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gulfgambler 01-22-2019 08:38 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
Please remove Gotohell's picture from this post!

The Dude 01-22-2019 09:46 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
A much bigger name is about to join in on that lawsuit. **** may wind up getting real.

Syntho 01-22-2019 10:00 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
Who is it?

WillMacKenzie 01-22-2019 10:02 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
One call, that’s all!

dskyyksd 01-22-2019 11:43 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by OldMaid (Post 836219)
Correct me if I am wrong.:confused:
I remember the Saints losing in a fair game in the mid 1980s, to gain a playoff game. It must have a wildcard chance .
It may have even been Bum Phillips as coach. Maybe Mora had jut started that year.
Anyway, the Dome was rocking. Saints were really winning. Police were out on horseback around the field. Like a minute or under , something like that, boom. Saints fairly lost.
I was there at that game.
I THINK :confused: they were playing the L.A.Rams.

That was 1983, the final game of the season. They lost to the Rams on a last second field goal. It would have been their first winning season ever and I think they also could have gotten into the playoffs, although they needed help. That was a very frustrating year. That team had talent, but Bum was a typical ultraconservative defensive coach who played not to lose way too many times. He never could get over the hump against the Steelers when he coached the Oilers and he couldn't get the Saints over the hump, either. Kenny Stabler was a shadow of his former self, which didn't help, either.

Now I'm having flashbacks of that year. Kenny Duckett dropped a touchdown pass that would have put away their first game against the Rams. Tough break, I liked Duckett. Instead, the Rams rode Eric Dickerson to the winning touchdown. The loss to the Cowboys was brutal. Kenny Stabler curled up in the fetal position and took a sack in the endzone that cost them the game. Then there's the final game against the Rams. They should have won at least 11 games that year.

I went back and checked. They would have clinched a wildcard spot if they had won that game. I remember it well. It was the last time I ever cried about the outcome of a football game. The winning season was more important to me than making the playoffs.

Now I just checked and read that Kenny Duckett died a long time ago of diabetes complications. It's probably something a lot of people on here knew. He was only 38. I knew he had diabetes, but I didn't know he was that sick.

st thomas 01-23-2019 12:01 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by dskyyksd (Post 836209)
I hear you. I've been watching them since '67, too. The Saints have a magical way of keeping us terrified of happiness. It's a unique DNA all its own.

Nice read I’m in this group I was at the very first saints game at 9 yrs old ,later caught a pass from Archie at Cajun field for burger chef promo I found this site the SB season in 09 still here saints fan thru n thru

TheOak 01-23-2019 04:46 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
There isn't any low road here unless someone wants money lol. Filing suit isn't dirty, and the same people calling this suit dirty wanted Vilma and all of those caught up in bounty-gate to take legal action. This is no loop hole (which do not exist by the way, only poor law/rule writing), or something underhanded...

Low road might even be asking for a win.. Nope. Put both teams at the spot of the foul, 1 and 10, 1:45 on the clock... Let the game play out as it should have.

Taking the high road is not turning ones eye at a wrong doing (there is another word for that), it is making a wrong right. Maybe it is because I am a combat vet and have zero qualms what so ever taking righteous action.

Furthermore, if there is a chance that this action will leave the league with such a bloody nose that they will endeavor to allow professional football to be played without any sort of manipulation then that is a virtuous action which will help restore the purity of the game.

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” ~ John Stuart Mill

TheOak 01-23-2019 04:53 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by 73Saint (Post 836156)
Hey look, I think those are bad looks too. But cmon man, your telling me those bad calls don't go our way sometimes? Those bad calls work for and against everyone at some point.

So, yeah, Frank D'Amico filing a lawsuit for public gain is a bad look for me. And also, I was brought up to believe that you don't counter a "bad look" with another one. Take the high road and leave that for the bottom feeders.

Not a bad/missed call at all. Its an intentional manipulation of the outcome of the game for entertainment/marketing purposes.

darksoul35 01-23-2019 07:16 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 836152)
Bad look? Nahhhh, a bad look is the c0cksuck3r in the OP calling Sean Payton to apologize but never publicly apologizing to the New Orleans Saints fan-base. A bad look is openly admitting that you know something was wrong and having the power to make it right but sitting on your d1ckbeaters. A bad look is slamming a team for a 'safety issue' then allowing a no-call on a 'safety issue'.. There are a lot of bad looks about this, I dont see filing suit as one of them.

I am tired of my team being the leagues abuse doll.

I almost had my hatred of Roger under control but after reading this I want to beat the bi%$* out of him again.

vpheughan 01-23-2019 07:27 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
In that 1983 Rams game the Saints had a strong accurate kicker named Morten. Conservative Bum elected to punt instead of kicking a long field goal that would have forced the Rams to score a TD to win. Instead he punted. The rest they say is history. Mike Lansford a bare foot kicker if memory serves me correctly "Picked out a drunk fan between the uprights and kicked it through"

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