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 805543)
Simple solution, stop beating and killing black Americans, then letting the offender not be prosecuted.

Insert huge exaggerated eye roll here.

rezburna 07-12-2018 07:30 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy
What’s more American than a union filing a grievance on behalf of its members? I thought that was the right way to do it. Maybe they should throw some tea in the ocean and actually go to war with those who oppose them. That message is well understood.

burningmetal 07-12-2018 07:34 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by nola_swammi (Post 805543)
Simple solution, stop beating and killing black Americans, then letting the offender not be prosecuted.

And, once again, your kind of ignorance and hyperbole is what's wrong with this whole situation.

There is no evidence of disproportionate prejudice towards blacks. The overwhelming problem within the "black community" is black on black crime. It's the people who get on television and spread lies with their cherry picking videos that cause divide. And the officers who shoot black men who are threatening them and who have KNOWN criminal records, that the media and black lives matter twist into being somehow the officers fault, that cause tension in this country.

It's because people like YOU who don't bother to look for evidence, but rather assume that everything is racism, and it's all about you, that make the word "racism" even a thing anymore. The word is meaningless now. It's just a thing people say when they don't like their lives and they want someone else to blame.

burningmetal 07-12-2018 07:38 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 805547)
What’s more American than a union filing a grievance on behalf of its members? I thought that was the right way to do it. Maybe they should throw some tea in the ocean and actually go to war with those who oppose them. That message is well understood.

There is nothing strictly American about a union, in general. Unions tend to hold people hostage for no other reason than the fact that they CAN, and it's how they get what they want. There is little integrity in any union. If you have a grievance, then show just cause. If you can't do that, then I don't owe you respect just because you believe it's your right to complain about any and everything.

rezburna 07-12-2018 07:54 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 805549)
There is nothing strictly American about a union, in general. Unions tend to hold people hostage for no other reason than the fact that they CAN, and it's how they get what they want. There is little integrity in any union. If you have a grievance, then show just cause. If you can't do that, then I don't owe you respect just because you believe it's your right to complain about any and everything.

Companies do the same. They have a grievance, and they’re attempting to show just cause for it. That’s the whole point of filing it. They DO have a right to do this just like you have a right to not like it. I find all the complaints about it to be disingenuous. People run around this country with Confederate entity that was directly opposed to the United States of much so that they went to war over it. But that’s cool though...that’s no disrespect to America/Americans. This though? Call the National Guard!! The inmates are on the loose!

rezburna 07-12-2018 08:01 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 805548)
And, once again, your kind of ignorance and hyperbole is what's wrong with this whole situation.

There is no evidence of disproportionate prejudice towards blacks. The overwhelming problem within the "black community" is black on black crime. It's the people who get on television and spread lies with their cherry picking videos that cause divide. And the officers who shoot black men who are threatening them and who have KNOWN criminal records, that the media and black lives matter twist into being somehow the officers fault, that cause tension in this country.

It's because people like YOU who don't bother to look for evidence, but rather assume that everything is racism, and it's all about you, that make the word "racism" even a thing anymore. The word is meaningless now. It's just a thing people say when they don't like their lives and they want someone else to blame.

There is ample evidence of disproportionate, aggressive, and unfair policing of Blacks. There are scholarly journals and research studies on the topic. If you go to Google and type in Google Scholar it’ll take you to a Google-driven search engine specifically used for research purposes. Peer review articles and journals galore. Empirical data and evidence in abundance. I use it to write my papers on racial healthcare disparities.

foreverfan 07-12-2018 10:23 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by Rugby Saint II (Post 805498)
OMG!!! This **** is still going on!?! Here we go one more time dammit! Freedom of speech is good but respect for those who gave their lives is also a good thing! It's a freakin' thugs message that no one understands! :bang:

So what are you saying? The NFL is over paid thugs? :rolleyes:

saintfan 07-12-2018 10:26 AM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy
There is a mountain of evidence to suggest (indicate) that black people are over-represented in the criminal justice system.

Full stop. Rezburna is 110% on target.

I don't line up with the "Company/Union" comparison and I disagree with the statement that the Confederate Flag directly opposed the United States of America. The water under these bridges is deep and swift, and so these kinds of blanket statements do a disservice to the debate. That's just what I think. Opinions vary.

Sawmmi's "Simple Solution" is rhetoric. I happen to agree that these kinds of statements and the mentality of those who make them are a significant road block to a peaceful end because it insinuates a view wherein it is okay to beat and kill a black american with the protection of law enforcement. There are no more slave patrols. Full stop.

Black people, on average, do not get the same level of presumed innocence that Whites or even Hispanics receive. No doubt racism plays a role, but so too does the mindset and actions of the suspects/victims. Where these factors merge, in my opinion anyway, is where the real debate needs to happen. Both sides have to recognize some responsibility, and I am not convinced either side is willing.

Back to topic - the NFL is stupid and could very easily correct the problem but flatly refuses because it is trying to protect its bottom line. Welcome to America...

CheramieIII 07-12-2018 01:10 PM

Re: NFL Players Association files grievance challenging national anthem policy

Originally Posted by SmashMouth (Post 805485)
The NFL Players Association filed a grievance with the league on Tuesday challenging its national anthem policy.

The union says that the new policy, which the league imposed without consultation with the NFLPA, is inconsistent with the collective bargaining agreement and infringes on players’ rights.

In May, the NFL approved its national anthem policy at its owners’ meetings in Atlanta. The policy allows players to protest during the national anthem by staying in the locker room, but forbids them from sitting or taking a knee if they’re on the field or the sidelines.

Teams will be subject to fines if players don’t comply and will have the option of punishing players.

When the league announced the policy, commissioner Roger Goodell called it a compromise aimed at putting the focus back on football after a tumultuous year in which television ratings dipped nearly 10 percent; some blamed the protests for such a drop. The union said at that time that it would file a grievance against any change in the collective bargaining agreement.

Read more on The Boston Globe


This should be the bargain. We pay you, you play, the fans watch us, we get paid, rinse and repeat. I say let them all strike again and see how much that helps them now. When teams can't afford to pay 20 million to some overrated running back then I guess they would be fine with a 15 million a year pay cut.

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