09-12-2018, 10:53 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Re: Roger Goodell, Saints players tour New Orleans' criminal justice system
Originally Posted by rezburna
Guido is a great guy.
Because he agrees with you? Lol. Get a room you two. I wasnt making a judgement of his character. I don't know him well enough to do so, I highly doubt you do either. I was simply pointing out the irony in his statement.
Anyway, I return to my original statement. Just don't commit crimes. Regardless of your color, gender, etc. Best way to avoid any possibility of bias. And before anyone tries to tell me I don't understand the struggle or some such BS, stop. I understand struggle better than most. I live paycheck to paycheck trying to support myself, my wife and our 7 children. I have no savings, no rainy day fund. When things go wrong, as they often do, I don't have the money to fix them. Currently there are a number of things in my home that need to be fixed, some not so serious, some quite serious. I can't afford to do anything about any of them. I live in an area where if you don't have a college degree (I don't) then your only option for making pretty good money is working offshore. Due to several physical conditions I suffer from, as well as an anxiety disorder that cripples me in other ways, working offshore isn't an option for me. The thought of doing something illegal to make some quick money crosses my mind more frequently than I care to admit. It's hard not to think about it. I look at my family, and I think of all the things they deserve that I can't provide and it makes me desperate. I look at all the broken **** in my house and think if I don't get something done about that soon its gonna get worse, and I get desperate. But for all my depression and desperation I have never, and will never let those thoughts become reality. As tempting as it is, and as easy as it would be to make money illegally, I refuse to allow myself to do any of it. So I don't feel sympathy for people who choose to break the law and then have to suffer the consequences. I have as much reason, and probably more to go down the same path, I choose not to.
Mais forte do que a morte