12-05-2018, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Mandeville, LA
Posts: 38,479
Re: Urban Meyer to Saints?
Originally Posted by dam1953
It does seem a bit interesting that Meyer's periodic health concerns coincide with problems with his programs. When things start falling apart...he gets sick.
I fully expect that he'll take a couple of years to "recover". More likely, it'll be a couple of years for people to forget about the OSU mess....that the new coach will have to clean up. Then some school, desperate for a winning program, will hire him and the cycle will repeat. Seems like the only people who don't have to suffer the consequences of NCAA infractions, program chaos, etc. are the head coaches. They just move on and sign ever bigger contracts.
Originally Posted by 73Saint
I said exactly the same thing. Like a 3rd grader faking the flu bc of the bully at school!
Originally Posted by neugey
A motivational talk and some bonding with the Buckeyes Saints is cool, but yeah really Urban should just focus on his health.
But just how will he even afford to feed his children, the poor fellah?