09-23-2018, 10:45 PM
Donated Plasma
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 18,556
Gleason Trolls The Failclowns
Either he was watching or someone alerted him to what happened, but Steve Gleason made sure to remind the Atlanta Falcons after Alex Okafor blocked a Matt Bosher punt midway through the third quarter of the New Orleans Saints' 43-37 overtime win. "Uhhh. Hey @AtlantaFalcons - #NeverPunt," Gleason tweeted.
It was Gleason who famously blocked Michael Koenen's punt in the Saints' first post-Hurricane Katrina game at the Superdome, and while this one did not have the same historic feeling, it did come at a big moment in this Week 3 contest, giving New Orleans great field position in a game it trailed 21-16 at the time.