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SaintsBro 01-23-2019 09:08 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
Winning the lawsuit is not important. Getting any positive results from the lawsuit is not important. What is important is that lawsuits are literally the only language you can speak, that a big corporation like the NFL will actually understand. Our society is so messed up these days, this is how you actually communicate with a large corporation. Through a lawsuit. I'm so glad this guy is suing, because it is allowing people to SPEAK, it is opening up the communication, from voices that otherwise the league would ignore and sweep under the rug and NEVER hear from. I say, let the lawsuit move forward, let it speak its piece, let the courts or the judge decide, let's see where it all goes. This is the only way the NFL will ever understand anything. And in theory the discovery portion of this lawsuit could potentially eventually reveal information to the world, about the NFL that otherwise would be buried and hidden from the light. So I think it's great that no matter what happens, in some fashion the league will be forced to respond to it. But again, this is the only language that a business like the NFL will actually understand.

Rell&Gold 01-23-2019 09:44 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
What I don't like is the people who say, 'regardless of the call Saints had early opportunities to capitalize on and they didn't blah blah blah" ANYTHING that happened prior to that non-call DOESN'T MATTER the team shooting itself in the foot has ABSOLUTELY ZERO to do with the NFL missing a game changing call. Correction* Not calling a game changing call, there's a difference

burningmetal 01-23-2019 09:51 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 836264)
There isn't any low road here unless someone wants money lol. Filing suit isn't dirty, and the same people calling this suit dirty wanted Vilma and all of those caught up in bounty-gate to take legal action. This is no loop hole (which do not exist by the way, only poor law/rule writing), or something underhanded...

Low road might even be asking for a win.. Nope. Put both teams at the spot of the foul, 1 and 10, 1:45 on the clock... Let the game play out as it should have.

Taking the high road is not turning ones eye at a wrong doing (there is another word for that), it is making a wrong right. Maybe it is because I am a combat vet and have zero qualms what so ever taking righteous action.

Furthermore, if there is a chance that this action will leave the league with such a bloody nose that they will endeavor to allow professional football to be played without any sort of manipulation then that is a virtuous action which will help restore the purity of the game.

“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.” ~ John Stuart Mill

I'm not sure how being a combat vet would cause anyone to have no qualms about righteous action. If you're fighting an enemy of your country, there isn't anything unrighteous about that, no matter what snow flakes out there might think.

But I agree, the right thing to do here is to go back to the point of the foul (or would-be foul), and pick it up from there. I don't know what makes anyone think that would be a low road.

There are low roads, for sure. Threatening people, for instance. You don't want to stoop to that level to get what you want. But, in this case, it's just a matter of exercising a rule that is already in existence (though, never used), and righting a wrong. It wasn't a close play. It wasn't "human error". It was so obvious that it HAD to be deliberate. If it wasn't, then that ref is completely incompetent. In either case, this is an extenuating circumstance that should call for the commissioner to finally exercise his
ability to make something right. If this isn't the right time for it, then the rule shouldn't even exist.

Rell&Gold 01-23-2019 09:52 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell
WOW he told him in "anger" almost "HEY,..I said no penalty" SMH it's sad I will ALWAYS be a Saints fan, BUT never could I support the NFL and it's manipulation of the game and their poor accountability

Rell&Gold 01-23-2019 09:53 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 836292)
I'm not sure how being a combat vet would cause anyone to have no qualms about righteous action. If you're fighting an enemy of your country, there isn't anything unrighteous about that, no matter what snow flakes out there might think.

But I agree, the right thing to do here is to go back to the point of the foul (or would-be foul), and pick it up from there. I don't know what makes anyone think that would be a low road.

There are low roads, for sure. Threatening people, for instance. You don't want to stoop to that level to get what you want. But, in this case, it's just a matter of exercising a rule that is already in existence (though, never used), and righting a wrong. It wasn't a close play. It wasn't "human error". It was so obvious that it HAD to be deliberate. If it wasn't, then that ref is completely incompetent. In either case, this is an extenuating circumstance that should call for the commissioner to finally exercise his
ability to make something right. If this isn't the right time for it, then the rule shouldn't even exist.


vpheughan 01-23-2019 10:58 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

73Saint 01-23-2019 11:13 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by vpheughan (Post 836308)

No thanks.

blackangold 01-23-2019 11:33 AM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 836266)
Not a bad/missed call at all. Its an intentional manipulation of the outcome of the game for entertainment/marketing purposes.

Hadn't seen this before, but it deserves more attention. I was never on the bandwagon of the game being 'fixed'... but I am not sure how much more evidence you would need. The official is telling his colleague (who saw it as PI) to not throw the flag.

TheOak 01-23-2019 12:06 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 836292)
I'm not sure how being a combat vet would cause anyone to have no qualms about righteous action. If you're fighting an enemy of your country, there isn't anything unrighteous about that, no matter what snow flakes out there might think.

To civilians it can be just that clear. To the combatant it can be anything but... and that has absolutely nothing to do with snow flakes or anyone else's opinion. It has everything to do with the face in the mirror, the realization in the dead silence of night that comes to a 19 year old that there are mothers, wives and children that will forever have their lives changed by one action.

PTSD doesn't just come from things done to a person, it also comes from things a person has done as well.

Civilization subjectively rationalizes reasons and circumstances that make killing and stealing okay to do... doesn't make it so.

burningmetal 01-23-2019 06:49 PM

Re: Frank D'Amico files lawsuit against Goodell

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 836321)
To civilians it can be just that clear. To the combatant it can be anything but... and that has absolutely nothing to do with snow flakes or anyone else's opinion. It has everything to do with the face in the mirror, the realization in the dead silence of night that comes to a 19 year old that there are mothers, wives and children that will forever have their lives changed by one action.

PTSD doesn't just come from things done to a person, it also comes from things a person has done as well.

Civilization subjectively rationalizes reasons and circumstances that make killing and stealing okay to do... doesn't make it so.

Listen, buddy, I'm on your side on this one. And this might shock you, but one doesn't necessarily have to be a combat veteran to understand the implications of taking another's life. Sometimes I think non "civilians" can be just as ignorant of other people's comprehension of battle as they assume we are of theirs.

I'm not attempting, in any way, to marginalize or over simplify the fallout of war on a veterans life. What I am saying is simply that if you are fighting for the freedom of your country, that is a righteous cause. Sometimes, tragic things happen in the process. I get that. I said it was a righteous cause, not a glamorous and perfect one. Because on the flip side of those wives, mothers and children of your enemies being effected, is that if you don't eliminate the enemy, it will be your family who will suffer.

I realize that criminals can rationalize things in their own minds to make themselves think it's ok. But those kinds of people aren't actually rational, are they? When someone is threatening your citizens, there is nothing to rationalize. It's very simple: You take them out. There is no fine line there.

And those who say otherwise are snowflakes. They concern themselves with the ugliness of war, without bothering to think about the consequences of leaving our enemies unchecked. They live in a fantasy world, where they believe that you can just go in and neatly pluck out the bad guys, and poof, everything is fine. If a soldier takes a life of a non combatant civilian, intentionally, then that is murder. But that's not the righteous cause I'm speaking of, obviously.

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